The plandemic was never about the virus. It was always about an excuse to forcibly inject you with poison because there are too many people cluttering up the landscape for the Bilderberg Group and they want to thin the herd.
Tell that to the grieving mothers you sickos
The Astra-Zeneca vaccine is simply not as effective as Pfizer or Moderna. Also have doubts about J&J.
W h a t t t... “effective but imperfect jab’... The devil of course is in the details.
These DNA operating systems are NOT vaccines. They do NOT produce immunity in recipients after injections by force, shame, or financial lure.
These DNA operating systems do not stop spread of any virus from the recipient to other uninfected people. In fact, the injected make spread unwanted spike proteins and other bioweapon parts.
These DNA operating systems are NOT approved, but are experimental only available due to Emergency Use Authorization.
These DNA operating systems being a dangerous experiment is not given in an taken informed consent, but is disclosed as an experiment in a liability waivers in the small print.
ANY such Emergency Use Authorization is not legal, because other actual cures already exist (HCQ, Ivermectin, and others). This is NOT discussed in any taken informed consent.
These DNA operating systems are NOT effective and are not safe.
These DNA operating systems have problematic long term problems. blood banks are refusing blood from those whose DNA is now changed. Emboli, cardiopathies, kuru and Steven-Johnson dermatolyses have appeared and are not even reported, or data taken by CDC,etc. anymore.
Nothing like hoodwinking the People of th eUK.
Ivermectin Drug Therapy is your friend:
The health Alliance Prophylaxis Protocol calls for Ivermectin, Zinc and Quercetin.
Apparently the Zinc allows the Ivermectin to bind with the Stick protein on the Virus itself.
Source for Ivermectin:
Upfront saying ‘I don’t know’. But remember listening to virologists months ago auguring that the vaccines, while good for the initial virus will actually be detrimental for other corona viruses or variants if contracted after the injections. Hope these types of stories popping up of late do not indicate their hypotheses were correct - truly. This garbage just needs to be done.
“Don’t think of this as a bad sign”
NOTE: The Guardian has this under the heading of “news” and not OPINION.
RE: “Study shows 29% of the 42 people who have died after catching the new strain had BOTH vaccinations.
First question, the vaccine aside, did Covid kill them or did they have other conditions?
Some possibilities:
1) Covid killed them
2) They had morbid conditions and they died because of these.
3) The vaccine killed them
...because they don’t want zombies walking around with the Covid.
It doesn't do what it's supposed to and it may kill you...aside from that, how did you like the play, Mrs Lincoln?
"The linked document is from the website, and was published by SPI-M-O on the 31st of March. It states on page 10 paragraph 32 of the expected roadmap out of lockdown, that they anticipate a 3rd wave of infections in August. It also states that they expect 60-70% of the expected hospital admissions and DEATHS to come from those who have had both vaccinations.If this isn’t proof for anybody that the vaccines are intended for genocide then I don’t know what is.Here is the link to the published analysis
Research and analysis
SPI-M-O: Summary of further modelling of easing restrictions – Roadmap Step 2, 31 March 2021"
I listened to the inventor of the mRNA technology on the podcast Dark Horse. According to him, and I’m taking license here, but I’ll link to the podcast. We don’t know that the vaccine is safe. We don’t know for certain that it is unsafe. But we are vaccinating millions of people with little regard to the bad reactions, some of which would have resulted in another drug being withdrawn. The data simply isn’t there to justify the level of risk our society is taking.
My take from following the podcast is that the vaccines are teaching our immune system to recognize only the variant the vaccine was made for. When a new variant comes along, it triggers the immune system to manufacture a virus attack vector that is inappropriate. But having learned what to do, the immune system exhausts itself making the wrong thing to fight the new virus variant. Thus, the vaccine protects initially, but cause harm later.
If that’s the case, we’ll see a lot of people desperately trying to justify the position they took earlier by discrediting any opposing theory. They’ll do this until everyone vaccinated dies.
rolling-it-back rationalization technique in effect
you have to have it
its totally safe
you’ll be fine
its been fully tested
we’re going to mandate so you may as well take it else you’ll be cut out from society, jobs, going into stores, etc
...oh hes dead...?
well we never said it wasn’t without risk...death was always a possibility, he knew the risks, it was experimental, after all, he voluntarily took it