When are Blacks going to see what Open Borders / Illegal Immigrants are taking away from them?
Blacks don’t matter to the Democrats. Muslim is the face of the new Democrat voter.
>>emocrats are making a very very serious mistake taking the African-American vote for granted.<<
No, they’re not.
They get those votes for free, pretty much forever. The Republicans, spineless as they are, will never say they will give away as much stuff as the democrats always say they will.
No reason to invest any more than a token effort (pun absolutely intended).
So he JUST figured this out?
There is very little African in African-Americans?
They need to open more African Restaurants or something.
When are Blacks going to learn their leadership has sold them out for their own wealth. They separated the family for welfare and handouts to get Democrats elected.
The Rev. has taken blacks for granted and shaken them down all his adult life.
Black Democrats need to wake up and take notice that their party has abandoned them as its most favored minority constituency. Illegals, Muslims, and third world refugees, are now that party’s favored minorities.
I still see blacks attempting to exert some sort of dominance and muscle in the Democrat party, but the party has sold them out on the rank and file level.
Some folks are just born suckas and they’ll never learn.
Diamond and Silk already have the Dems’ number!
Uh, Mr. Cleaver, why the outcry now? They’ve been taken for granted since LBJ, fcol!!
?? I don’t recall the mass exodus into critical thinking or any movement away from the post-Proclamation plantation. No push-off into uncharted waters of self-sufficiency. Did I miss the outcry of indignation and condemnation for calling their brothers\sisters, from the other end of the political spectrum, “Uncle Toms”, “acting white”, “house n*ggers”?
8-yrs. of Zero, setting back race-relations and opportunity DECADES...and they will STILL pull the lever for the worst black POS vs. any-other-race based on racism (skin color) (see Barry in D.C., Cummings in Baltimore, Rangle, etc.)
Which is remarkable for a Republican, and extraordinary for this Republican, given the "Trump-is-a-racist" media blitz for 18 months.
For that reason and others, I think exit polling understates the black Trump vote. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the actual black male Trump vote edged closer to 20 percent.
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver
Jacki Chiles
Get a better deal with Trump!
Decades of indoctrination and social engineering has just about succeeded in making it a fact that can be counted on.