Epic comeback.
Amazing what a one-word search reveals ...
Why is black representation in the GOP so rare at this level. Seems to me this is more fitting of the hope expressed in the Beatles song “Blackbird” which attempted to be about this issue in the heady sixties.
We need more black rednecks (the “pick our own cotton” mentality kind) in Washington.
Great response from him.
Trump has given power back to the people
Edward Brook was a black Republican who served as Senator from Massachusetts from 1967 to 1979.
Ha ha!
Best response.
Humorous and a put down.
Man must have some great intestinal fortitude.
I think Trump is helping people speak out and also I think that having conservatism on front burner is getting stories like this out into the community.
We have some great conservatives out there, folks.
Any “replacement” will include government control and more bureaucrats. Republicans cannot allow many thousands of bureaucrats to lose their jobs and will not cut off the sources of income provided for them through and because of obamacare. If they were serious about returning American Medicine to going away pre-eminence in the world and accessability to everyone they would simply and cleanly repeal the monster and all the parts of other laws that were passed as part of it but in different packages. No replacement. Just remove the government from the fields of Medicine and Insurance altogether. They will not do that because they cannot let go of something they think they control and that is a rich source of campaign funding and outright corruption.
wasn’t there a black senator in the 60s or 70s. Can’t recall name. 1960s that is
Thats as good as Allen West dropping off Chick Fil A fried chicken at the CBC and then leaving.
Love it!
When CNN ran a screen caption of “Nigger Ennis,” he replied, “I guess they thought I was a rap singer.