Posted on 06/02/2015 8:09:36 AM PDT by SeekAndFind
As a Democrat, I know Im supposed to cheer now that former Republican Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) has been charged with federal crimes. But, in fact, I feel just the opposite.
It looks to me like he got a raw deal, and ended up the victim of an overzealous federal prosecutor.
Dont get me wrong. I dont condone Hasterts rumored sexual abuse of a former student, if thats what happened. But if that student still felt harmed, so many years later, why didnt he go to the police instead of going to Hastert and hitting him up for hush money? And why hasnt he been charged with extortion?
Remember, Hastert hasnt been charged with sexual abuse. Hes been charged with structuring taking out multiple bank withdrawals to avoid federal reporting requirements on large transactions and then lying to the FBI about it. Ironically, the law against structuring is part of the Patriot Act, which Hastert helped get through Congress.
But even that begs the question: As long as its his own money and nobodys accused Hastert of stealing whys it any business of the FBI whether he leaves it in the bank or not?
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
RE: As long as its his own money and nobodys accused Hastert of stealing whys it any business of the FBI whether he leaves it in the bank or not?
Denny Hastert helped passed this law that makes “structuring” suspect.
He has been hoisted by his own petard.
This is just one sad story.
The BLACKMAILER has not been charged, right?
If Hastert committed some sort of statutory rape, he has not been charged with it.
0bama went after a Republican for how they withdrew money from a bank.
Everyone is guilty of so many things, the Uniparty just chooses who to convict and when at their political whim.
That there’s funny.
.meanwhile no ones talking about hillary
Since we don’t really know about the original sin, you are correct, he did do this to himself. Blackmail is an ugly business and generally speaking, paying a blackmailer is certainly understandable.
“the Uniparty just chooses who to convict and when at their political whim.”
I suspect that this story was crafted to get media bandwidth off of other topics like ISIS, emails, trade deals, and Iranian nukes.
That doesn’t make it a good law.
No prosecutor wants me on a jury where “structured withdrawals” are the crime. I’ll vote to nullify, all day long, for as long as it takes, no matter what the alleged underlying crime may be.
MY, Bill must be getting more conservative in his old age...............
MY money, MY business..................
If it was MY land Hastart had purchased with his inside-the-beltway information, I'd be unhappy. I think this is even more disgusting than whatever went on inside the locker room.
Yes, maybe "they all do it", and no doubt it's legal -- because they made it legal -- but that doesn't make it right. At least this is a good start. One down, 535 more to go.
I want to know more details. This Hastert story doesn’t pass the smell test.
So, allegedly he did something improper years ago. But there is not any prosecution pending for that.
Allegedly he was being blackmailed, but there is not any prosecution for that.
The only legal trouble Hastert is in, is for “structuring” of money withdrawals from a bank. Presumeably it’s his own money, which he earned and acquired legally. But he’s in legal trouble for the manner of withdrawal. There’s no legal problem with the blackmail, and no legal problem with the alleged improper acts.
This just doesn’t pass the smell test to me.
This is fascism at it’s best we should all get used to it, those who oppose the left will be prosecuted.
Yep-—no one is paying attention to the elephant in the room. More “dog and pony” show as all “news” is.....distraction and addiction ( Ray Bradbury).
The truth is that that Hastert was controlled (bribed) for his entire adult political life: Libido Dominandi.
The puppet masters only allowed Hastert to gain the reigns of “power” because they had this dirt on him which could take him down. They didn’t take him down 10 years ago because he was doing their bidding.
When you go off the sodomite Luciferean’s “agenda” for “happy slavery” ——you are destroyed. Don’t know why he was thrown to the wolves NOW-—but it is all for DISTRACTION. That is the reason for TV—both NEWS and sitcoms-—to not only WASTE time truly collecting REAL truth (because MSM only is to control the “proper emotions” of the masses.)
The destructions of Just Law ( there are so many unconstitutional laws now) that ANYONE they target can be picked up or accused of anything. Truth never matters-—only perceptions of the masses.
BTW, why would these Franklin Cover-up puppet masters be outraged at sodomites targeting boys—the fixated age of their own abuse? It is the practice of all homosexual cultures like todays Afghanistan.
Vice is Virtue now in our “Justice” system—litle boys are conditioned to take “Pride” in sodomy (as girls are taught to hate males and their own body—pure Marxist theory)-—with “homosexual” marriage and boys (and most males) usually “love” power-—Libido Domiandi.
Can someone be charged with avoiding federal homicide laws, by not killing someone?
It’s possible they made a deal with the blackmailer for his testimony.
Or Gary Stubbs.
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