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Curtains for the Clintons ^
| 12/1/2018
| maureen dowd
Posted on 12/01/2018 8:08:15 PM PST by bitt
The snow is falling lightly.
My thoughts are racing darkly.
Im feeling something foreign, something Ive never felt before. It takes me a moment to identify it.
Im feeling sorry for the Clintons.
In the 27 years Ive covered Bill and Hillary, Ive experienced a range of emotions. Theyve dazzled me and theyve disgusted me.
But now theyre mystifying me.
Im looking around Scotiabank Arena, the home of the Toronto Maple Leafs, and its a depressing sight. Its two-for-the-price-of-one in half the arena. The hockey rink is half curtained off, but even with that, organizers are scrambling at the last minute to cordon off more sections behind thick black curtains, they say due to a lack of sales. I paid $177 weeks in advance. (I passed on the pricey meet-and-greet option.) On the day of the event, some unsold tickets are slashed to single digits.
I get reassigned to another section as the Clintons audience space shrinks. But even with all the herding, Im still looking at large swaths of empty seats and I cringe at the thought that the Clintons will look out and see that, too. It was only four years ago, after all, that Canadians were clamoring to buy tickets to see the woman who seemed headed for history.
Its a sad contrast with the sold-out boffo book tour of Michelle Obama, whos getting a lot more personal for the premium prices. But introspection has never been within the Clintons range.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Extended News; Government; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2020election; beast; bent; bloggers; bluedress; bookdeals; cigar; clickbait; clinton; clintons; crooked; dna; impeached; intern; lewinsky; michelleobama; notnews; obama; perjury; pervert; sink; speakingtour; thighs
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posted on
12/01/2018 8:08:15 PM PST
To: Whenifhow; null and void; aragorn; EnigmaticAnomaly; kalee; Kale; 2ndDivisionVet; azishot; ...
posted on
12/01/2018 8:08:38 PM PST
("Let justice be done though the heavens fall".)
To: bitt
posted on
12/01/2018 8:10:20 PM PST
(HYHEY!! (Have You Had Enough Yet))
To: bitt
I wonder if they will ever go postal with the fbi files
posted on
12/01/2018 8:11:41 PM PST
al baby
(Hi Mom Hi Dad)
To: bitt
Hahaha . Only the truly disturbed and mentally ill would go see these 2 criminals .
posted on
12/01/2018 8:16:46 PM PST
hal ogen
(First Amendment or Reeducation Camp?)
To: bitt
"After losing to an orange puffer clown fish who will go down as one of the most destructive forces in American history and flushing the Obama legacy down the drain, thats delusional." There, there, little Mo. Make yourself some hot cocoa, get your favorite fluffy bunny and Barbie doll and sit by the fire and have yourself a good cry.
To: bitt
Maureen Dowd feeling sorry for the Clintons. Dowd has no clue how the rest of us feel about them.
posted on
12/01/2018 8:18:00 PM PST
Dennis M.
To: szweig
posted on
12/01/2018 8:18:11 PM PST
("Let justice be done though the heavens fall".)
To: bitt
Maureen Dud is still alive? Who knew? She became irrelevant way before the Clintons did. Does anyone even care that she wasted 177.00 for her to feel sorry for the Clintons? Certainly not me.
Apparently Dud failed to see the writing on the wall during the 2 election cycles where she was passed up for the other person.
To: bitt
I’m just here for the CZJ pix.
posted on
12/01/2018 8:18:20 PM PST
(If White Privilege is real, why did Elizabeth Warren lie about being an Indian?)
To: bitt
The take away quote from a once truly great writer, now nothing more than a shill for the left, still not accepting what we voted for: "After losing to an orange puffer clown fish who will go down as one of the most destructive forces in American history and flushing the Obama legacy down the drain, thats delusional."
No Maureen, it seems your mythical "puffer fish" has swallowed your integrity, your objectiveness, and turned you into a leftist huffer and puffer. Shame on you. And since when were you in favor of Obozo's legacy, and why? Please be specific.
posted on
12/01/2018 8:18:46 PM PST
To: Robert DeLong
‘where she was passed up for the other person.’
OUCH, lol......!!
posted on
12/01/2018 8:19:31 PM PST
("Let justice be done though the heavens fall".)
To: bitt
I’ll feel sorry when they
Are Tried,
Convicted and
Soil themselves in
“Old Sparky!”
posted on
12/01/2018 8:20:06 PM PST
Big Red Badger
(Despised by the Despicable!)
To: bitt
I will believe it when it happens.
posted on
12/01/2018 8:21:14 PM PST
To: Big Red Badger
posted on
12/01/2018 8:22:56 PM PST
Big Red Badger
(Despised by the Despicable!)
To: bitt
Their pathological need to be relevant in America is belied by a Canadian arena, where stretches of empty seats bear witness to the passing of their relevance.It goes without saying that both Bill and Killary are mentally ill. I hope she runs in 2020. What a circus that will be.
posted on
12/01/2018 8:24:11 PM PST
(When hatred of culture becomes itself a part of culture, the life of the mind loses all meaning.)
To: ClearCase_guy
posted on
12/01/2018 8:24:27 PM PST
(If only Harvey Weinstein's bathrobe could talk.)
To: All
One of Trump's typical overflow rallies.
An Evening with the Clintons' audience
15,000 empty seats faced the Clintons; curtains cut the arena in half to diminish the emptiness.
3,300 tickets were sold for a venue that holds 19,800 (16.6% of capacity). AND GET THIS:
$53 (Canadian) was the going rate, but "one ticket was hawked at $6.55 in the final minutes before the event."
posted on
12/01/2018 8:24:57 PM PST
(Our side has 8 trillion bullets; the other side doesn't know which bathroom to use.)
To: bitt
Hillary Clinton’s chance to be president died the night Matt Drudge published the Monica Lewinski story.
posted on
12/01/2018 8:25:45 PM PST
Jeff Chandler
(Every time a lefty cries "racism", a Trump voter gets his wings.)
To: bitt
I think they would sell out the arena if it were for their sentencing.
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