Bethune is a black college for turning out racists. The students are racist to the core.
Any company hiring a Bethune graduate is asking for trouble
End common core!
Obama’s sons and daughters.
At least the "students" didn't fling their feces at her.
There could be an opening on the High Court...
Where are the cuts to common core? How much are the vouchers for and do they cover homeschooling? Who gets them? What about all the pro sodomite regulations of the sodomite and chief's regime? Ask your school committee member if he or she has any idea what the budget will be? She is show boating and accomplishing NOTHING.
This whole thing was designed to be an optic. It’s the same way with Town Halls. Republicans need to stop dancing to the Democrat’s tune.
I hope shewill just keep on keeping on. Her visitations are only peripheral to her task. She needs to keep doing them, though not so many.
If she can’t go to a public school without being attacked, she should make it a point to visit charter and parochial schools, as well as giving a big push for home schooling organizations.
Liberal-leftists would respond with panic to this, so she could then negotiate with the public schools. If they want her to visit, they must *guarantee* no disruptions, more than adequate security and screening, no outside agitators, and clear, serious, automatic disciplinary actions for any attendee who misbehaves.
Hopefully she is our last secretary of education. Drain the swamp!
The Swamp in Education is probably the deepest of them all in DC. Both Bush’s were so controlled by it, they made it much worse. Even Reagan was QUICKLY reeled-in and didn’t make a dent in it.
IF Trump can break up this swamp, that could easily be his biggest legacy (along with the Courts).
Schools don’t do its job to educate kids. Defund the schools!