Posted on 12/03/2015 6:14:37 PM PST by rktman
We live in a world of short-term memories and long-term memory deficiencies. If the 24-hour news cycle was any indication, Americans appear to be bouncing from one catastrophic mass shooting to the next, with hardly any breathing room. Like this is just a regular occurrence America has learned to endure because⦠guns. Itâs the prevalence of firearms in the hands of the people, the anti-gunners say. Calls to limit, rewrite, redefine, or outright dispose of the 2nd Amendment are rampant.
But no one is looking at the data. If they did, they would realize something is really, really, really wrong here.
No, there havenât always been so many mass shootings. It hasnât always been this way. Mass shootings have skyrocketed in this country just in the last seven years under President Obama.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
linky no worky...
Aiding and abetting the terror cells with porous borders and lack of profiling fuels the “we need stricter gun laws” narrative.
It’s the sequel to Fast and Furious.
Terrible economy and open borders.
The left seems to instinctively side with evil. Not just that, but enable and fan the flames of evil.
Endless agitation.
Too much hope and change.
Obams an evil dirtbag....his influence was enough to encourage many to act out thier insane rage??
When you have tribes and gangs fighting over the same pieces of pie, somebody is definitely going to die or get hurt. The Kenyan has successfully divided Americans. A pretty good stunt only a few years after 9/11.
well put and politely at that..
None need to be dead. Wonder how many Chicago has chalked up.
At least 3 in my county in upstate NY.
Bad guys are emboldened by weakness. The evil people of the world were given 8 years to build their plans and move on them. This last year should be a doozie. I hope we all survive.
The Obama-Clinton Libya Islamic Terrorist gun running, and the Obama ATF Fast and Furious Narco Terrorist gun running.
Now it's as easy as falling off a log.
But still not many of them have been “terror” or illegals.
But also note, at the same time, never before have we had “terror” or illegal-fueled mass murders.
“The Kenyan has successfully divided Americans.”
I think you nailed it.
The people in the USA are at war with each other——and it seems to be getting worse.
A feeling of general malaise seems to persist.
The president’s fundamental transformation has taken place.
Because obama has done NOTHING to stop the aggression... and will not speak against muslims nor will he fight them overseas. They know this. They have been given the way and the means to spread terror around the globe. How many beheadings.. and not a single pay back. they just keep gaining.
And I’m sure the police in CA and the FBI got a phone call from obama within half an hour of the attack in CA.. telling them to not call this a terrorist attack. You can tell from their language, they have had their hands and mouths tied. They KNOW.. EVERYONE knows.. it’s a terrorist attack.. and obama won’t let anyone do a thing against his people.. the muslims .. and his religion... He won’t let anyone say the word Jesus Christ... it’s Holidays, not Christmas. Listen to the media... they speak in whispers that it’s terrorist. Some outright state it’s terrorist. But obama and his den won’t allow it to be said. We’d have to be really dumb, deaf and blind to not know it’s terrorists. But he plays this game all the time.. he plays like we are deaf, dumb and blind...
How many attacks will it take before the media and congress defy the traitor in chief... and stop the killing. How many more?
If that does not include “on purpose and at random”, then it is not a good definition.
Chicago is just full of common thugs, mostly just “aiming” to shoot their enemies who “dissed” them personally. Mass murderers have no personal “enemies” per se and just shoot up places at random.
Vast difference.
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