Since Sep 24, 1998

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Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation!

Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.

Then conquer we must, for our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

And the star-spangled banner forever shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!



TODD PALIN IS A HUNK! ping list:

Trust But Verify; caww; Bush_Democrat; cincinnati65; mpackard; Vor Lady; proudtobeanamerican1; autumnraine; Canticle_of_Deborah; BruceysMom; the lastbestlady; MozarkDawg; colorcountry; nobama08; BunnySlippers; fanfan; kitkat; conservative cat; YLLady; Aria; defconw; barker; brytani; snippy_about-it; PennsylvaniaMom; Shadraq; Allegra; reformed_dem; Jemian; kezzek; notaliberal; MamaB; tiniyo; gnuhere; spotbust1; nana4bush; maggief; leapfrog0202; rintense; sportutegrl; sneakers; daylilly; Jen; bahbah; jan in Colorado; tillacum; kitkat; Blue Angel; freekitty; beckysueb; tillacum; jtill; momto6; Arthur McGowan; helpfulresearcher; notaliberal; PennsylvaniaMom; oprahstheantichrist; ReneeLynn; LADY J; Lucky2; Onyx; libbylu; hoosiermama; ozark hilljilly; Fudd Fan; TheOldLady; MrsLilac; KC_Lion


Auburn War Eagle! ping list:
twister881; Alas Babylon!; Apple Pan Dowdy; GizmosAndGadgets; NonValue Added; del4hope; mamab; Jemian; lbkq; lysie; EmilyGeiger; dfwgator; p.henry; vigilantcitizen; momto2; jch10; clint n suhks; southland; aliquando; swift15; highlyopinionated; RatRipper; libbylu; AUTiger83; DesScorp; AUsome Joy; CholeraJoe; lyby; Wyatt's Torch ; Qwackertoo; Blueflag; wardamneagle

Kay's ping list:
ALL;A Citizen Reporter; ABG(Anybody but Gore); AFPhys; alwaysconservative; Angelwood; b4its2late; bamafour; bevlar; Billie; Bitwhacker; BlueAngel; bmwcyle;Borax Queen; Brad’s Gramma; Carolinamom; CFW; CJinVA;Chairman_December_19th_Society; Citizen Soldier; CONSERVE; DallasGal; del4hope;DollyCali; duckbutt; EDINVA; Elkiejg; Foghat;4everontheRight; gardner; grannie9; Guenevere;gulfcoast6; Holding Our Breath; hoosiermama; Hotmetal;ICFN(ICan’tFixNothing); illstillbe; Iowa Granny; Iowan; JRandomFReeper;Jemian;JemiansTerror; JHENN22499; JohnHuang2; jtill; kassie; kayak; ken5050; LBKQ; lepton; LionsDaughter; lysie; M Kehoe; MetalHeadConservative35; milagro; Miss Marple; MNbelle; Molly Pitcher; MozartLover;Mrs.Liberty;Neets;NerdDad; NewsBee;Northern Yankee; Not gonna take it anymore; nw_arizona_granny; ohioWfan; okimhere; onyx; pollyshy; Prairiebreeze; Purdue Pete; Quix;Redleg Duke; rejoicing; ride the whirlwind; Rivendell; Ron C.; SittinYonder; SkyDancer;SnarlinCubBear; SoldierDad; Species8472; still lurking; sunshine state; Teacup; The Coopster; The Raven; TheyreGone2000;tillacum; TruthNtegrity; Two Thirds Vote Aye; Txsleuth; Utah Girl; W.; Yellow Rose of Texas; Denco

Alabama Ping List:
JLS; bamahead; EdReform; saleman; Southack; kosciusko51; Bryan24; blam; Jemian; alancarp; plain talk; Yardstick; Conspiracy Guy; lyby; gov_bean_ counter ; DugwayDuke; RatRipper; Alas Babylon!; nolongerademocrat; RatRipper; woofer2425; yellowhammer; 1-Eagle; 131st Scout; 2CAVTrooper; 65superhawk; 6Covs; A.P.M.; adkinsjohnnie; Alabama Mutt; Alabama Scholars Association; alabama_heart; ALfreereeper; AllArmyAllUSA; Almost Free; arabspacecommander; armywifebco; Askad; au eagle; au-plainsman; auboy; aveteranme; Bad Attitude; BamaBlue; bamabound; BamaBoy45; BamaCharm; BamaGOP; bamastudent; Bama_Fren; Bama_Reb; barabek; baradoni; bigun1_6605; Billjo; bish; bish78; Bizzy Bugz; BloodyRedOne; boknows; boycott; BrightBeeMe; bubbas_mom; buckster; BudgieRamone; Bunzii; bushcheney08; butchprooredneck; bwteim; carpcatcher; Castle; Catholic Tider; charrisGOP; ChiefNC; chronotrigger; ChynaMdsn; clansman89; Client 9; cmarks; ConanTheRepublican; Conspiracy Guy; corby_little_girl; counterpunchshirt; CR; Cranky; crazyhorse14; CrimsonStater; csason; CWW; daughterofTGSL; David in Guntersville; del4hope; DingyBamaBrat; Dirty Pierre; dixiechick2; DixieLadyMom; dixiemelody; Donna Rumsfeld; dulcedo; dustydustmite; earthalways; EdReform; ejroth; EmilyGeiger; Enemies_Foreign_and_Domestic; EricT.; extremeguitar; Farmerbob; federalistfan; fightforjustice!; fish70; fishman12; floataround; floataround2; FrogInABlender; G Davis Reynolds; genericbrandx; GFP; GhostCat1; gijoe2003; Girl Politicized; glenscheer; goldnugget; GopherVet; Gordon Greene; GrandEagle; GWashington3313; H&K Man; hanboy; HaveFaith; hawk40; HeartOfDixie56; hubno; Hypatia64; Independant Thinker; InjunJoe; Iraq_Road_Warrior; itzkudzu; i_c_o_n; JACJohnson; Jackie-Bobo; JacobsBubbie; JamesAgold; jbg; jcyrix; jeff6645; JeffMcVicker; Jermy; jfreif; jgee; Jim252; jimunderwoodUSA; JLS; Jo; Jo5329; jpowell180; Kenneth Mullinax; kimcar; Kmptrgeek; ladymac; lag along; Lakeside; latindolphin; Laura Earl; Law; LDA78; leftydestroyer; Leo58; LibertyLee; lilmoma; logperch; Longsworth34; lostyankee; love_peace_blessings; Luke; LuLu Rogers; lyby; LynnS; malachi dad; MamaB; mamadixie; Mamasgogetta; Marenda; market; markmiw; Maverick88; mawmaw6; mcdbirdman; McGarrett 50; mckinleysghost; mental vengeance; metanoia;; mickey g; MinuteWoman1776; MissBushie; MisterFIXIT1983; Mitt Romney; Moby Grape; MohoTiger; momofthreesons; mrbillwilson; MrPiper; mr_freedom_usa; mscht; MsFurious; napayshni; nuckolls; Oliver Optic; Omar the Bull; oneb igba dwulf; panzer_grey; Paratrooper; Patriot Pundit; Patriot26; Phil Southern; political1; Proud2bNeoCon; Proud2Profile; Purity Kontrol; quack; razzle9251; RED SOUTH; redbloodredstate; Resistor; responsibility; rhetorica; rolltide4ver; royen; saleman; Sally; SamFromLivingston; SamFromWinfield; Sammie42; SamuraiTailor; sassy steel magnolia; sdum160; Seacowboys; Self Ruler; sgtbroc; SGTMIKE; snackbarfilms; SouthBamaGirl; speak4us; SSBNMacDaddy; steppinhi; StoneOBM; swampfox; sweeper68; taaminator; tbsteph1; Thankfulheart; the lone haranguer; TheBigTown; TheDiehardConservative; TheQuestion; Tide Gal; tider; Toastrider; Tomcat1108; TweetEBird007; UAH-KT; ugojo; Ultra Sonic 007; USMC_tangocharlie; WarEagle365; WeaponOfMassInstruction; Weinburger; William Blake; wints; Yardstick; chiefphil; American Blood; tdillard; Bamabunker; GOP_polyscigeek; Grigor; WayneM; mickey mouse; Raketemann20003; EMT08-AL; Jemian; LionsDaughter; bamahead; baimsey; Birmingham Rain; clairhugo; cofa22; Condor 63; garybob; glocker23; OneWayToGo; plain talk; Radio Free Tuscaloosa; redtetrahedron; starhunter; votelife; yellowhammer; WarEagle; 6ppc; Debster; jlyspio; 1sgretired; Hillary’s Folly; Shadowstrike; cooperlt; joeclanton5; silentreignofheroes; RatRipper; ido_now; Quigley; dawngrl; TheCPA; Southron Patriot; earonthief; mstruss; Quilla; retcpo; woofer2425; Hondo1952; agent_dark_booty; sweet_diane; Neville72; ToKillaMockingbird; Vetvoice; AnnGora; lshoultz; reflecting; StGeorge; Free_in_Alabama; IVBama; outlaw1_2003; Bryan24; Pknicker; awelliott; Southern Partisan; theoriginalgriff; adx; al_possum39; Barn Owl; cyndi; Deanies_Papa; ekwd; hoosrnight; jrestrepo; proudofthesouth; Proverbs 3-5; Skibert;; TheOldSchool; ConstitutionalConservative; tyrannycontrol; Kadric; lilairhead; Monterrosa-24; winna; mtnwmn; DugwayDuke; FReepazoid; FreepLady; gov_bean_ counter; phelix; where’s_the_Outrage?; Log; AzaleaCity5691; BamaDi; bc4gwb; blam; Bull Jones; cayuga; Dad of Chris Mason; Deerjerkey; malachismom; Ridgeway; RiVer19; Timeout; commish; newstart; notsofastmyfriend; rightinalabama; jtill; everlast; Mr.Pilgrim; JimBo61; DaisyLee; pakdetectives; bushhog; Aznar5; sokOO7; Jonas Grumby; cat76; southland; B35151; Ecliptic; ImaGraftedBranch; Uglywhiteguy; LakeLady; iloveclhjr; flyingspacemonkey; Alas Babylon!; wkdaysoff; freedownsouth; MyOptic; Bozzin; chesley; danielsparks; Intriguaphobic; Tuscaloosa Goldfinch; worrywart; cicada; King Nothing; hawkman; jeannie29; Rebforever; DixieChik; yawningotter; RushIsMyTeddyBear; pappyone; BamaDi; 6ppc; ScareyFast63; miele man; 4Godsoloved..Hegave; jtill; RetiredArmy; Shadowstrike; cll; garybob; OldPossum; Rufus2007 ; UAConservative; rightly_dividing; Qwackertoo; Arkansas Tider; dulcedo; eastforker; Fai Mao; Himyar