Posted on 04/08/2020 9:13:17 AM PDT by governsleastgovernsbest
On his Fox News show last night, Tucker Carlson noted that experts, including Dr. Zeke Emanuel [of the hard-left Center for American Progress], are saying society cannot return to normal for at least 18 months. Carlson pointed out how wrong those same experts have been when it came to projecting hospitalization rates, needed numbers of ventilators, etc.
On today's Morning Joe, Emanuel called Carlson a "right-wing clone" of President Trump, and whined that Tucker was "attacking" him. Emanuel claimed he was merely promoting "physical distancing."
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Zeke Manuel whines about Tucker “attacking” him. Yeah, that’s what happens when you have been so far off in past predictions.
Ping to Liberal Media Criticism list.
Easy enough for him. Who would want to be within eyesight of him? Gah.
To Serve Man. It’s a cookbook!
To many it seems, the virus is us.
Dr. Zeke,
YOU SUCK. Morning Joe’s 47 viewers agree. Quit your whining.
Tucker should DOUBLE DOWN tonight.
Reminds me of Podesta the Molesta.
Is Zeke on adrenochrome or a devil-worshipper or something?
My wife, an RN, for most of her adult life is concerned about our future health problems with this shelter/cower in place.
Her concerns:
We could become like hot house plants or like ICU patients and lose a lot of our innate immunities with the restricted shelter/cower in place procedures.
Possibly, we might be harming our immune systems by not taking in the various new viruses and germs in the world where we live..
By not developing our own normal immunities to the new viruses/germs and those altered by time and our bodies, due to our shelter/cower in place.
Is that like Dr Kevorkian? ( a Mengele wanna be)
He also doesn’t look anywhere NEAR his stated age.
What’s up with that?
Yes. I stole it from another FReeper. Sorry, another FReeper, I forgot your nick.
If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
WHO Director Tedros puppeteer.
LOL at the idea that Tucker is a “Trump clone.” Donald Trump is one of a kind; he has no clones. Tucker too is his own man and no one’s clone.
Yes, visually and in every other way, this “other Emanuel” is someone you’d want to stay far far away from. He was last trotted out halfway through the Obamacare fiasco as the most know-it-all proponent of ACA, misreprepresenting it at every turn. Here he is now, like the pipsqueak he is, following his brother’s dictates to “never let a crisis go to waste.” The rest of the Dem Party is doing the same thing with their wish-list items crammed into the stimulus bills.
He’s Rahm Emmanuel’s brother. I’m sure these brothers have talked of their liberal fantasies of how to not let this crisis go to waste.
When smallpox was going around when my dad was a young boy and his brother caught it, the solution was to put my dad in the same bed and exposed him to it. He caught it was sick for awhile and recovered and had an immunity when it came around again the next year.
The problem is that is not over and will never be over. In today’s world there is no way to protect everyone from a virus.
Let’s hope that there is a vaccination soon but it may take years to develop and distribute. Then we’ll be hiding in our basements from the next virus and the next virus and on and on.
We may have to revert to some of the older days.
When our kids were young (in their 50’s now), the neighborhood where we lived had a dozen kids in basically the same age.
So when one got the measles or something similar, all of the kids went to that home for a measles party.
Yes. Very familiar with the “Complete Lives System “ by Dr Emmanuel
I heard some of this. I don’t know the guys politics, but Tucker was way over his head on this one - and I like Tucker. But network theory and differential equations as they pertain to immunology and epidemiology just aren’t his thing.
That some level of social distancing backed up by thorough testing and track and trace will be a part of our lives for some time to come is pretty much a given.
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