Posted on 01/24/2015 11:55:44 AM PST by Dick Bachert
Let's play Connect the Dots. This is not a rocket scientist level game once you complete the connections.
Obama's hatred for the West, Western Europe and especially the Brits goes back to the days when the Brits carved up the old Mesopotamia into what is now much of the Middle East. He returned Churchill bust -- a gift from the Brits within days of entering the White House and routinely disrespectfully props his feet atop the desk fashioned from the timbers of the famed warship HMS Resolute the Brits gifted to President Hayes in 1880) due to their sometimes harsh treatment of Africans in their colonies there, mainly Kenya, his alleged father's birthplace.
And Obama hates the Israelis because the place was populated by Jews from Europe after it was carved out of what was then called Palestine in 1948 (while overlooking that the Jews immediately busied themselves by blowing up the King David Hotel there and killing British citizens and soldiers in their successful effort to drive the Brits out).
This guy is full of pent up anger and hostility for nearly all things European, Western and, by extension, AMERICAN (which was ALSO populated by white folks from Europe).
His psychological and emotional roots lie in another part of the world, a part dominated by Islam!
When we factor in that Valerie Jarrett widely recognized in Washington as his BRAIN has an IRANIAN mother and, according to reports, her parents STILL LIVE THERE, his otherwise incomprehensible softness toward Iran and their potentially disastrous nuclear weapon program suddenly becomes all to comprehensible, doesn't it?
And how could we overlook his mentoring by Frank Marshall Davis, the America hating communist from Chicago and his grandma and grandpa Dunham, all of whom found themselves on FBI watch lists for years in the 50s and 60s!
I dedicate this rant to all the no and low voters and the drive-by lamestream media responsible for putting into the presidency an UNVETTED, UNQUALIFIED, AMERICA-HATING, FAILED COMMUNITY (DIS)ORGANIZING CLONE OF CAUNCEY GARDNER (look him up!).
Thanks a PANTLOAD!!
I periodically ask God to help us before our former shining city on a hill completely disappears into the dumpster of history but why would He? We kicked Him to the curb decades ago.
Right - the real question is WHY did OBAMA, who HATES AMERICA, EUROPE AND THE WEST get elected TWICE??
I know it can't happen, but I'd love to have a short current events quiz on election day and if you don't pass, you don't vote. That, plus if you don't pay any federal income taxes, you don't vote in federal elections...nothing in the game, why should you? In short, I'd love to see the stupid, parasite, voters eliminated.
Good one.
I think Rod Serling is behind this whole debacle.
A guy by the name of Dinesh D’Souza made a movie about this very subject.
Just remember, he’s getting a lot of help from a lot of people. Apparently they hate America and Britain as much as he does.
The night before the s-election, Myth was packing football stadiums, and parking lots. Hussein couldn't even fill small concert halls, with concerts!
They only had to steal 2-3 states to gain the s-election, and they did!
If it's any consolation, we'd be pretty much in the same situation today if the mormon cultist had won.
No, I think it’s more like larceny of the minds of too many gullible Americans including young people and those in the generally dysfunctional black culture who want “free” handouts.
If we have to split hairs about votes for a guy like this, we’re in trouble anyway.
Let’s be accurate. Jarrett’s dad is dead and her mother is American born and doesn’t live in Iran, that said, their daughter is pure evil.
The one thing that baffles me is this: What business did Bowman and his baby mama have in Persia, that Valerie Jarrett was born there?
AMEN! Until we have some way to ascertain the intelligence and awareness of issues (i.e. and informed electorate) of those making world shaping decisions, this country is TOAST!
He was a pthologist. Actually, a very accomplished man.
Then, of course, there’s all that FREE CHIT!
This explains much of the hatred:
Even a mushy centrist in the White House couldn’t be as pernicious as Big Ears.
There are probably horrors in most of our ancestral pasts. The reason we don’t carry out associated vendettas is that most of us embrace a more or less Christian mindset, which continues to attempt to make friends with and bless past enemies, even those who have done us grievous wrong. You will NOT find that attitude in Islam, search high or low.
I don’t get it. All this was known before Obama was elected the first time. Remember “Obamanation”? He has done NOTHING that was not expected by thinking people who actually checked into his background.
Are you just now jumping on the wagon, having an epiphany, seeking converts?
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