Debate Commission sabotages Trump. Freeper verdict: it’s Trump’s fault.
The bias just gets more and more disgraceful by the day
What a shame our government and media has become so corrupt.
Next debate, he should wait till almost ready to start and then ask if he can switch with Hillary. Won’t do any good but what the heck.
and the media called out Trump as a cry baby.
Will they now issue an apology?
Won;t hold me breath though
Come on. What the heck is Trumps staff doing? Get on it. We have a country to save!
Well .. I have a rather snarky comment regarding the head of the Presidential Debates Commission: She looked like a HAG; I mean .. her hair looked like she hadn’t washed or combed it in a very long time. She was barely coherent; and since her outfit seemed right out of the 60’s, I’m guessing she is liberal to the nth degree.
That being said .. I’m not surprised they might allow somebody to tamper with Trump’s mic; or that they would hire their regular people and then not check to make sure they had done a good job. This is how they operate. Lying, cheating, lying, cheating, lying, cheating.
Trump better have EVERY ASPECT of the next debate thoroughly inspected.
This is why you don’t agree to do debates with the other party in charge of them! Debates should be run by conservatives and liberal moderators who can ask questions respectfully. Enough of this acting like the moderators aren’t voting for the democrat!
This *itch puts Houdini to shame. So does most of Capital Hill!!!
I beginning to realize they just didn’t pull the wool over our eyes, They have pulled it past our feet!!!!
I’m praying that Trump wakes up and starts informing sheeples.
The 10 mills $ from the state dept to educate future H-1B visa minions. Lockheed Martin and the dozen plus deals the state department gave them to sell their stuff to other countries, including Iran!
You give ca$h to the Clinton’s, mountains move, and they hand us the bill giggling all the way.
Many are clueless. Are now too stupid to survive?
I’m an AV guy....
What happened was that the gain was up pretty high to pick up Trumps voice due to the distance of his mouth from the microphone due to his height. The angle was such that is was picking up his nasal sounds when he breathed .
The Tech turned the gain down to eliminate the nasal sounds which in turn decreased the volume pickup.
I noticed the nasal sounds went away after the adjustment but so did the depth and fullness of Trumps voice.
The tech should have adjusted the equalizer down at the high frequencies and he could have eliminated the nasal sounds without decreasing the gain.
Oh, whoops! His mic/audio sounded like sh*t. It was so obvious they’d tampered with the audio.
Lying media.