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Parents want custody to stop transgender teen having hormone treatment ^
| 02/13/2018
| By Jen Christensen
Posted on 02/13/2018 7:24:15 PM PST by BackRoads775
(CNN) An Ohio court will decide the fate of a transgender teen who is in what the judge describes as a "gut-wrenching situation."
The 17-year-old identifies as a boy. Neither he nor his family can be named, according to court instructions. The teen's parents want court authority to stop their child from getting the treatment and therapy that was recommended by his medical team in what it characterizes as a possible life-or-death situation.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Government; US: Ohio
KEYWORDS: homosexualagenda; localnews; ohio; transgender
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To: BackRoads775
The teen's parents want court authority to stop their child from getting the treatment and therapy that was recommended by his medical team in what it characterizes as a possible life-or-death situation. It's NOT a life or death situation.
Her survival does not literally depend on her receiving the hormone treatments.
It's not like it's dialysis that IS a life or death treatment.
posted on
02/13/2018 7:55:36 PM PST
( ...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith..)
To: metmom
It’s more like every other teenaged girl (*sigh*), “If I don’t get everything I want, right now, I’ll kill myself, and it will be ALL YOUR FAULT!”
But to be fair, it’s every teenaged boy, too, see above regarding my daughter’s now ex-boyfriend.
posted on
02/13/2018 7:58:27 PM PST
(Harvey Weinstein was married to a beautiful model.)
To: Tax-chick
My 17-year-old daughters boyfriend just said he couldnt imagine living if she broke up with him. That's just a manipulation technique.
I think my daughter's first (and to date last) boyfriend, pulled the same kind of line with her.
Her response? Get used to it kid cause you're on your own.
While she absolutely wants to get married, she has not had a steady boyfriend since then because of that.
I'm confident that when she meets Mr. Right, she'll know. And it won't be anyone who tries to smother her.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:01:44 PM PST
( ...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith..)
To: BackRoads775
The 17-year-old identifies as a boy. Well, she's wrong.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:02:49 PM PST
(The Obama is about to hit the fan.)
To: metmom
That's just a manipulation technique.The very same manipulation technique used by transformers. "Hand over your live or I'll kill myself."
Poor Sally - and I can't believe I'm saying that, because she's put us through the wringer the last three years, and she got her own techniques back at her - "There's nothing in my life that makes me happy but you!" "Not puppies?" "No." "Not kittens?" "No." "Not Kentucky basketball?" "No." "Not Jesus?" "No."
Our organization has dumped the gormless youth back on his parents.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:06:40 PM PST
(Harvey Weinstein was married to a beautiful model.)
To: BackRoads775
Suicidal? What is the evidence that anything will change other than the plumbing? She needs mental help
posted on
02/13/2018 8:09:05 PM PST
( I'm Not Tired of Winning)
To: Tax-chick
I dont think they add a prostate gland to women who are pretending to be men. However, even if they did, the women would still be women. Even if they added everything, including perfect plastic surgery....their DNA would still scream the truth.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:09:14 PM PST
(The Obama is about to hit the fan.)
posted on
02/13/2018 8:12:04 PM PST
(Harvey Weinstein was married to a beautiful model.)
To: Tax-chick
After living through this I have decided that when these fragile mentally ill people transition, they have committed a suicide.
These are the only people who can suicide twice.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:14:49 PM PST
(Leftists today are speaking as if they plan to commence to commit genocide against conservatives.)
To: Chickensoup
If I understand correctly, they kill their real self, and then they kill the imagined self.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:15:44 PM PST
(Harvey Weinstein was married to a beautiful model.)
To: Yaelle
I agree on not bothering to fight it, the child is already dead and the culture will support its new ways.
I am not sure support is a great way of looking at it.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:16:37 PM PST
(Leftists today are speaking as if they plan to commence to commit genocide against conservatives.)
To: BackRoads775
The 17-year-old identifies as a boy.
17 is getting close to legal adulthood, but there's a reason a 17 year old is still considered a minor.
This girl can do whatever she pleases to herself in a year, when she is a legal adult. Until then, she cannot make such decisions for herself, and anyone trying to aid her in such actions in defiance of her parents wishes should probably be brought up on charges.
To: The people have spoken
But by doing this they have committed a suicide.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:17:48 PM PST
(Leftists today are speaking as if they plan to commence to commit genocide against conservatives.)
To: Pontiac
No psychiatrist who wants to keep their license would declare a person of one sex who wants to be another sex incompetents.
The state’s human rights tribunal would hit that doc so hard that he would never stand up again.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:21:03 PM PST
(Leftists today are speaking as if they plan to commence to commit genocide against conservatives.)
To: BackRoads775
Medical malpractice with a capital M.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:22:43 PM PST
To: Chickensoup
I did say it was a long shot.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:24:41 PM PST
(The welfare state must fail because it is contrary to human nature and diminishes the human spirit.L)
To: Tax-chick
That is what is seems to be.
They reject themselves, their old lives, their families, and anyone who in any way questions them in any way about any choice that they make. Unconditional acceptance and cheerleading seems to be what they want.
limited personal experience.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:24:59 PM PST
(Leftists today are speaking as if they plan to commence to commit genocide against conservatives.)
To: AnotherUnixGeek
children are permitted to make these changes without parental consent for a while.
Just like abortion, a teacher can step in and help the child receive medical intervention.
and just like abortion, planned parent hood provides the hormones.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:26:32 PM PST
(Leftists today are speaking as if they plan to commence to commit genocide against conservatives.)
To: Chickensoup
No psychiatrist who wants to keep their license would declare a person of one sex who wants to be another sex incompetents. By the way, it would be a judge that would declare the teen incompetent, not a Psychiatrist.
The judge would base their decision on the recommendations of one or more psychiatrist.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:27:30 PM PST
(The welfare state must fail because it is contrary to human nature and diminishes the human spirit.L)
To: Pontiac
The judge uses the medical information of a psychiatrist who would be working against his professional organization’s ethics guidelines. if he found incompetency because of a young woman wanting to change her sex.
posted on
02/13/2018 8:30:10 PM PST
(Leftists today are speaking as if they plan to commence to commit genocide against conservatives.)
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