I wish I could put "Comedy" in the title of some of these articles. Link also has charts showing deportations, crimes, immigration legal backlog,
Let’s face it folks... Obunga would screw up a free lunch at a Sunday school picnic.
BS !
Obama changed the definition of a deportation.
Border turn-a-ways are now counted as a deportation.
I heard Obama wanted to make America great again but the republicans wouldn’t let him
Delusional cnn slime bags both.
Pretty much any statistic for the 0vomit administration is suspect.
Deportations include border turnaways.
Unemployment does not count those who have given up looking for work.
White criminals include hispanics, but hispanic victims are counted as non-white.
If you’re a democrat, just change the definition to get the result you want. Forget about honest data or honest communication.
“Trump’s plan to deport criminals won’t be easy. Just ask Obama”
Yeah, we haven’t been able to deport Obama back to Kenya yet.
Everything isn’t easy...if you are a journalist that never built anything in your life, cut a deal, created a job...
Why do credulous fools in the media (this means you, Catherine E. Shoichet & Aaron Kessler of CNN) accept any number coming out of the Obama regime at face value?
'Shovel-ready' projects?
Jobs created or saved due to the 'stimulus'?
Savings of $2500 per year for a family's health insurance?
How many Obama lies must you get suckered into believing before it occurs to you that they are lies?
Even a (slow) child can see that Obama is an inveterate liar and that every statement from his lackeys is a carefully-crafted lie - so why on Earth can't you CNN idiots grasp that simple fact?
E-Verity and watch self deportation
How about frog march ‘em on a ship and just put them ashore down in Southern Mexico. Turn ship around and go home.
Hopefully he’s not planning to deport druggies simply for having 71 lbs of weed in their SUVs. That would be jack-booted tyrrany.
‘....obama made deporting criminals a top priority.’
Actually, he made IMporting them a top priority.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. CNN is now hiring people away from The Onion!!!
You can’t believe a single word coming from this regime and the media that supports it. They’re the only ones delusional enough to believe these lies. All of this regime’s claims always turn out to be bunk.
Zero just added “turned back at border” to “deportations” to hide the fact there were few deportations.
Obama had to concentrate to tie his shoelaces.
How to find them is easy. Hold soccor games in every major city on the same day. Have the games be between South American teams. Lock the gates, check ID’s, send em home
Ask Obama what? He never tried to deport criminals he made excuses for them. CNN is sliding further into a sinkhole of lies and corruption.
Then Obama’s gonna look awfully inept as Trump goes about our business....