Where are the cuts to common core? How much are the vouchers for and do they cover homeschooling? Who gets them? What about all the pro sodomite regulations of the sodomite and chief's regime? Ask your school committee member if he or she has any idea what the budget will be? She is show boating and accomplishing NOTHING.
You expect one heck of a lot in 90 days! Yeah, why would she spend time visiting school sites, seeing in the real world how they operate. Better to just have some idea of how she thinks things should be rather than going to see how they actually are before effecting change. That’s a real winning formula.
She has been in office less than a hundred days herself. Just how much do you think she can do single handedly in that amount of time? Most of the executive branch is just barely up and running so far. You think she can re-write her own department's budget and revoke established regulations just by a stroke of her pen? Geez.