Pulling myself together, I continued to watch, and it only got worse. I have but one observation....the speech was corny, folksy, trite, lacking form or coherence and almost void of issues with proposed answers presented logically and with craftsmanship.
The applause was nicely enthusiastic and polite....but sorry to say that any exciting electricity between speaker and audience never got turned on.
(Note: definition of "ululating"......"alternating rapidly between two high-pitched sounds")
I agree with you and I will probably get flamed. I love Sarah and followed her since her nomination for VP. However something in her voice was like finger nails on a blackboard. I listened to her entire presentation no matter how painful it was.
I won’t watch the video. I love Sarah Palin but her ululating makes it hard for me to listen to her.
If she really throws her hat into the ring for POTUS, I’ll be very surprised.
Per usual, I agree with you totally!!
I for one will back with everything that is in me the Republican candidate who wins the Republican nomination! NO MATTER WHO IT IS! YES, no matter who it is!
My sweet hubby and I were sitting just 20 feet in front of Andrew Breitbart when he said the following in 2012, before the Republican nominee was known for the 2012 election:
“Anyone that’s willing to stand next to me to fight the Progressive left, I will be in that bunker, and if you’re not in that bunker because you’re not satisfied with this candidate, more than shame on you, you’re on the other side.”
Andrew passed away before the 2012 election, but as he looked down from heaven I know he was dissapointed in those conservatives who stayed home and/or refused to vote for the 2012 Republican Nominee. They did not help us fight the Progressive/Marxist/Left!
I think many who profess to want another Reagan, are not quite familiar with the “all” of Reagan.
Reagan’s 11th Commandment:
“Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican”
Her speech was fine.
Anyone who would make a comment such as yours is coming from a Pre-determined animus.
You are exposed.