Posted on 02/05/2019 7:33:27 AM PST by COUNTrecount
'He's been tightening the text': White House signals State of the Union will be shortest since George H.W. Bush as Trump will leave the Capitol just 45 MINUTES after he begins
White House schedule says Donald and Melania Trump will leave the Capitol just 45 minutes after annual address begins
President gave third-longest State of the Union in history last year, speaking for 1 hour, 20 minutes
The record belongs to Bill Clinton; Richard Nixon 's 29-minute speech in 1972 was the shortest in the modern era
Before 2018, all of the speeches to Joint Sessions of Congress that lasted more than an hour belonged to Democrats
Donald Trump's State of the Union address on Tuesday night could be the shortest presidential speech to a Joint Session of Congress since 1990, according to a daily schedule districuted to reporters Monday night.
The White House's advisory say Trump will arrive at the U.S. Capitol at 8:40 p.m., deliver his dramatic speech at 9:10 p.m., and leave the building with first lady Melania Trump at 9:55 pm. just 45 minutes later.
'This one probably won't be a marathon,' a White House official said Tuesday. 'He's been tightening the text with his Sharpie, not expanding it.'
The White House said Monday that the speech will stress 'unity,' at a time when partisan rancor has become a Washington, D.C. sacrament.
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I’m guessing he won’t be slowed down by long periods of applause.
And DO NOT release the content prior to the speech!
I would like for him to be serious, somber, and then frankly, completely, and without mercy, hammer Pelosi and Schumer into the ground.
“Ladies and gentlemen, effective at midnight 2/15/2019 the governments non-essential offices will close until the speaker comes to her senses and introduces legislation that funds our border security as I see fit. Good night, and God bless America.”
Exti stage right.
“You’re fired.”
He needs to publicly expose the ongoing coup d’etat, and call patriotic Americans to prepare for anything that it may lead to.
I am thinking we may be disappointed. Hope I am wrong. What do you say when everyone is threatening you?
In speeches, short is ALWAYS better than long.
"Madame Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans: The State of our Union is in National Emergency on our Southern Border. I have therefore instructed the Military to begin construction of a physical barrier on the Southern Border with Mexico in strategic locations designated as critical by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency.Thank you, good night, God bless, and God Bless America."
No playing nice to anyone this time. I want a State of War speech, attacking specific domestic enemies by name.
I know that’s a lot to hope for.
I expect the leftist freaks to not stay quiet this time, and to let their n00bs lead the charge.
Such a comedian. One of the many things I like about Trump.
Yeah, my Post #11.
He’d need more than 45 minutes for that....
Once the chamber is filled he should release the friendlies, lock the building & order a drone strike.
The most encouraging thing about this speech is that I keep seeing Stephen Miller’s name as a major contributor, but Jared Kushner doesn’t appear to be involved with it.
He needs to say that we need to be doing EVERYTHING possible to secure the border and then question what harm could building a wall possibly do to American citizens? Everything needs to be done that can be done. Just plain common sense.
Less is more. Just go up there and be the only statesman in the room. It doesn’t take a lot of words to differentiate yourself from a chamber of unprincipled and self-serving politicians. Just take the high road and walk off.
The people will instantly see who the real leader is.
We have figured it out. We are still looking for a miracle instead.
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