Posted on 12/28/2019 7:06:10 AM PST by Olog-hai
President Trump on Saturday called on New York and California to tackle what he described as their tremendous homeless problems suggesting they should ask the White House politely for help if they cant sort it out by themselves.
California and New York must do something about their TREMENDOUS Homeless problems. They are setting records! he tweeted. If their Governors cant handle the situation, which they should be able to do very easily, they must call and politely ask for help. Would be so easy with competence!
The Department of Housing and Urban Development this month reported a 2.7 percent national increase in the homeless population, driven primarily by a spike in California. The report found that the liberal stronghold had seen a 16.4 percent increase in its homeless population.
Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom responded by saying the state was doing more to combat the challenge, but called on the federal government to put real skin in the game. [ ]
Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a new initiative to end homelessness this month, spending an estimated $120 million in 2020 to get people off the streets in his ongoing effort to tackle homelessness.
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I love the fact that my President just trolls the living daylights out of the progressive libtards ..... :-)
The NY Legislature has turned all the local governments into thieves. Rochester NY is a good example.
Help Denied!
Unless and until these morons start the own basic societal reforms - no amount of help - i.e. money - is going to solve their problems.
Start with voting democrats OUT. Then outlaw homeless camps and sleeping in streets and parks. Deny $15.00 wage requirements. Restore anti-drug laws. Etc.
You know. Common sense.
Lefties will never utilize common sense . After all, lefties are all lunatics.
California and New York must do something about their TREMENDOUS Homeless problems.
They did they created it.
I’m with you. Any federal help to a state-caused problem must be deducted from the federal funds normally going to that state.
120 million ???? Ha, ha, Ha
That alone will be his wife's cut
The fact that they would have to grovel to Trump will just reinforce the liberal mania making the problem worse.
When I grew tired of the mess on my deck, I took down the bird feeder.
How many meeting in the Bahamas can be bought for 120 million?
Quinns 1st law: Liberalism always creates more of the problem they are saying they will fix.
That’s not a feasible location for me to put a feeder up, due to bears.
“You know. Common sense.”
You’re asking quite a bit from a group of mentally deficient overgrown infants aren’t you?
Not a federal issue. Let the states wallow in their liberalism
I didn’t think that they were going to get help in terms of money; I was under the impression that it would be in the form of some kind of military or other law-enforcing personnel, since these far-left state governments obviously and blatantly show themselves untrustworthy of more funds.
Trump must be layughing his a** off....wonder whatNY will lose in taxes since he is now a Florida resident.
Newsom will downplay the problem by reclassifying them as outdoorsmen.
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