Posted on 01/19/2016 12:29:19 PM PST by Engraved-on-His-hands
Rick Santorum was a guest on KCWI's Great Day on Tuesday morning. Santorum talked about a number off issues in his 17-minute interview with the KCWI morning team, but when Meteorologist Jason Parkin asked what differentiates him from Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Santorum explained it was his view on marriage.
"Marriage is probably the big thing. Ted has the position that states can do whatever they want with marriage," Santorum stated. "I don't believe that's true. Abraham Lincoln said that states don't have the right to do wrong.
Santorum went on to explain his position in depth.
I would offer to Ted, if the states wanted to do polygamy, that would be ok? If the states wanted to do inter-family marriages, would that would be ok?
The answer of course is no, it's not ok. Why isn't it ok? Because you can't do wrong, you can't do something that's morally wrong and against nature and the natural law.
If you don't have that position, which I do, then you are saying that states have absolute authority to dictate anything they want on their people. That's not the country I live in. The country I live in doesn't give the state absolute power over us to do whatever they want, whether its true or false, rational or not.
I think he takes a dangerous position one that's not conservative at all, that the sate has absolute power to do whatever they want to do. They don't. They are constrained too. They are constrained by the truth. That's the difference between a social conservative and a libertarian who says I'm for traditional marriage, but I'll let the states do it.
The Santorum remarks on Cruz begin at the 4:11 mark.
Go away, Rick. Your campaign is over.
Yep, the constitution and states rights are “dangerous”...
Those states may do something he doesn’t approve of...
What an idiot.
But he’s got nothing to say about gay marriage being legal now or is it that he is just too scared to say what he really feels about it? And scared people is not what we want now!
Rick, under the Constitution, who has jurisdiction over marriage, the states or the Federal government?
The simple solution, our libertarian friends would say, is to separate state and marriage.
People are all against states' rights when it is something they hate.
You do not enforce morality via usurpation. Santorum understands that same-sex marriage is not morally acceptable. (It is,in fact, an oxymoron, as it is incapable of being consummated by a procreational act.) But he here advocates usurpation of State functions by the Federal bureaucracy. That disqualifies him from serious consideration as a candidate for President.
There ya’ go again. Attacking the source instead of the topic. That tells me you don’t have a substantive argument about what Santorum stated.
Take it back to what it was...a contract between man and God, officiated by the church. States and Federal government should not be able to alter that covenant.
I wonder where Santorum finds the power of the federal government to dictate pro- or anti-homosexual in the Constitution.
I also wonder what other powers he finds there. SCOTUS has found the powers to declare abortion and homosexual marriage legal. Being a “conservative” version of an overreaching court is no better than the liberal version. Overreach on both sides is bad.
By issuing a license, the state implicitly says you have to have their permission to get married.
Unfortunately, Rick is right on this one.
States don’t have the right to call squares circles.
pro- or anti-homosexual *marriage *
Seems every time I hear Santorum, he edges a little further to the left.
Lincoln also suspended habeus corpus. Not sure Lincoln’s interpretation of the Constitution was such a good argument anchor here.
So Rick would emulate Honest Abe and invade Tennessee if it adopts a Nullification Act against Obergfell?
Hey Sweater Vest read up on your Lincoln. He ran for POTUS in 1860 to stop the expansion of slavery not to roll it back. Lincoln did not end slavery during the Civil War in the border states that stayed in the Union. Lincoln knew it would take a constitutional amendment to end slavery which is why we have a 13th Amendment. So I would say Cruz is much more in tune with Lincoln’s thinking then you.
While all laws should be moral, not all morality should be defined by law.
Rick is sucking up to Trump with an eye to getting on the next version of “The Apprentice.”
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