Posted on 01/11/2017 4:21:31 AM PST by Kaslin
More than a few of my Washington allies noticed a seemingly unremarkable bit of news in a Monday Washington Post article that they thought I ought to see. The article concerned Jared Kushners appointment as adviser to his father-in-law Donald Trump.
The appointment did not trouble my friends. What troubled them was the Posts casual mention that Kushners attorney was none other than Jamie Gorelick, deputy attorney general under President Bill Clinton. Observed the Post, Gorelick is confident that the anti-nepotism statute does not cover Trump's appointment of Kushner.
Nepotism was the thrust of the article. The Post made no allusion to the concerns my friends and I have about this relationship. I assured them that Kushner probably does not know Gorelicks history. I write this to make him aware of why bloggers have taken to calling Gorelick, "The Mistress of Disaster."
Some recent highlights. In 2014, it was revealed that the George Soros-funded Urban Institute had an officially sanctioned role in the vetting of non-profits that seek tax-exempt status through the IRS. Gorelick was the vice-chairman of the Urban Institute board.
In 2011, she represented Duke University in its attempt to squash a suit by lacrosse team members whose lives had been turned upside down by false rape accusations that the university aided and abetted. In 2010, Gorelick represented BP in the Deepwater Horizon oil mess. It gets worse, much worse.
In 1993, as deputy attorney general under President Clinton, Gorelick served as field commander for the horrific government assault on a religious community in Waco, Texas, that left more than eighty dead, twenty of them children.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I would be concerned about this if she is indeed his attorney, one that handles his account personally and not just as some partner or associate of a firm that happens to have Kushner as a client.
To my mind, she is responsible for 9-11, its CAUSE in erecting the barrier between CIA and FBI as Deputy AG, its coverup as a member of the investigatory panel, and in further destruction of this country as a principal/director in Fannie Mae.
My only conclusion about her is that she is evil personified.
OMG!! Jamie Gorelick should be in PRISON!!! She is Totally CORRUPT!!!
If he does not know her history, he is not as smart as we are told and underserving of the position. With Gorelick on board, the swamp is rising, or at least at a static level.
I am certain she offers sage advice to the young Mr. Kushner. He would be well advised to treat such advice as coming from the forked tongue of a deadly pit viper.
Gorelick was also the attorney for BP oil spill deal w/ the Obama admin.
Was she Obama’s attorney or BPs?
What you said. He’s either ignorant or he’s aware and has discernment issues. The Kushner family needs to stay in NYC and “tend to their knittin’”, as my mom would say.
Its a big dem family. They likely know about Jamie.
Why would someone with his resources be unaware of her history. Something is fishy.
The buzz is that Ms. Gorelick worked for Fannie may at a salary of a little over $500,000 and left with $26,000,000 in bonuses. The bio on her website says she was Vice Chair of Fannie Mae from 1997 to 2003 under Clinton. She is a Harvard elitist (see link below).
Apparently she did a horrible job and left with a 26 million dollar bonus. To me, something just doesn't look right here. I think there should be a thorough investigation to see if any laws were broken and if she (and Franklin Raines, $700k salary, $50 million bonuses) were not looting the agency. I do not trust the Republicans to investigate this, for they have their buddies on the take and would certainly whitewash this larceny. I am livid about this woman's ability to loot and then escape all blame.
The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversights report says that F/M CEO Franklin Raines---a Clinton appointee---and other Fannie Mae bigwigs, deliberately and intentionally manipulated financial reports to artificially hit earnings targets in order to trigger multi-million dollar bonuses for senior F/M executives.
Ex-Fannie CEO Franklin Raines should be behind bars for life. He is a crook of the first order. This thief Raines cooked the FM books precipitating losses of $9B (that we know of) for the single purpose of creating bonuses for himself and other F/M insiders. The SEC said Raines broke accounting rules by playing with risky derivatives.
RAINES COOKS THE F/M BOOKS---WALKS AWAY A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE After Raines was fired and exposed as a fraudster for cooking the govt books, Raines walked away w/ $90 million dollars, a $26 million parachute, PLUS..... Raines gets a MONTHLY pension of $116,300 for life. Raines had already collected $4.87 million in "special performance" shares. Raines owns options giving him $5.8 million in net profit after redemptions, plus another $8.7 million in deferred compensation for his six years at the F/M helm. There's more.
Raines keeps $5 million of paid-up life insurance. He and his spouse get free medical and dental benefits for life, worth over $1 million. NOTE: Raines earned $20 million in salary, bonuses and stock awards (that we know of) in one year.
To keep Raines happy within philanthropic circles, Fannie Mae will match Raines' charitable contributions by $10,000 a year.
After he was fired, Raines told the F/M board that he's entitled to get paychecks until June 22 giving him another $600,000, which triggers a $2,000 monthly raise in his lifetime pension. He also said he's entitled to disputed options with a gross value of about $5.6 million.
Watch for trouble to arise for Kushner.
She is, and she should be.
To defend him against the evil snakes on the Democrat side of the aisle and in the MSM, wouldn't he need to hire an even more evil snake?
I can’t remember now what she did in the Clinton years, but it was BAD, and then somehow she got MILLIONS from some deal.
Freepers in New Jersey know his family well. His father was a convicted criminal and major Democratic fundraiser for such misfits as Jim McGreevey and Jon Corzine.
I have never trusted this guy on Trump's team.
Well, if the goal is to get away with outrageous acts that earn you a lot of $, or cause serious damage to the country and skate away with nary a whimper, Gorelick has a ton of good advice to offer Mr. Kushner...
I think the guy who wrote this got the title all wrong. It should be:
Donald Trump, Beware of Jared Kushner
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