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CNN Republican Presidential Debate (kiddies at 6:30ET, main event at 8:30 post 1001 ) LIVE THREAD
| December 15, 2015
Posted on 12/15/2015 2:31:26 PM PST by Jim Robinson
GOP candidates debate for first time since terror attacks.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Business/Economy; Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: New York; US: Texas; War on Terror
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To: kiryandil
Yes, he’s a craven little kid.
To: mkjessup
.) ((hugs)) from your Palm Sister.... LOL!
posted on
12/15/2015 8:46:19 PM PST
( VIVA CRISTO REY / Public education is the farm team for more Marxists coming)
To: altura
No, it’s Cruz’s persona(?) he’d arrest him as a suspect in just about anything type thing. It’s a law enforcement thing.
posted on
12/15/2015 8:46:47 PM PST
("One day I will leave this world and dream myself to Reality" Crazy Horse)
To: CatOwner
Paul can’t “help” anyone; least of all himself!
To: nopardons
Yep, but he liked Jack Kennedy. :)
posted on
12/15/2015 8:47:49 PM PST
("One day I will leave this world and dream myself to Reality" Crazy Horse)
To: All
TRUMP 47.01% (64,056 votes)
CRUZ 24.4% (33,244 votes)
PAUL 12.61% (17,184 votes)
RUBIO 7.5% (10,214 votes)
CHRISTIE 2.47% (3,360 votes)
FIORINA 2.06% (2,813 votes)
BUSH 1.67% (2,282 votes)
CARSON 1.48% (2,020 votes)
KASICH 0.79% (1,073 votes)
Total Votes: 136,246
posted on
12/15/2015 8:47:57 PM PST
Art in Idaho
(Conservatism is the only Hope for Western Civilization.)
To: GilGil
that is the only thing they probably do for Trump and that is to listen to Rush.
Anecdotally, I think this is true, though I cannot substantiate the numbers. A typical daytime Limbaugh audience is something like 15 million (cannot verify veracity of how radio ratings work).
Money talks.
To: Marcella
posted on
12/15/2015 8:49:32 PM PST
(God's blessing has been on America from the very beginning, and I believe God isn't done yet. TCruz)
To: Duchess47
Oh good grief....that was the very first president I’ve ever truly HATED, and I hated him from the time I saw him debate Nixon !
To: gwgn02
So, how did Cruz smack down The Rube [Dondi2016]?
I read upthread that Cruz 'cut Rube's puppet strings'.
posted on
12/15/2015 8:50:20 PM PST
("When Muslims in the White House are outlawed, only Barack Obama will be an outlaw")
To: cookcounty
“Take the oil”... I’m listening to O’Reilly and he is right about Trump. Trump is campaigning on what he WANTS to do, but [O’Reilly thinks] he won’t be able to do it. O’Reilly is saying that Trump is exposing the corruption in DC.
Trump is making a deal with the nation. He is saying what he plans on doing and he is going to do his best in making America great again.
The problem I see is that many American people are as morally corrupt as their gov’t is politically corrupt.
It can take years to build a tower. But only an hour to bring it down. Took 200 years to build this nation and while the planning took decades (like it takes a lot of time to plan taking down the tower) to bring it down, the current administration has dialed the number. Building the nation from where it stands now, will not return America to its Judeo-Christian roots. We are in a spiritual war.
The world is in a spiritual war.
To: gwgn02
[[Marco Rubio is falling short; Ted Cruz is beating him in every confrontation tonight.]]
That’s what happens when someone with a pint sized mental capacity takes on intellectual giants-
Rubio fancied himself david and cruz goliath, but Rubio forgot to gather up some stones before confronting the giant
(Speaking of David- people ask why David gathered 4 stones if he knew God would make do with one stone- and a pastor answered once ‘incase Goliath had 4 brothers)
To: dforest
WHERE IS FOX TONIGHT on debate coverage? Lou Dobbs was not covering at all, and O’Reilly was blustering to Krauthammer as I channel surfed. No after-debate panel discussion whatsoever, I guess.
posted on
12/15/2015 8:51:16 PM PST
( VIVA CRISTO REY / Public education is the farm team for more Marxists coming)
To: Jim Robinson
posted on
12/15/2015 8:52:01 PM PST
(Benghazi-LIES/CoverupIRS-LIES/CoverupDOJ-NO Justice--Etc Marxist Treason Jail Hillary!)
To: nopardons
lol, he really apolitical. I think he only liked him because he met him as president when he was in the army.
posted on
12/15/2015 8:52:23 PM PST
("One day I will leave this world and dream myself to Reality" Crazy Horse)
To: gwgn02
Sorry, but Donald Jr has already been promised the job.
Cruz as the chief justice of scotus....
My heart be still.
To: angelcindy
Jeb’s daddy. oy. You hit the nail on the head.
To: Jim 0216
Don't know what your problem is...
Is there any other candidate to whom you would afford such leeway? That they don't need to know anything, because they are a "fast learner"?
To: Syncro
Seriously, they were there tonight? Wow. Are they an item or just what, do you think?
posted on
12/15/2015 8:53:23 PM PST
( VIVA CRISTO REY / Public education is the farm team for more Marxists coming)
To: RitaOK
Fox and Baier suck ditch water
True talkin turds
posted on
12/15/2015 8:54:18 PM PST
advertising guy
(............Radical. Islamic. Democrats, yeah.......that's the ticket !l)
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