The very definition of fake news.
Try again, losers.
i.e. “too big to repeal”
Wanna bet?
Geez. Obamacare interfered with free markets much more than I would have guessed. Got to end it now before the damage is worse.
How much will you save when illegals go bye-bye?
Some hospitals may lose, but Americans definitely win.
Personal healthcare and especially personal healthcare insurance is NONE of the feds constitutional business.
Wait - I thought they wanted the ACA because we already had an unprecedented public health crisis.
Make up your minds, folks.
unless the hospitals are deregulated and develop immunity from lawyers
Ahh - the Washington Post posts more fake news...
This is BS - the hospitals may lose money due to not getting subsidized by the state but, if anything, they should easily find other profitability by increasing the number of surgeries and throughput rather than the current trend of doing the bare minimum to tag the checkbox on the medicare repay form.
Provide for your patients and not the government.
Medical liberty for all.
WaPo: An Fake News Site by their own admission.
Why not just abolish the mandate? If anyone wants to opt out, have them pay in with no benefits for the first two years of their enrollment.
There were news reports this AM that life expectancy is going DOWN in the US. Could it be that a lot of people are relying on a cure for everything, instead of taking responsibility for their own health?
Those who want their Obamacare can keep their Obamacare. But I sure as *ell don't want to subsidize them.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... sorry, I call BS on this one... absolute BS.
Hospital’s would love to be able to return to a fee for service vs fee for outcome model.... They’ve seen their margins crushed under Obamacare.
This reminds me of the dire warnings coming from the teachers unions and other leftist groups in California in the late 1970s lamenting all sorts of dire consequences if proposition 13 were to pass. None of them came true.
Well, hospitals, maybe you should stop charging insured patients 70% more than you charge uninsured patients.
What say you? Fake news or any fact at all in this?
I’d like to see the list of hospitals whose administrators signed onto this pack of falsehoods.
They said the same thing when the law went into law.
Hey, when the music stops, somebody always winds-up without a chair. Quit whining!
Fake news.