Because obama has done NOTHING to stop the aggression... and will not speak against muslims nor will he fight them overseas. They know this. They have been given the way and the means to spread terror around the globe. How many beheadings.. and not a single pay back. they just keep gaining.
And I’m sure the police in CA and the FBI got a phone call from obama within half an hour of the attack in CA.. telling them to not call this a terrorist attack. You can tell from their language, they have had their hands and mouths tied. They KNOW.. EVERYONE knows.. it’s a terrorist attack.. and obama won’t let anyone do a thing against his people.. the muslims .. and his religion... He won’t let anyone say the word Jesus Christ... it’s Holidays, not Christmas. Listen to the media... they speak in whispers that it’s terrorist. Some outright state it’s terrorist. But obama and his den won’t allow it to be said. We’d have to be really dumb, deaf and blind to not know it’s terrorists. But he plays this game all the time.. he plays like we are deaf, dumb and blind...
How many attacks will it take before the media and congress defy the traitor in chief... and stop the killing. How many more?
You can’t work towards gun confiscation without increased mass killings first.