Posted on 05/26/2021 5:54:51 AM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, on Tuesday’s “The Last Word,” said that 53% of Republicans failed “a basic mental competency test question,” which is who is the president of the United States” because they think Donald Trump won the 2020 election.
Discussing new Texas election legislation, Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) said, “It’s very much a naked power grab. Also, if you look at the leadership in Texas, Lawrence, it very much is out of sync with the population of Texas. Texas is an incredibly diverse state, and the Republican leadership in Texas is not. It’s very sad to say, but I think it’s true that it is a lot of Republican White males that are trying to hang on to power. They’re trying to do everything that they can in a diversifying state to do that.”
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Lawrence O’Donnell — Poster boy lefty MSM minion of Satan.
The big question is who is wasting precious life watching these filthy buggerers? Turn them off!
Didn’t President Trump take one?
Where’s CornPop’s?
Hell, for that matter, where’s Harris’? She’s dumber than a box of rocks. Her giggle is a tell tale sign that she has no clue.
Go ahead and say whatever you want.
No one but the mentally ill, brainwashed and profoundly stupid watch (as Rush would say) PMS-NBC.
Pretty sure Lawrence didn’t read The Navarro Report.
MSNBC is so yesterday.
100% of liberals fail a basic mental competency test.. that is you have a penis, you are a MAN!
How did dementia Biden do?
More Hispanics voted for Trump in Texas than did not. Same for Abbott, so I guess in Castros world those folks are white supremacists.
That headline offends me. Mainly because only 53% of Republicans think Trump won. That number should be way higher. Because Trump did win.
Fair audits in ALL of the battleground states would prove this. Unfortunately, those on the left will prevent such a thing from happening.
So says a miserable petty liberal piece of racist sh*t who reads a teleprompter for a living. These fvktards really think that no person other than the white man could possibly be a Republican or Conservative. The left wants Texas bad. They are gunning for it.
Leftist ideals at their core: no dissent is allowed, no alternative opinion is to be considered, conform or we will apply pressure until you do.
Are you lib lurkers out there getting it yet? The left has nothing to do with actual acceptance, tolerance, diversity, etc. These are all lies and smoke screens. The left demands obedience and conformance to their agenda. Completely.
MSNBC itself survives on a rage fueled core audience. It is not news. It’s hate. However, partly I blame Breitbart for ginning up rage-clickbait articles like this. This is cheap journalism.
If enough people ignore MSNBC, and their audience *is* dying, then it will eventually expire. The other effective alternative is to contact any of MSNBC’s sponsors. Sponsors generally don’t like controversy, especially if they are challenged (”Why do you advertise on XYZ whenXYZ supports terrorist organizations like Hamas?”)
How heavy did they oversample Dems in the poll?
1/3rd of Democrats also believe that Trump won.
I don’t believe Trump won. Biden won. But I do believe that hundreds of thousands of votes were manufactured. The only question is not “did it happen”. Of course it happened. The election results are statistically absurd.
The only real question that needs to be answered, with that answer backed up by solid evidence is this: How did they do it.
I use this analogy: The money has been stolen. The bank vault is empty. It is absurd to say that since we don’t know how they did it (yet) that the money must not have been stolen.
Trump got more legal votes. But the election results will not be reversed by uncovering all the illegalities and discovering that Trump had, indeed, won. The only recourse left is to make sure the NEXT election is conducted in a fair, honest and transparent way, every LEGAL vote counted, and fraudulent or illegal votes are not included.
In 1960, Nixon won that election, but last-minute vote totals from some precincts in Chicago tipped the Illinois vote to Kennedy, and a similar last-minute surge of votes from southwest Texas also tilted those electoral votes. Yet Kennedy served until his assassination, which curiously enough, happened in Texas, making LBJ President. That was ALWAYS a little suspicious in my mind.
Wow, if you didn’t post this ,nobody would know what he said.
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