Posted on 11/25/2019 3:15:37 PM PST by Coronal
Let me guess: an Obama judge. This will be appealed to the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court must be getting tired of dealing with all the lawfare aimed at the President.
Tell by the name and ruling it is an Obama Judge.
Look her up, my goodness what a horror
Maybe Traitor Roberts will ‘splain to us how there are not anti-Trump Judges...
How can that be Justice Roberts said there are no obama judges
Affirmative Action judge.
Yep an Obama judge..and seriously McGahn left over a year ago, he had nothing to do with the Ukraine call, so of course this has nothing to do with Ukraine, this is all about Russia since Dems have already lost on Ukraine they have gone back to RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA
Same way that cowardly scum looked the other way when O was trashing Clarence Thomas. He is more politicians then real Judge.
THe MYTimes article doesn’t mention the judge’s appointer.
But does mention she quotes a republican-appointed judge.
That’s silly, and vile journalism.
IDK, total immunity is a stretch, but in practical terms a counsel is unable to respond to about any query.
between “exective privilege” and “attorney client privilege” and “separation of powers doctrine” any “national security privilege” as may apply,
he would have probably nothing to say other than,
“my name is ...”
I think the Dems are panicking because UKRAINE UKRAINE UKRAINE didnt catch, so now theyre hoping to revive RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. But I think people - including the folks who actually vote - are simply tired of their whole show.
Federal District Court -
next move - appeal..
Federal District Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is just another Barack Obama stooge. Who would expect anything different from her?
You just wait til they demand that Conan the Dog testifies before Congress..because hey, he might know something
Her husband is the twin brother of Paul Ryan's brother-in-law.
she was reportedly interviewed as one of Barack Obama’s potential nominees for the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Antonin Scalia.
Actually no. Getting into Harvard could easily be through AA; however, graduating magna cum laude can only be done through talent. Same with Harvard Law where she graduated cum laude. Udumbo was an AA slacker dullard. Not this one, though. That said, Odumbo nominated her and she is certainly capable of issuing opinions based on her political objectives. This will be overturned on appeal.
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