Posted on 12/24/2021 12:14:01 PM PST by Kaslin
It’s pretty common that when a sick person is dying, especially from a psychiatric disorder, they get spurts of life that can fool you into believing they’re getting back to normal. But what looks like signs of life can be deceiving. When sickness declines to a slow death, terminal lucidity, agonal breathing, and the Lazarus reflex become signs that death is imminent.
Terminal lucidity, first described in 1833, is an unexpected return of mental clarity to a person who’s been gone, sometimes, for years. Agonal breathing looks like real breathing but are the last gasps of a dying brain – a sign that the heart has stopped beating. The Lazarus reflex comes when artificial ventilation has been turned off and the person is declared brain dead. They’re able to slowly raise and lower their arms. Their knee jerks if you tap it with a rubber reflex hammer. And their face, toes, and legs twitch.
Democrat leaders have long pulled the plug on the old party. It’s dead. The hopeful twitch we’re seeing with Sen. Joe Manchin is just a Lazarus reflex. Woke blood now flows through the party’s veins. They’ve been infiltrating that sick party for years but, with Biden’s fraudulent election, 2020 was their revolutionary year. They’ve overtaken the party’s disembodied corpse to kill American traditions, dismantle American institutions, and choke off that wellspring of vitality and ingenuity in the country’s soul that we call “the American Spirit.”
It’s working, for now. In the long? Impossible. America is fighting the strangest war of its history: We just want to get back to normal. But leftists won’t just let that happen because they’re intoxicated from the smell of blood in the water, and they’re hooked now. They’re seated at centers of power in every American institution and, for the first time, they feel alive.
So you can call it what you want but the Democrat party, today, is America’s Socialist Party. We don’t need statistics. We don’t need more evidence. We don’t need an announce from some expert. It’s all in plain sight.
Consider Sen. Richard Blumenthal, the man who tried to defang the Insurrection Act of 1807 to keep Trump from stopping rioting and looting in 2020. Blumenthal spoke at a recruiting event for outright communists recently, then denied that he knew about it. But it’s all on tape. Lisa Bergmann and Ben McManus, who invited him, emceed the event.
“If you are not already part of the Communist Party,” Bergmann said just before introducing Blumenthal, we invite you to participate and contribute and join.”
After Blumenthal’s speech, McManus urged attendees to “join the Communist Party in this epic time as we make good trouble to uproot systemic racism, retool the war economy, tax the rich, address climate change, secure voting rights, and create a new socialist system that puts people, peace, and planet before profits.”
So as the party’s fringe are let loose to demand the moon (or else) and to spark fires of hatred and division all over the country, Democrats are actively, willfully, and strategically brain dead. As Americans lose their freedoms, their livelihoods, their country, and their lives by the tens of thousands, calloused Democrat leaders – in a Faustian bargain for money, popularity, and power – give aid and comfort to socialists, Marxists, communists, globalists, and useful idiots who are committed to making the country unrecognizable. In their eyes, like all tyrants, the inhumane means are justified by the superhuman end, as journalist Walter Lippmann once put it. “… the harder they try to make earth into heaven,” he wrote, “the more they make it a hell.”
This is what the 2,100-page, $2 trillion Build Back Better monstrosity is all about: A shortcut, at the nation’s expense, to create their version of “heaven” on Earth – by any means necessary. They advertised the cost at $2 trillion but the CBO calculated the real cost at $4.5 trillion. Bernie Sanders wanted $6 trillion.
“My Democratic colleagues in Washington are determined to dramatically reshape our society in a way that leaves our country even more vulnerable to the threats we face,” Manchin wrote, Dec. 19. “I cannot take that risk with a staggering debt of more than $29 trillion and inflation taxes that are real and harmful to every hard-working American at the gasoline pumps, grocery stores and utility bills with no end in sight.”
The left went nuts.
Lenard Larry McKelvey (a.k.a. “Charlamagne Tha God”) to Kamala Harris: “I want to know who the real president of this country is. Is it Joe Biden or Joe Manchin?”
Rep. Jamaal Bowman: “It’s tremendously frustrating for me as a black man in America because once again, it’s an example of Joe Manchin as a white man showing that he doesn’t care about black people, he doesn’t care about Latinos, he doesn’t care about immigrants, he doesn’t care about women, and he doesn’t care about the poor.”
Bette Midler: “He sold us out. He wants us all to be just like his state, West Virginia. Poor, illiterate and strung out.”
Ilhan Omar: “We all knew that Senator Manchin couldn’t be trusted. … The excuses that he just made, I think, are complete bulls**t.”
Manchin did not down. Major kudos. But it’s not going to be enough to stop the political Frankenstein his party has created.
Republicans fall short, too. Even the ones who fight. With the fraudulent election, the COVID mandates, the jailing of political opponents, the Afghanistan debacle, inflation, illegal immigration and massive spending, gentile Republicans have been caught flat-footed by the barbaric audacity of their opponents.
They’ve set America on fire. This is an emergency! America needs political firefighters with sirens screaming and air horns blaring who run lights, speed through stop signs, and drive in the middle of roads through heavy traffic to gush as much water as needed to put the fire out. It’s spreading.
Unfortunately, Joe Manchin and the Republicans are hitchhiking to the emergency, politely abiding by traffic laws, then arriving to the fire – too late – only to pee on the inferno. Kudos. Right idea. But when you’re dealing with psychopathic pyromaniacs, it won’t get the job done.
They need to realize that the old Democrat party is dead. Want proof? Joe Biden. The death rattles are deafening. He’s the living, breathing embodiment of what the party has become: a hollow, desperate shell of itself who’s transformed the party into a Trojan Horse filled with rabid anti-American socialists chomping at the bit to destroy the country as we know it.
I have no clue how a man like Manchin can stay in such a brain dead party.
Wishful thinking. They have the House, Senate and the WH. Don’t deceive yourselves. It may be by a thread but they stick together Mancin not withstanding. Then there’s the Testers who vote left but talk moderate. Oz may be one that’s good at that game but his direction unknown.
Sorry, but I don’t think the Democrat party is dying; it’s getting stronger, more communist, more totalitarian.
Cheery and uplifting for Christmas Eve!
Democrat leaders have long pulled the plug on the old party, die hard rats of yesteryear just cant give them up
At the very end there’s an erection and the bowels cut loose. Make of it what you will.
“I have no clue how a man like Manchin can stay in such a brain dead party.”
Because he doesn’t agree with the author of this piece. Nor in truth, do I. Oh I think he gets the premises correct. Just not the conclusions.
Yeah. The ‘rat party has been taken over by the loons. And? I was saying that right here on this forum 10 plus years ago. So what? The question is what to do. And now that conservatives have unwisely tied their fates to the corrupt and useless gop, we’re pretty well screwed. We will never retake the leftist cesspits of the east and west coast. It’s over. What we can do, though, is learn from our mistakes and ensure that a conservative CULTURE prevails. And we can get our own people away from the cesspits while they still can.
Article isn’t useful. A party is not a person so it’s not productive to compare them.
That “terminal lucidity” is fascinating. Wonder if it can ever be expanded or improved upon by medical science someday.
After declining and being close to death with almost no recognition of relatives, the person does things like talking about the children and grandchildren, advising on settlement of the estate, giving instructions about returning borrowed items and talking about their actual condition. Then after some hours or sometimes days or weeks, they die. Varies.
I think it depends on whether or not we can muster up enough poll watchers in 2022 to ensure legitimate elections. I’m quite certain they have been using voter fraud to get their fellow communists elected since at least 1982. That’s 40 years of fraudulent elections. It has reached critical mass and it’s about what we do, not what they do.
Schumer still is majority leader and is controlling the floor agenda. Manchin still allows this to happen. He is the reason a bill like this could even be talked about. If he truly wanted to stop this sort of thing from happening, he could de-caucus from the Dems even if he doesn’t want to join the Republicans.
“I have no clue how a man like Manchin can stay in such a brain dead party.”
Manchin is an opportunist. If the Repub’s take control next year I bet Manchin will come knocking asking to switch parties. He will then be another unreliable “swing vote” to the party, along with Murkowski, Collins and Romney. He would be out there on the news circuit grandstanding whenever a critical vote is coming up, and holding out to the highest bidder.
You’re giving Manchin too much credit. In the end, he’ll cave in along with a few assistant democrats.
And the GOP is still willing to cut deals with these scumbags, so that tells you all you need to know about the GOP.
My parents were Republican poll watchers in the 1960’s. Some precincts were rife with fraud then. Where we live there were virtually no Republicans at that time so the Democrats cheated against each other.
The “dying” party didn’t do too bad with getting both houses of Congress and the WH. All with the cooperation of RINO-controlled state legislatures.
Manchin is a political chameleon. He has no real principles and only takes positions of convenience that keep him in his seat. He will never leave the Democrat Party.
And don't be deceived by the Democrat Party. Its got wacky ideas and may be having some internal conflicts right now but by and large they are are a more determined and savvy lot than the hapless Republicans. The Democrats stay on offense and fight for what they want. The GOP only plays defense and has no idea where its going or what its doing.
Agree. Its rallying around the socialist/communist ideals that it believes in.
Schumer still is majority leader and is controlling the floor agenda.
And he will still be the de facto leader if the Repukes regain control of the senate. They are weak and will dance to his tune. The Dems run the show whether they are in the majority or not. Because Republicans let them.
Lazarus reflex. When my father was in the nursing home I saw people who would raise their arms to shoulder height while asleep in their wheelchairs.
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