Posted on 08/08/2022 7:34:23 PM PDT by Hostage
Contact your Sheriff immediately!
Understand this:
2. Sheriffs have the power to deputize citizens, that means you and me.
3. Sheriffs have the authority to have deputies armed.
4. Sheriffs can launch investigations and have you as deputy, badged and armed, stand watch.
No need to take up arms without authority.
Sheriffs are elected, need to hear from you starting right now.
Aug 08, 2022, 22:22
Days after President Trump’s speech calling for the Next President to Purge Thousands of Gov’t Bureaucrats this!
I do not believe in coincidences. This is a Deep State shot across the bow. An intimidation tactic meant to send a message. That message is, that the Bureaucracy is Entrenched. Presidents come and go. We are here to stay. They are asserting unConstitutional Authority they have assumed incrementally over the decades while the people were complacent and asleep at the wheel.
We as a country are at the precipice. We are on the verge of a Totalitarian State. The exact thing our Founding Fathers warned us about.
Were you able to get on Truth? I just get a blank page on both Truth and Getter.
Deo Vindice !!!
Yes. Keep checking. The dribbling in is necessary. Don’t give up.
The highest and most powerful ELECTED law enforcement official in the country.
I can convey a little incident that my cousin had with the feds back in the 70s. He was a sheriff of a county in NE Wisconsin.
I guess too many people are hitting it all at once.
Sheriffs do not have to enforce federal law, but they do not have the authority to arrest federal agents for enforcing federal law.
They most certainly can arrest on any reasonable probable cause raised by a citizen.
The issue of enforcing law can be adjudicated, subject to discovery.
Actions by federal agents UNDER COLOR OF LAW are not immune to sheriffs arrest.
Ultimately, the courts will decide if arrest was proper, and that will occur after both sides have said their piece.
They the authority if they have over whelming force.
My bank account is set up to send a check to our state sheriff association.
I am going to double it tomorrow.
I believe all sheriffs swear to uphold the constitution. I don’t think Police necessarily do depending on the local regulations.
“Sheriffs do not have to enforce federal law, but they do not have the authority to arrest federal agents for enforcing federal law.”
You’re half right. If the feds are enforcing federal law, sheriff’s cannot interfere. If the feds are enforcing illegal diktats and harming citizens, the feds can be designated as terrorists under a state’s anti-Klan law and arrested.
Then we get into a pissing contest over the issues of sovereignty and qualified immunity.
The real problem for the feds is that they don’t want to get their hands dirty and rely on assistance from state and local authorities to carry out federal operations. If the state refuses to help, that means the feds have zero assistance or back-up in carrying out any operation.
I am a supporter of and 'posse member' of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association:
I drive around with stacks of Sheriff Macks books, like:
and pass them out to every law enforcement officer I meet. and make sure that every sheriff candidate in my and surrounding counties gets a copy during their campaign.
But in the end, I'm afraid it is up to us to resist, and just hope like hell that our sheriff is like minded.
Read the letter Eric Schmitt of MO wrote to to Chris Wray telling him to EFF himself and he’s not getting gun registration information.
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