Posted on 07/10/2015 7:06:00 AM PDT by HomerBohn
If Pope Francis lasts in office and does not change his ways, the Catholic Church may well be headed toward schism and general apostasy.
Not all. I miss the last guy.
Franklin Graham has been pretty steady in his public comments.
Hey pope guy - it’s that unfettered capitalism that keeps you and the Vatican going.
Does this mean the Indigenous people can go back to Human sacrifice and cannibalism?
This Pope is a skinwalker.
Communism and capitalism aren't mutually exclusive. Look at china for example. Communism + unfettered capitalism.
He may be the head of the Catholic Church, but his real religion is Leftism.
“Pope calls unfettered capitalism ‘the dung of the devil’”
Out of touch with real people alert!
I seriously doubt he know what true capitalism is. The US hasn’t had true Capitalism since the Early 1900’. What we have now is a mix of crony capitalism and national socialism and both are the REAL enemies of Freedom loving individuals everywhere.
Back and forth, back and forth we go! Wheeeeeee!
Catholics want credit for founding America: Fortnight For Freedom: The Catholic Roots of the Declaration of Independence
Wait - no they don't! The VortexStar-Spangled Heresy
By “unfettered” he may mean the quality capitalism has that causes people to trust in mammon more than God (”Take ease, my soul”), and to abuse the weak in places. Nevertheless, capitalism has the pleasant side effect, if not direct effect, of helping the poor much more than any other system we know. But how should capitalism be “fettered?” IMO it already is, and too much so.
Is the Pope Catholic?
I certainly hope that Christian Catholics will leave or split off. Pope F. can lead the rest of his pagan flock to the dung hill.
He is again proving himself to be the NWO last pope fulfilling the Malachy prophecy.
I don't think so. Most people and businesses around here have to observe some kind of law. But if you want to get away from that you can set up shop in places that allow you to do whatever you want with your slave labor (China, India, Cambodia, etc.)
I'll take capitalism for 500, Alex, please.
The Pope's message to the unfortunate masses should have been "throw off your fetters and chains, throw out the socialists and the marxists controlling you and bleeding you dry....and embrace the benefits of free's God and his gift of freedom that is the source of your rights and your opportunities, not the false god of socialistic, smothering government."
Alas, just the opposite message was given by the Pontiff.....and the fetters on his audiences will remain long after he's back in Rome, thanks to his marxist social-justice ideology and all the deliberately-missed opportunities of this tour.
Well it is clear that The Pope is officially an adversary of the American Way of Life and he must be taken seriously as such and opposed and fought at every turn.
To Hell with his infallibility.
Until this Pope, the Vatican has generally supported America (except for the wayward sinful decadence) against the Communists and powers of totalitarianism. This guy has been steeped in the South American brand of Marxism. He will be nothing but trouble to us but will be a poster boy for the UN.
There hasn’t been a Roman Catholic pope since Vatican II was unleashed to establish an entirely new religion.
The work is almost completed thanks to the election of Francis who will finish the job of ramming the Church into the ground thereby incurring the wrath of God.
He wasn’t upset with it. He was actually already wearing one around his neck.
It turns out that whatever he said (I didn’t see the video, which has now disappeared) was so indistinct that nobody can make it out, and the word that he said “this is not good” was from a tweet from one of his friends, no doubt trying to protect him.
Fr. Lombardi came out yesterday and said that he had to clarify, and the “Pope did not have a negative reaction to the gift” and wanted it made clear that he had not asked Fr. Lombardi to say that he had a negative reaction. Truly disturbing.
Since when is "unfettered capitalism" the American Way of life? Is money your God? Do you have workhouses in America and slave labor like China does?
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