Government hasn’t failed.
American Black culture has. Now some of that is the fault of racism - but the largest amount of it is the same people that sold their own race into slavery.
‘More’ laws usually leads to a decay in trusting the government to do the ‘right’ thing. Romans learned it, and at least a hundred different cultures since then have learned the same thing.
‘Government failed’.. As if its goal is supposed to be a solution? And this is from a supposed conservative site? Weird.
I think it was Tacitus who said: "People will abide bad times, but good times test one's character more keenly." (i.e. times of ease and plenty lead to decadence)
The WWII generation was toughened by growing up in the Great Depression, whose hardships also fostered the religious revivals of that time. I doubt any of the generations that came after could have won that war.
You can’t legislate morality. Its been tried over and over and it always fails.
Now, leftists blur the lines even further by saying morality is fluid. Your morality isn’t my morality, etc.
Our social contract has 2 parts: what you expect from society and what society expects from you. The second part is failing badly.
Your culture comes from the qualities you uphold as virtues.
Does your culture hold education, keeping promises even when difficult, and working hard to support your family as its senior virtues? Then your society will prosper.
Does your culture glorify violence, being the most fearsome predator, and how many “ho’s” you can impregnate? Then you will have violent, crime ridden, and poor society.
“Horace wrote ... ‘Laws are vain when hearts remain unchanged.’”
I’ve always said that outlawing abortion will do no good; people’s hearts have to be changed before it can end.
I’m more than a little tired of this whole Blacks-as-Victims shtick. I know what the real problem is - and it ain’t Whitey.
Government’s only legitimate job is to do only the things which the private sector cannot—police, infrastructure, military. Anything over and above that and instead of a solution it becomes an intolerable problem.
The most radical of blacks are fine with being swept from the face of the earth, as long as they can take the white man with them.
It’s crazy.
In 1960 about 60 percent of blacks owned their own businesses. 80 plus percent were two-thirds person families. Blacks were closing in on income equality. Then came the Great Society. Half a century of give a ways, set asides, and legalized advantages destroyed black families and drove millions of blacks into poverty. Now we no longer expect black progress, we simply make excuses for their failures. If I were a black American I’d be ashamed of my race.
I know a BLM group leader. He's a white socialist. Blacks who follow these groups have absolutely no clue about how bad he is reaming them.
At a gathering a few months ago, he was training his daughter on how to pressure defunding police in high crime areas and reroute the money.
"Oh, you get better protection if it goes towards..." and they would go on and on about how much better things would be.
He is a sad, pathetic ruin of a man but he will do as much damage as he can before he is gone.
Corey Brooks - FoxNews video at YouTube
Black is a political construct developed to create homogeneity where there is diversity.
At the root is the fact that in equality is the result of inequality.
Progress ends at the margin of the African Heritage minority minority and the mainstream Black minority
“Government has simply failed …” he said.
No, Pastor. These programs worked exactly as they were intended to. They trapped “your people” into a generational cycle of bondage more effectively than any chains or Jim Crow laws ever could.
And, if it’s even possible, it will take generations to repair the damage.
Government had every interest in, and tried to fix it. Black culture resisted every effort-rejecting the needed cultural changes as "acting white". They did it to themselves.
Government is commonly the cause and rarely the solution.
Blacks never fail. Per the media TV. Hollyweird. And politicians
Perfect people, but for Whitey
The focus on the black communities is misplaced. The real source of our society unraveling is a concerted effort by the triumphant “long march through the institutions” by cultural marxists. It is no coincidence that socializing forces have all, and rather suddenly, fallen into the chaotic mix of identitariansim, systemic racism theory, gender politics, disintegration of support for Christian morality in the churches themselves, educational incoherence, denial of truth in favor of “meaning,” and the ongoing campaign to replace the family with the state.
The black community has been the most vulnerable and the demographic that has been preyed upon first and worst. Not by accident that they are the first to
fall apart. Their leadership didn’t see this coming, because it was well disguised by white liberals, who pretend to be on their side. They may have been obtuse in retrospect but in reality they are the victims of a campaign which has nothing to do with racial justice.
They have a moral problem. Fatherlessness
The truth be said it’s a result of not manning up for ones actions and yet requests respect from others.