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1 posted on 06/23/2017 8:35:22 AM PDT by Mr. Mojo
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To: Mr. Mojo

These people are so boring. They’ve been spewing the same garbage for years. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Is there a majority brown country that’s worth a damn?
Wonder why?

2 posted on 06/23/2017 8:37:35 AM PDT by snarkytart
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To: Mr. Mojo

One question-when is the last time a black person had to save a white person from drowning, lol? And IIRC, the 9/11 firemen who risked and lost their lives were all white males.

3 posted on 06/23/2017 8:37:44 AM PDT by mrsmel (I won't be reconstructed and I do not give a damn.)
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To: Mr. Mojo

Sounds like a call for war to me.

Does Trinity College receive any US taxpayer dollars?

4 posted on 06/23/2017 8:38:04 AM PDT by Arm_Bears (Rope. Tree. Politician/Journalist. Some assembly required.)
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To: Mr. Mojo

Racism — it’s not just for whites anymore.

5 posted on 06/23/2017 8:39:32 AM PDT by Telepathic Intruder
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To: Mr. Mojo
Removing him would be like removing one cockroach from an infestation and thinking that the problem is solved.

One cannot resolve an infestation without removing individual cockroaches.

9 posted on 06/23/2017 8:41:59 AM PDT by MortMan (Children are blessings, no matter how God brings them into your life.)
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To: Mr. Mojo

I understand that his professional organization has reframed his statements as more rhetorical thus moving the blame from him.

What a racist thing to do.

rescuing him from himself.

As If he was not his own person.

12 posted on 06/23/2017 8:47:52 AM PDT by Chickensoup (Leftists today are speaking as if they plan to commence to commit genocide against conservatives.)
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To: Mr. Mojo
He's a professor, so he must be a smart guy.
13 posted on 06/23/2017 8:49:23 AM PDT by windsorknot
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To: Mr. Mojo

The War on whites continues.

14 posted on 06/23/2017 8:52:40 AM PDT by Brooklyn Attitude (The first step in ending the War on White People, is to recognize it exists.)
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To: Mr. Mojo

Oncoming Racial Doom: The Clash of Cultures

June 15, 2017 by Fred Reed

Curiously, what made me give up all interest in the problems of blacks was not their virulent racism, the horrendous rates of crime, or the parasitism.
Instead it was the assaults by blacks and their fellow travelers on Confederate monuments, particularly in New Orleans. Similarly, the banning of the Confederate battle flag at Gettysburg, for God’s sake.
For reasons doubtless opaque to the historically ignorant, this annoys me.

Why should the least productive, most criminal, most dependent of the population rewrite history that in any event they don’t know? The erasure of the South and the Confederacy by people most of whom couldn’t spell it, of Washington and Jefferson and Lee by grifters, race hustlers, wanton illiterates and the Brownshirts of Black Lives Matter…enough.

How many think this but won’t say it?

Now I find the black mayoress of Baltimore – a city lovely and livable in the time of Mencken before being made a decayed war zone by blacks – threatening monuments in that city. Enough. Too much.

I was not always sick of the misbehavior of blacks. In the now infinitely remote early Sixties, when I was a student in the last all-white class in Virginia’s rural King George High–graduated ‘64 – integration was just beginning. To the extent that I thought about race, the question was abstract, a matter of moral principles, of ideals and fairness, unrelated to an actual people with actual characteristics who might not integrate well. Blacks had been mistreated. If given the opportunity they would rise and join American civilization. That they might not occurred only to those with experience, which did not include me.

When my parents, wiser than I – if it is possible to be wiser than a seventeen-year-old – said that integration would not work. I didn’t believe them.

Time went by, and it didn’t work. Trouble began. Blacks became hostile, demanding this and demanding that. Neighborhoods became dangerous. Schools, newly mixed, encountered The Gap, intractable and immortal, that is the heart and cause of our racial disaster. The riots arrived. Racial attacks on whites became common, covered up by the media. This censorship possible in the days before the internet.

The country began, though I didn’t recognize it at the time, as neither did the country, treating blacks as a different category of humanity who could not be expected to obey the laws and rules or the expectations of civility.

For a while my sympathy held. I was very young. Further, I had no experience of a school with a large black population. I justified the behavior of blacks as consequent to former privation. Surely it would change.

It didn’t. Years passed. We saw corrupted schools, lowered standards, white flight, and journalistic dishonesty. More cities burned.

For decades white America made a desperate attempt to raise blacks to the level of the First World. It didn’t work. Instead [we] saw a dragging down of society to the culture of the ghetto. Blacks were behaving as usual as spoiled brats. Anything that upset them, as everything did, any expectation that they behave, led to cries of racism and depredations by such as Black Lives Matter.

As I mentioned, my parents had said that blacks could not function in the First World. It seemed that they were right. Desegregation had not worked, nor integration, nor quotas nor affirmative action nor Head Start. What didn’t work was turning blacks into members of a European civilization in which they had no interest. It would have worked no better had blacks lived in China, Japan, or Russia.

Nothing worked and nothing is going to work. There is clarity in this realization, a clarity to admitting what is actually happening. It avoids tortured reasoning to show that the dysfunction of blacks is due to anything and everything but blacks themselves. One need not make endless excuses for endless bad behavior, for the crime and dependency, the racial attacks, and the degradation of society.

The culture of the ghetto opposes everything usually believed proper in an advanced society: high academic standards, equality of opportunity, good English, minimal obscenity, equality under the law, low rates of crime, reasonable self-reliance, freedom of speech. Black culture, intensely racist, encourages none of these and opposes most. It is tribal, based on identity, instead of principle.

For many, this is a difficult realization. Decades of unrelenting propaganda have trained us that blacks bear no responsibility for anything. Are they gunning each other down in city after city? It is because of guns, though whites have guns and do not kill each other. Do they perform abysmally in schools that they themselves control? It’s because of slavery, though there hasn’t been a slave in the country for 150 years. Are they irresponsible in their reproductive habits? It’s because of poverty, although they are not poor.

In this they differ from the rest of humanity as I have known it. I have lived in China, Thailand, Mexico, Cambodia, and Vietnam, and have traveled in some fifty other countries. All shared what might be called the core values of civilization. Blacks seem not to. Yes, many exceptions, varied degrees, but as a culture, they were, are, different. Would that it were not true, but it is.

Look at the foundations:
Education is the keystone of any modern civilization. Blacks alone care nothing for it. Exceptions, yes, but again, overall? No. The countless schools entirely controlled by blacks are the worst in America. They do not improve.

Fox News: “6 Baltimore schools, no students proficient in state tests” (of reading and arithmetic.)
Maybe the mayoress of Baltimore should pay more attention to this and less to statues she doesn’t like. She will not. If she were going to, she would have.

Accounts like the foregoing are routine, normal, expected. We have heard them for fifty years. Usually they include boilerplate about terrible obstacles, murdered relatives, addicted mothers, incarcerated youth, etc. These accounts invite pity and try to blame everything on whites. There is mandatory wonderment: What can be the cause of the academic gap? Doubtless white privilege, slavery, invisible discrimination, microaggressions, something, anything but blacks themselves. But whites can’t make black children do their homework, their daughters of thirteen avoid reproduction, their young males refrain from killing each other. Whites are not their mother.

75% of black California boys don’t meet state reading standards
What is going on here? Learning to read is not difficult. Elsewhere poor people, people of color–I loathe that phrase–and poor people of color do it routinely. According to the CIA Factbook, literacy in Thailand is at 97%; Malaysia 95%; Mexico, 95%; and Colombia, 95%. The possible reasons for not learning in twelve years what white and brown kids do in three are low intelligence and lack of interest. Take your pick. The failure to learn imposes a heavy burden on society. Wild thought: Make welfare dependent on literacy.

Ask yourself, “Now what?”
Whether academic failure is cultural or genetic makes no difference, since neither is subject to change. Instead of requesting more rigorous textbooks and disciplining their children to study, blacks insist that courses be enstupidated for their benefit, that they be admitted to schools and courses for which they cannot qualify, that they get grades they did not earn. This is now normal. Nobody, black or white, liberal or conservative, expects blacks ever to do anything for themselves.

Of course one might ask why blacks would have any interest in most of what has been taught in American schools. Europeans trace their intellectual lineage from the invention of writing in Sumeria in the mid-Fourth Millennium BC through Greece, Rome, the Renaissance, their literary heritage from the Gilgamesh Epic through Tolkien. Blacks had no connection with this and did none of these things. It isn’t of their culture.

Cities have been the heart of the intellectual and artistic in all civilizations, as for example Athens, Rome, Florence, Vienna, New York. By contrast, blacks have destroyed city after American city after American city. Trenton, Camden, Newark, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Gary, Flint, St. Louis, New Orleans, Milwaukee. At one time in all of these one could live, walk at will, send one’s children to the schools. Now, no. Violence, crime, racial attacks,and illiteracy drive the civilized to remote suburbs. This is not my culture and I see no reason to apologize for it.

Manners have been part of all civilizations. Civil societies everywhere impose a degree of control over obscenity. Everyone knows about sex and excretory functions. We leave them out of conversation. We can speak a sentence of three words without saying “m*****f*****” five times.

Some perfectly ordinary rap “lyrics”:

“Then you roll your ******************************
Then suck ************************ nigga
Make sure I keep **************nigga
All over your *******************”

This offal is excused because “it is their culture.” Exactly. When you cannot control abominable behavior by one group, you cannot control it for any group. Here is perhaps America’s gravest problem.

Virulent racial hostility – i.e., racism — is deeply ingrained in black culture. Blacks hate whites, Asians, Hispanics, and Jews. Not all blacks of course, or to the same degree, but it is the centerline of black culture. It is what counts and shapes the future.

Anyone doubting the universal racial hostility of blacks might read White Girl Bleed a Lot, or Chinese Girl in the Ghetto by Ying Ma. She arrived in Oakland with her family, dirt poor, speaking no English. She recounts–as do many white kids in black schools–endless racial abuse, taunting, stealing of food by blacks. (All on her own, incidentally, she worked her way up and ended with a law degree from Stanford. Apparently she found no lack of opportunity.)

One may see the depth of the hostility in the regular practice of making heroes and martyrs of blacks, usually criminals, killed by white police while utterly ignoring the many hundred of blacks killed every year by other blacks. This is a memorial to Freddie Gray of the Baltimore riots.

Headline: “Trayvon Martin’s parents accept posthumous aeronautical science degree”
A measure of the fairyland world of American politics is [t]hat a criminal, killed attempting to beat a security officer to death, should solemnly be awarded a posthumous degree in something he probably could not spell. It is amusing – why not quantum chromodynamics? – but pathetic. The canonization reveals the separation from reality of, apparently, most of an entire race. It is of one cloth with affirmative action and racial quotas. No substance, much pretense.

Dependence on whites is the backbone of black culture. Free breakfast for their children, free lunches, subsidized housing, free housing, AFDC, affirmative action, racial quotas, waivers. Nobody, not blacks, not whites, not the most dewy-eyed liberal expects blacks ever to live without charity from whites. Don’t believe me? Ask an ardent civil-libertarian when he expects blacks to have caught up and not need affirmative action. Never. It is just another entitlement. Whah mah free stuff?

Political correctness ensures that we cannot even talk about the problem. If you suggest that blacks stop shooting each other, you are a racist. If you suggest that they study, you are a racist. If you suggest they get married before reproducing, you are a racist. It will continue until either America slowly deflates or hell breaks loose.

18 posted on 06/23/2017 9:02:39 AM PDT by Vlad The Inhaler (Best Long Term Prepper Tactic: Beat The Muslim Demographic Tsnami - Have Big Families)
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To: Mr. Mojo

Guess who else has a connection to Trinity University?
Nancy Pelosi 1962 Graduate.
Now, keep in mind Nancy’s Trinity is located in Washington D.C., and Prof. William’s Trinity is located in Conneticut, but these schools may be parts of the same system, as with University of California, which has many local schools in operation.

Trinity was founded as a Roman Catholic University.
That may not be so obvious in today’s world, thinking of Prof. Williams, high on hate.

19 posted on 06/23/2017 9:03:27 AM PDT by lee martell
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To: Mr. Mojo

You know professor, If whites talked like that you wouldn’t like it. If the SHTF you and your ilk will be sought out and there won’t be anything you can do about it. I’d suggest trying to get along, but you probably wouldn’t listen.

21 posted on 06/23/2017 9:04:23 AM PDT by bk1000 (A clear conscience is a sure sign of a poor memory)
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To: Mr. Mojo

Back at ya, black bleeper.

22 posted on 06/23/2017 9:06:09 AM PDT by WKUHilltopper (WKU 2016 Boca Raton Bowl Champions)
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To: Mr. Mojo

Please tell me why taxpayers are still funding these institutions.

23 posted on 06/23/2017 9:07:05 AM PDT by ricmc2175
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To: Mr. Mojo

‘Trinity College’? Let me guess the members: satan, the beast and the false prophet.

The least the board of the college could do is change the name!

24 posted on 06/23/2017 9:09:23 AM PDT by A Formerly Proud Canadian (I once was blind but now I see...)
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To: Mr. Mojo

‘Trinity College’? Let me guess the members: satan, the beast and the false prophet.

The least the board of the college could do is change the name!

25 posted on 06/23/2017 9:09:24 AM PDT by A Formerly Proud Canadian (I once was blind but now I see...)
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To: Mr. Mojo

My guess is that he doesn’t want the whites who pay his salary to die.

27 posted on 06/23/2017 9:53:55 AM PDT by euram
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To: Mr. Mojo

Funny, I feel the same way about his kind (in general)

28 posted on 06/23/2017 10:15:52 AM PDT by ex91B10
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To: Mr. Mojo

Keep DEMOCRATS away from decent people...

30 posted on 06/23/2017 2:40:22 PM PDT by rrrod (just an old guy with a gun in his pocket.l)
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To: Mr. Mojo

This racist idiot “professor” has a very fecund brain. What a racist criminal.

31 posted on 06/23/2017 7:52:28 PM PDT by hal ogen (First Amendment or Reeducation camp?)
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To: Mr. Mojo

This racist idiot “professor” has a very fecund brain. What a racist criminal.

32 posted on 06/23/2017 7:52:44 PM PDT by hal ogen (First Amendment or Reeducation camp?)
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