Posted on 08/27/2018 12:42:29 PM PDT by detective
If calling constituents concerned about illegal immigration "crazies" is a term of endearment, what would be an insult?
On today's Morning Joe, John McCain refused to apologize to the thousands of Arizonans attending a Trump rally that McCain called "crazies." According to McCain, "crazies" is a "term of endearment" and a "term of affection."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I’ll pay my respects in liquid form.........
The left is in a frenzy because Trump won’t gush over McCain (the man they themselves were happy to label “racist”) upon his death - Trump disliked McCain in life for so many reasons, not the least of which is McCain’s apparent attempt to try to sink Trump with the phony dirty dossier - Trump will not be a hypocrite, and is showing class beyond the left’s ability to understand.....
I wonder how much my unworn T-shirt from the McCain/Palin presidential race is worth now.
McCain sucks, and I'm not scared to say his name.
133 and not 188? Learn Our Comms!
I wonder how long the Fake News Channels will keep McQueeg alive by replaying his “interviews” over and over and over again.
Trump was even correct, if not diplomatic, in saying McCain was not a “war hero.” A war hero is someone who risks their life to save Bob Dole did in dragging people to safety while under enemy fire—and getting badly wounded in the process. Getting shot down and captured, as McCain did, is not, in itself “heroic.”
Is it honorable? Sure. But some 600 others were shot down and captured in Vietnam—and we don’t even know their names. McCain was not uniquely heroic in his Vietnam service.
And yet the press wonders why we’re not fans... maybe they’re too stupid to figure it out over at MSNBC...
"Fawning" is what BS Press Sycophants do best... We'll see McCain crap off and on for months...
Your dredging up old dirt is getting tiresome. He’s dead. He has met his maker who will be the ultimate judge. Time to let it go...
John McCain hated Americans and fought to replace them through open-borders and unlimited third-world migration.
Good post. Misplaced nostalgia and respect for the awful McCain is what gets us more RINOs.
Tell it to the lame stream media, buddy.
“Tell it to the lame stream media, buddy.”
Not only do I not believe in beating a dead horse, I don’t think it’s useful to tilt at windmills...bub
I’m glad you posted this. A lot of people think Trump started the feud with his “I like heroes who don’t get caught” thing; but now I recall that these remarks of McCain’s came first and are what started it. Trump is a counterpuncher. Twice as hard.
“Your dredging up old dirt is getting tiresome.”
No. you are wrong.
I am not dredging it up. McCain is on every TV station, cable channel and news website.
I am only trying to provide a little truth to balance the constant lies and fawning that are being replayed 24/7.
Here, you’re preaching to the choir. Why don’t you go try to convince someone who doesn’t already know what a scumbag McCain was.
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