Posted on 02/03/2017 6:21:37 AM PST by Enlightened1
Whitestown, IN Officers from up to seven agencies who live in an Indianapolis suburb had their homes and cars vandalized Wednesday night. The targeted attack happened in The Walker Farms and Harvest Park subdivisions just north of Indianapolis. Families in the area have been left shaken by the attack and searching for answers.
Walker Farms is a large subdivision that is home to many area first responders including firemen and police officers. According to Fox 59 law enforcement families woke up to graffiti on their homes, and their squad cars vandalized this morning. Agenices including the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, Zionsville Police Department, Indiana State Police, Lebanon Police Department, Whitestown Police Department, Speedway Police Department and Westfield Police Department all call the subdivisions home. At least four departments were affected by the vandalism.
Squad cars that were parked in front of homes had their windows broken and their tires were slashed. Alarmingly, those whose cars werent home still had vandalism done to their property, including graffiti on their garage doors. The graffiti included F**k WPD (Whitestown Police Department). At this time only police officers homes are believed to be the target.
We spoke with one officers wife who advised that her family has been shaken by the incident. During a time when law enforcement has had to be on high alert due to the rise in ambush attacks, having their personal home targeted put even a seasoned police wife on edge. To be the target of such vicious attacks purely because of your profession has got to end, she said. The family is now left trying to explain to their older children why they were victims of the attack.
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More BLM anti-cop terrorism?
They have to hit back and hard.
The Justice Dept won’t get in their way.
Let he who is without brains cast the first stone.
No surveillance cams at home?
We need to make some BLM caskets. There should be zero tolerance for violence.
If someone wants to be violent, there should be zero concern if they lose their life. If it’s a lot of them that need to learn, I am okay with that.
no car alarms of cop cars ?
Obama is no doubt heartened by this.
We had a similar situation in a town here in New Jersey a few years ago. It was tied to an internal “civil war” in the police department involving two factions of officers who were supporting different people in the municipal government in a long-running dispute (the mayor vs. the police chief, etc.).
Mr. niteowl77
I'll bet that will change by cob today. I'd not be surprised if a local security company offers to do the installation at cost, or perhaps even pro bono.
Opening shots into suburbia, America. The leadership of the rabid left has changed hands and have no problem escalating to violence, anywhere, anytime. If BLM will target cops, they will have no problem targeting anyone else.
five to ten millions muslims have been brought into the country over the last 8 years
if ONLY 10% are the ‘crazy nutjob’ variety... that’s still 500k - 1m jihadis to deal with
Edison perhaps?
Where are the police when you need them?
None of this detected....... not good.
I thought it was Piscataway, but I think you’re right.
One reason I’ve never been an advocate of officers being issued their own squad car to keep at home. Everybody knows who you are.
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