1 posted on
12/09/2017 10:20:40 AM PST by
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To: Olog-hai
Yes because we were sooooooooo close to peace!
2 posted on
12/09/2017 10:22:26 AM PST by
To: Olog-hai
Everyone knows where Israel’s capital is, including the arabs who live there. Trump didn’t say anything that wasn’t already known by anyone.
Speaking reality shouldn’t be anything controversial.
3 posted on
12/09/2017 10:22:40 AM PST by
To: Olog-hai
No. Islam is an obstacle to peace.
4 posted on
12/09/2017 10:23:11 AM PST by
(Democrats haven't been this nutty since we freed their slaves.)
To: Olog-hai
What a joke. There is been no movement towards peace by the Palestinians in at least 25 years.
To: Olog-hai
There has never been peace there. There never will be.
6 posted on
12/09/2017 10:23:23 AM PST by
E. Pluribus Unum
(<img src="http://i.imgur.com/WukZwJP.gif" width=800>)
To: Olog-hai
Swiss government: Trumps Jerusalem policy is an 'obstacle to peace' It's questionable if peace was possible before Trump's action, so recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capitol hasn't changed anything.
To: Olog-hai
How much of that Nazi Gold do the Swiss still have?
8 posted on
12/09/2017 10:23:54 AM PST by
To: Olog-hai
Does everybody realize how stupid you have to be, to believe this reduces the chance for peace?
Nearly 70 years and the Arabs still refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist, but this inhibits the chances for peace.?
How do these people get elected. Just plain scary...
10 posted on
12/09/2017 10:24:07 AM PST by
(McConnell / Ryan: Why pass Cons legislation when we can pass Leftist legislation for Leftists?)
To: Olog-hai
The primary obstacle to peace over there is the mohammedans’ insistence on killing everybody else.
11 posted on
12/09/2017 10:24:33 AM PST by
(... the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed)
To: Olog-hai
Switzerland, Phhhht, They submit, don’t they?
They use to be neutral, now they submit.
12 posted on
12/09/2017 10:29:05 AM PST by
right way right
(May we remain sober over mere men, for God really is our one and only true hope.)
To: Olog-hai; All
Im fed up with other countries preaching to us about this matter. It is none of their bloody business. Nikki Haley should tell the world to shove it. Trump should tell Treasury to cease sending funds to ALL foreign countries.
13 posted on
12/09/2017 10:29:38 AM PST by
(Common sense isn't common any more.)
To: Olog-hai
Right....Like Peace has been going along so well for the last 50 years.
To: Olog-hai
What was the obstruction to peace prior to Trump’s policy?
16 posted on
12/09/2017 10:31:24 AM PST by
(Objectivity is the essence of intelligence. - Marilyn vos Savant)
To: Olog-hai
Israel's existence is an obstacle to peace.The globalists are so transparent.
17 posted on
12/09/2017 10:32:12 AM PST by
(consequence is what makes our choices real)
To: Olog-hai
Mohammed is the obstacle to peace.
18 posted on
12/09/2017 10:32:40 AM PST by
(Trump Loves a Great Deal)
To: Olog-hai
The Swiss? What have they ever done for peace? In World War II they robbed desperate Jews fleeing the Nazis. Further, there was no peace process.
20 posted on
12/09/2017 10:33:57 AM PST by
(In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel.)
To: Olog-hai
Here’s a question: what’s so special about the “1967 borders”?
I mean, how did the international Left choose them? Why not the 1947, 1956, 1973, or 2017 borders? Why not the whole British mandate? Why any of it?
The obsession with “1967 borders” must have an explanation. Does anybody know what it is?
22 posted on
12/09/2017 10:37:08 AM PST by
Jim Noble
(Single payer is coming. Which kind do you like?)
To: Olog-hai
Translation: “Islam means submission. And you aren’t submitting.”
23 posted on
12/09/2017 10:37:20 AM PST by
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either satire or opinion. Or both.)
To: Olog-hai
Let me guess. The Arabs have their money in Swiss banks.
24 posted on
12/09/2017 10:37:51 AM PST by
To: Olog-hai
25 posted on
12/09/2017 10:38:42 AM PST by
((I miss my poochie... Tasha 2000~3/14/11~ Best Election Ever!)
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