They did that in Cambodia. we’re next.
What nobody wants to admit publically is that if students were held to standards as they were a half-century ago or more, over half would fail, and would never get a diploma.
Because the NEA wasn’t churning out ignorant students fast enough.
Although I tend to think government schools do a terrible job of socializing kids, the isolation is not good either.
Young kids (2-4) need to learn to play with other kids. If they do not learn at that age, it may cripple them. Dr. Jordan Peterson has spoken about this. Keeping very young kids locked in their house means they miss an opportunity they can never get back. That could really cost them.
Also, everyone has stories about how horrible High School was. I have no real intention of defending the typical High School experience. But teenagers also need to learn to navigate the social environment. Getting locked in your house can isolate teens and mess them up at a time when they are supposed to be learning how to be social.
This whole lockdown is just bad all around.
The damage done to schoolchildren with scarce resources is likely to be irreparable.
Education should return to where it belongs, at the local level.
Let the community regain control of educating their children.
Having the federal government in charge of education is a relatively recent things. For most of our history the local communities taxed themselves to build schools and hire teachers and controlled what was taught.
In the very best scenario where a kid is living in an intact family they may survive, but take a marginal family, or an inner city kid, and you can bet your last dollar they are getting left way, way behind. Very sad. Just wait until the university enrollment rate drops precipitously because most of these kids won't come close to passing an SAT or ACT, or maybe they'll just declare all that racist at that point. But I'm telling you, people are not factoring in the very serious national and social consequences of what we're doing with these lockdowns, and by then Biden and Fauci will long be dead so they won't see the consequences, but they sure did win the political skirmish, didn't they.
Very sad.
More of this nonsense from The Federalist. Shame they no longer allow comments.
After years of K-12 kids say “USA bad, socialism good” to loud applause of teachers and peers.
As government schools have become increasingly centralized, they have become increasingly bureaucratic, increasingly expensive, increasingly political, and increasingly inefficient
Kids in well-run Digital Academies do much better than their Marxist indoctrinated brick and mortar peers.
This piece looks as if it was written by lawyers aligned with socialist educational unions.
That is part of the plan too.
This is a real problem. Our brother and his wife are teachers, and there is no teaching going on right now. Students who do not get online for teaching do not receive a lower grade or fail grades.
Many states are experiencing the loss of a school year. And there wasn’t much educating going on in a regular year.
Same as working from home. It just does not work for most people. Most people do ot have the discilpne it takes.
Nearly all my business clients say they are getting less productivity out of their employees. New employees no longer can learn form the older employees by watching them on and on.
Too easy to go walk the dog or watch that tv show or the news. or surf the net.
It’s awful. My senior in high school hates 100% remote learning, has checked out, is failing and now I’m told may not graduate. He has more than enough credits but is failing two required classes for graduation (the only two he needs to graduate).
Interestingly, he got a solid SAT score, a 4 and a 5 on two AP Computer Science tests, and decent enough GPA (and a solid transcript of lots of prior HS classes) until now that he’s been accepted into several colleges (Computer Science—he loves programming).
We will see if those offers are rescinded. Luckily his school plans to reopen for 2 days a week next semester, and he will try to remediate some of his failing classes. But he is running out of time. Two days a week in person will be so much better for him than 100% remote.
all by design
How pathetic watching so-called “conservatives” cry and whine over the closing of public schools.
Apparently, Republicans like socialism, too, just a smaller degree of it.
exactly what the libtard socialists want
- even dumber kids
- teachers find a way to work even LESS hard
- while still gett ing full salaries
- and the unions still get full dues
- and they can prep the school buildings for internment and death camp for their enemies, because after the scare tactics for school shootings these places are now fortress prisons with metal detectors all over
Oh no. Kids are missing their screwels. Rest assured all families who care are making sure their kids are getting an education. The rest of them were getting state edukation and indoctrination. I doubt society is any worse off for it.
They can be deemed educated.
Doesn’t much matter, you don’t have to be able to do much as a peasant in a communist dictatorship anyway.
Heard an interesting interview with some fellow on Bannon’s War Room. Forgot his name but he wrote an article: “Logos, Davos, Soros” was a publisher for The Remnant..
He said that Bill Gates (NWO) player’s desired outcome was to get everyone dependent on operating via computers. Thus his take on PANDEMIC-online learning was the bridge away from in person learning.