Brooklyn Attitude
Since Aug 20, 2012

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"Brooklyn Attitude" - How a Professor described the problem he had with me when I started graduate school at a Southern University.

About me: Husband, Father, R&D Scientist (Retired), Inventor, Author, Patriot, Smartass.

Some former and perhaps future tag lines:

I went to bed on November 3rd 2020 and woke up in 1984.

Locking up your main political opponent on petty charges is blatant election rigging.

Bringing deadly viruses out of caves and into labs doesn't prevent pandemics, it causes them.

The mainstream media are not journalists, they are DemocRAT propagandists.

Only those who hate America are offended by the phrase "Make America Great Again".

Liberalism is the art of taking what works, breaking it, then blaming Conservatives.

Today's "conspiracy theory" is tomorrow's conspiracy FACT.

Liberals will say anything to advance their agenda today, even if it is the opposite of what they said yesterday.

Back off man, I'm a scientist.

DemocRATS win because they scheme, plot and devise PLANS to gain strategic advantage then ACT on them. In contrast,
Republicans are as effective as a bunch of cats hitched to a dogsled.

The DemocRATic party is an America hating cult.

The Republican Party is full of clueless cowards and do nothings.

People have never complied their way out of tyranny.

The DemocRATS tell us that we cannot coexist. Listen, and prepare accordingly.

DemocRATS have always been the Jackass party, now they are also the Hamas party.