Posted on 11/26/2014 2:24:04 AM PST by Cincinatus' Wife
Peaceful protests have been happening for over 100 days. But white folks only really pay attention if they fear they have something to lose. Smoke flares in their nostrils, because then they are confronted with the possibility of charred, burning, white flesh. No more water. The fire next time.
If I have to begin by convincing you that Black Lives Matter, we have all already lost, havent we? So lets not begin there. Lets begin at the end. At the end there is only Michael Brown Jr.s dead body, no justice, and weeping and gnashing of teeth.
For his parents, there is only grief.
They are undone. We are undone. I am undone. This is what American democracy coming apart at the seams looks like. Our frayed, tattered edges are showing. The emperors are the only ones who cant see it. Where can we begin so that we dont end up here?
Is anyone else tired of wandering in this wilderness? Surely this land of broken promises isnt what Dr. King had in mind for us. Hopefully, from the fiery furnace of Ferguson, the floating embers will spark and spread and blaze us a new trail up out of this madness.
Did you expect me to call for peace? Did you expect me to condemn looting and property damage? Did you expect me to preach at the people about being constructive rather than destructive?
Peaceful protests have been happening for over 100 days. But white folks only really pay attention if they fear they have something to lose. Smoke flares in their nostrils, because then they are confronted with the possibility of charred, burning, white flesh. No more water. The fire next time.
I woke up in black skin this morning. Frustrated, because for the first time in a long time, I felt the weight, the scourge of this skin. Had visions of being able to unzip myself, climb out of myself, and lay aside this weight, but the woman who climbed out was darker still. Since black is beautiful, we are never supposed to admit that we are sometimes tempted to believe what white supremacy tells us to believe about ourselves. But you caught me in a moment of weakness.
Utterly undone. Put out trying to pull it together. Still trying to put together piece together all these pieces. Of evidence.
Many things are evident this morning.
Our black president says that first and foremost, we must respect the rule of law. I watch, as he says this, a split screen of unruly protesters smashing the windows of a police cruiser. It is evident what they think about the system.
It, too, is evident what the system thinks about us.
(Do you feel the struggle in these words? The utter inadequacy of them? The struggle to contain and train my rage on the proper (white) people, and not all of them? The challenge of trying to narrate black rage, and black pain, and black fear, and black freedom dreams deferred againin hopes that white folks would really understand? The resentment at my failure? The rage at my having to do so in the first place?)
Tupac famously asked if there was a heaven for a gangsta. I find myself hoping theres a hell for white supremacists. But too many of them believe in Jesus. So fire and brimstone in Ferguson and beyond will have to suffice.
The attorneys for Michael Browns family appear on the news, admonishing us to be dignified and disciplined. I laugh, tears threatening the back of my eyes. I want to ask them if they really believe what they are saying.
There is no dignity in lying dead on scorching, hot pavement for four hours. That is evident. There are no disciplined acts of resistance that will restore dignity to Michael Browns life. Only justice can do that. Justice affirms that his life was worth protecting, that Darren Wilson, the person who took it, should be punished.
There will be no justice for Michael Brown, so there will be no surrogate acts of dignity from protesters.
Neither should we any longer submit to the disciplinary impulses of the rule of law. The rule of law wants to beat into us, through discipline, the belief that we black people would be animals but for its chastening rod of correction. The law stepped to a podium yesterday, under cover of night, to tell us that it reserves the right to slaughter black men with impunity, that it seeks to coerce through threat of force, our permission to do so.
To ask us to be dignified and disciplined, to ask us to respect the rule of law in the face of such a mockery of justice is to ask us to affirm the path to our own destruction.
Surely America knows black folks better than that.
Humans can only be sucker punched for so long. Humans can only have the life choked out of us for so long. Humans can only be kicked in the stomach while your foot is on our neck for so long. Humans can only be bullied for so long. One day we stagger to our feet, and you see reflected back to you the results of your own unresolved monstrousness.
I asked for a different beginning, hoping we wouldnt end up here. But here we are at the end again. Here we are black people yet again faced with the magnitude of our need and the inadequacy of our resources trying to make ends meet. Trying to begin again.
let us examine the premise.......are Michael, his mother and stepfather Americans?
It would seem they are some kind of ingrown aliens that long ago shed American values. They created a community isolated within self established boundaries that is lawless and has no respect for human life.
They are generally uneducated and totally lacking in humanity. They do not participate in America other than to live parasitically on the host.
To consider the Black urban subculture American is serious error.
Well, Thomas Jefferson., in Notes on the State of Virginia, wrote THIS: "It will probably be asked, Why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the state, and thus save the expence of supplying, by importation of white settlers, the vacancies they will leave? Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; the real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances, will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race."
So, you would tend to agree with him.
Cleaver writing (not.)
I’ll never understand why some sites are banned here while others (Salon, Slate, Huffington Post, etc.) are not.
I don't buy it. Their words are worthless garbage.
Has been happening since the 1960s when government-based student loans came into play, universities expanded beyond the rate at which quality college teachers could be supplied, and institutions accepted students not fitted for this level of training.
The result? SDS-motivated students acting out by seizing administration offices, burning ROTC huts, and training to staff future school and college classrooms with teachers rejecting God and wrecking our heritage -- like the one writing this article, spewing more depraved sickness and anarchy.
Our school and universities have become cesspools of an Ebola-like intellectual disease, the "Typhoid Annies" of destructive social unrest, rather than the beacons of healing, light, and righteousness for which they were created, graduating more Ayers, Dorn, and Clinton types than Cruzes and Carsons and Rices.
Entropy takes charge. For a time. Frank Marshall Davis lives on.
I read this and see nothing but racism, pure and simple. She identifies with Mike Brown solely because of race; there is no other observable reason.
Mostly, those sites that are banned have forced FR to ban them through copyright lawsuits.
Another stupid rant from a stupid overfed black woman who is a “professor.”
This woman, like all her ilk, uses her hyphenated American label to advance their communist, anti-American cause:
“.....The first truth about leftist missionaries, about believing progressives, is that they are liars. But they are not liars in the ordinary way, which is to say by choice. They are liars by necessityoften without even realizing that they are. Because they also lie to themselves. It is the political lie that gives their cause its life.
Why, for example, if you were one of them, would you tell the truth? If you were serious about your role in humanity’s vanguard, if you had the knowledge (which others did not), that you were certain would lead them to a better world, why would you tell them a truth that they could not “understand” and that would hold them back?
If others could understand your truth, you would not think of yourself as a “vanguard.” You would no longer inhabit the morally charmed world of an elite, whose members alone can see the light and whose mission is to lead the unenlightened towards it. If everybody could see the promised horizon and knew the path to reach it, the future would already have happened and there would be no need for the vanguard of the saints.
That is both the ethical core and psychological heart of what it means to be a part of the left. That is where the gratification comes from. To see yourself as a social redeemer. To feel anointed. In other words: To be progressive is itself the most satisfying narcissism.
That is why it is of little concern to them that their socialist schemes have run aground, burying millions of human beings in their wake. That is why they don’t care that their panaceas have caused more human suffering than all the injustices they have ever challenged. That is why they never learn from their “mistakes.” That is why the continuance of Them is more important than any truth.
If you were active in the so-called “peace” movement or in the radical wing of the civil rights causes, why would you tell the truth? Why would you tell people that no, you weren’t really a “peace activist,” except in the sense that you were against America’s war. Why would you draw attention to the fact that while you called yourselves “peace activists,” you didn’t oppose the Communists’ war, and were gratified when America’s enemies won?
What you were really against was not war at all, but American “imperialism” and American capitalism. What you truly hated was America’s democracy, which you knew to be a “sham” because it was controlled by money in the end. That’s why you wanted to “Bring the Troops Home,” as your slogan said. Because if America’s troops came home, America would lose and the Communists would win. And the progressive future would be one step closer.
But you never had the honestythen or nowto admit that. You told the lie then to maintain your influence and increase your power to do good (as only the Chosen can). And you keep on telling the lie for the same reason.
Why would you admit that, despite your tactical support for civil rights, you weren’t really committed to civil rights as Americans understand rights? What you really wanted was to overthrow the very Constitution that guaranteed those rights, based as it is on private property and the individualboth of which you despise.
It is because America is a democracy and the people endorse it, that the left’s anti-American, but “progressive” agendas can only be achieved by deceiving the people. This is the cross the left has to bear: The better world is only achievable by lying to the very people they propose to redeem.
Despite the homage contemporary leftists pay to post-modernist conceits, despite their belated and half-hearted display of critical sentiment towards Communist regimes, they are very much the ideological heirs of Stalinist progressives, who supported the greatest mass murders in human history, but who remember themselves as civil libertarian opponents of McCarthy and victims of a political witch-hunt. (Only the dialectically gifted can even begin to follow the logic involved.)
To appreciate the continuity of communism in the mentality of the left, consider how many recent Hollywood promotions of the industry Reds and how many academic apologies for Stalinist crimes (in fact, the vast majority of recent academic texts on the subject) have been premised on the Machiavellian calculations and Hegelian sophistries I have just described.
Naturally, today’s leftists are smart enough to distance themselves from Soviet Communism. But the Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev was already a critic of Stalin forty years ago. Did his concessions make him less of a Communist? Or more?
On the other hand, conservative misunderstanding of the left is only in part a product of the left’s own deceits. It also reflects conservatives’ inability to understand the religious nature of the progressive faith and the power of its redemptive idea. For instance, I’m often asked by conservatives about the continuing role and influence of the Communist Party, since they observe quite correctly the pervasive presence of so many familiar totalitarian ideas in our academic and political culture. Though still around and sometimes influential in the left, the Communist Party has been a minor player for nearly fifty years. How can there be a communist left (small “c” of course) without a Communist Party?
The short answer is that it was not the Communist Party that made the left, but the (small ‘c’) communist Idea. It is the idea, as old as the Tower of Babel, that humanity can build a highway to Heaven. It is the idea of returning to an Earthly Paradise, a garden of social harmony and justice. It is the idea that inspires Jewish radicals and liberals of a tikkun olam, a healing of the cosmic order. It is the Enlightenment illusion of the perfectibility of man. And it is the siren song of the serpent in Eden: “Eat of this Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and you shall be as God.”
The intoxicating vision of a social redemption achieved by Themthis is what creates the left, and makes the believers so self-righteous.
And it did so long before Karl Marx. It is the vision of this redemption that continues to inspire and animate them despite the still-fresh ruins of their Communist dreams.
It is this same idea that is found in the Social Gospel which impressed the youthful Hillary Clinton at the United Methodist Church in Park Ridge, Illinois. She later encountered the same idea in the New Left at Yale and in the Venceremos Brigade in Communist Cuba, and in the writings of the New Leftist who introduced her to the “politics of meaning” even after she had become America’s First Lady. It is the idea that drives her comrades in the Children’s Defense Fund, the National Organization for Women, the Al Sharpton House of Justice and the other progressive causes which for that reason still look to her as a political leader.
For these self-appointed social redeemers, the goal”social justice”is not about rectifying particular injustices, which would be practical and modest, and therefore conservative. Their crusade is about rectifying injustice in the very order of things. “Social Justice” for them is about a world reborn, a world in which prejudice and violence are absent, in which everyone is equal and equally advantaged and without fundamentally conflicting desires. It is a world that could only come into being through a re-structuring of human nature and of society itself.
Even though they are too prudent and self-protective to name this future anymore, the post-Communist left still passionately believes it possible. But it is a world that has never existed and never will. Moreover, as the gulags and graveyards of the last century attest, to attempt the impossible is to invite the catastrophic in the world we know.
But the fall of Communism taught the progressives who were its supporters very little. Above all, it failed to teach them the connection between their utopian ideals and the destructive consequences that flowed from them. The fall of Communism has had a cautionary impact only on the overt agendas of the political left. The arrogance that drives them has hardly diminished. The left is like a millenarian sect that erroneously predicted the end of the world, and now must regroup to revitalize its faith.
No matter how opportunistically the left’s agendas have been modified, however, no matter how circumspectly its goals have been set, no matter how generous its concessions to political reality, the faithful have not given up their self-justifying belief that they can bring about a social redemption. In other words, a world in which human consciousness is changed, human relations refashioned, social institutions transformed, and in which “social justice” prevails.
Because the transformation progressives seek is ultimately total, the power they seek must be total as well. In the end, the redemption they envision cannot be achieved as a political compromise, even though compromises may be struck along the way. Their brave new world can ultimately be secured only by the complete surrender of the resisting force. In short, the transformation of the world requires the permanent entrenchment of the saints in power. Therefore, everything is justified that serves to achieve the continuance of Them.
In Peggy Noonan’s psychological portrait of Hillary Clinton, one can trace the outlines of the progressive persona I have just described. She observes that the “liberalism” of the Clinton era is very different from the liberalism of the past. Clinton-era liberalism is manipulative and deceptive and not really interested in what real people think because “they might think the wrong thing.”
That is why Hillary Clinton’s famous plan to socialize American health care was the work of a progressive cabal that shrouded itself in secrecy to the point of illegality. Noonan labels Clinton-era politics “command and control liberalism,” using a phrase with a familiar totalitarian ring. But, like so many conservatives I have come to know, Noonan is finally too decent and too generous to fully appreciate the pathology of the left.
She begins her inquiry by invoking Richard Nixon’s comment that only two kinds of people run for high office in America, “those who want to do big things and those who want to be big people.” She identifies both Clintons as “very much, perhaps completely, the latter sort,” and clinically examines their narcissism by way of unlocking the mystery of who they really are.
Regarding the husband, Peggy Noonan is probably right. I do not think of Bill Clinton as a leftist inspired by ideas of a socially just world, or as having even a passing interest in the healing of cosmic orders. He is more readily understood as a borderline sociopath. Fully absorbed in the ambitions of self, Clinton is a political chameleon who assumes the coloration of his environments and the constituencies on which his fortunes have come to depend.
Hillary Clinton is not so slippery. Despite the cynicism she shares with her husband, one can clearly observe an ideological spine that creates political difficulties for her that one knows he would be able to avoid. This is not to deny the force of her personal ambitions or the power of her narcissistic regard. But these attitudes could be expected in any member of a self-selected elite, especially one like the left, which is based on moral election.
For this reason, it would be difficult to separate the narcissistic from the ideological in the psychology of any political missionary. Do they advance the faith for the sake of the faith, or because advancing the faith will turn them into saints? Do the Lenins of history sacrifice normal life in order to achieve “big things” or because they hunger for the canonization the achievements will bring? It is probably impossible to finally answer the question. But we can observe that the narcissism of Stalinex-seminarian, Father of the People and doer of epic revolutionary deedsmakes the Clintons’ soap opera of self-love pale by comparison.
Despite their life-long collaboration, Bill and Hillary Clinton are different political beings in the end. Her marital rages provoked by a mate whose adolescent lusts put their collective mission at risk are probably a good measure of just how different they are.
“In their way of thinking,” Noonan observes of the Clintons, “America is an important place, but not a thing of primary importance. America is the platform for the Clintons’ ambitions, not the focus of them.” The implication is that if they were principled emissaries of a political cause, the ambition to do big things for America would override all others. Instead, they have focused on themselves and consequently have made the American political landscape itself “a lower and lesser thing.”
They have “behaved as though they are justified in using any tactic in pursuit of their goals,” including illegality, deception, libel, threats and “ruining the lives of perceived enemies . . . “ They believe, she continues, “they are justified in using any means to achieve their ends for a simple and uncomplicated reason. It is that they are superior individuals whose gifts and backgrounds entitle them to leadership.” They do it for themselves; for the continuance of Them.
But the fact is they all do it. The missionaries of the big progressive causes, the Steinems, the Irelands, the Michelmans, the Friedans, and Hillary Clinton herself, were all willing to toss their feminist movement overboard to give Bill Clinton a pass on multiple sexual harassments, and on a career of sexual predation that reflects his utter contempt for the female gender.
Indeed, the Clinton-Lewinsky defenseaccord which the feminists signed onto, can be regarded as feminism’s Nazi-Soviet Pact. Their calculation was both simple and crude: If Clinton was removed, Hillary would go too. But she was their link to patronage and power, and they couldn’t imagine losing that. Their kind was finally in control of the White House, and the conservative enemies of their beautiful future were not.
Almost a decade earlierin the name of the very principles they so casually betrayed for Clintonthe same feminists had organized the most disgraceful lynching of a public figure in America’s history. Despite fiercely proclaimed commitments to the racial victims of American persecution, they launched a vicious campaign to destroy the reputation of an African American jurist who had risen, unblemished, from dirt-shack poverty in the segregated south to the nation’s highest courts. They did it knowingly, cynically, with the intent to destroy him in his person, and to ruin his public career.
Has there ever been a more reprehensible witch-hunt in American public life than the one organized by feminist leaders who then emerged as vocal defenders of the White House lecher? Was there ever a more sordid betrayal of common decency than this collective defamationfor which no apology has or ever will be given?
What was the sin Clarence Thomas committed to earn such punishment? The allegationthat he had talked inappropriately ten years before to a female lawyer and made her uncomfortableappears laughable in the post-Lewinsky climate of presidential gropings and borderline rapes that the same feminists have sanctioned for their political accomplice. Thomas’ real crime, as everybody knew but was too intimidated by the hysteria to confirm at the time, was his commitment to constitutional principles they hated. They hated these principles because the Constitution was written for the explicit purpose of preventing the realization of their socialist and egalitarian dreams.
Peggy Noonan is right. The focus of Hillary Clinton’s ambition is not her country. But it is not just herself either. It is also a place that does not exist. It is the vision of a world that can only be achieved when the Chosen accumulate enough power to change this one.
That is why Hillary and Sid Blumenthal, her fawning New Left Machiavelli, call their own political philosophy the politics of “The Third Way.” This distinguishes it from the “triangulation” strategy Dick Morris used to resurrect Bill Clinton’s presidency. Morris guided Clinton, in appropriating specific Republican policies towards a balanced budget and welfare reform as a means of securing his re-election. Hillary Clinton was on board for these policies, and in that sense is a triangulator herself. But “triangulation” is too merely tactical and too morally crass to define a serious political philosophy. Above all, it fails to project the sense of promise that intoxicates the imaginations of self-styled “progressives.” That is why Hillary and Sid call their politics “The Third Way.”
“The Third Way” is a familiar term from the lexicon of the left with a long and dishonorable pedigree in the catastrophes created by messianic socialists in the 20th Century. It is the most ornate panel in the tapestry of deception I described at the beginning of this essay.
In the 1930s, Nazis used “The Third Way” to characterize their own brand of national socialism as a equidistant between the “internationalist” socialism of the Soviet Union and the capitalism of the West. Trotskyists used “The Third Way” as a term to distinguish their own Marxism from Stalinism and capitalism. In the 1960s, New Leftists used “The Third Way” to define their politics as an independent socialism between the Soviet gulag and America’s democracy.
But as the history of Nazism, Trotskyism and the New Left have shown, there is no “Third Way.” There is the capitalist, democratic way based on private property and individual rightsa way that leads to liberty and universal opportunity. And there is the socialist way of group identities, group rights, a relentless expansion of the political state, restricted liberty and diminished opportunity. The Third Way is not a path to the future. It is just the suspension between these two destinations. It is a bad faith attempt on the part of people who are incapable of giving up their socialist schemes to escape the taint of their discredited past.
Is there a practical difference in the modus operandi of Clinton narcissism and Clinton messianism? I think there is, and it is the difference between “triangulation”a cynical compromise to hang onto power until the next election cycle, and “The Third Way”a cynical deception to ensure the continuance of Us, until we acquire enough power to transform everyone else. It is the difference between the politics of getting what you can, and the politics of changing the world.
A capsule illustration of these different political ambitions can be found in the book Primary Colors, which describes, in thinly veiled fiction, Bill Clinton’s road to the presidency. Primary Colors is an admiring portrait not only of the candidate, but of the dedicated missionariesthe true believing staffers and the long-suffering wifewho serve Clinton’s political agendas, but at the price of enabling the demons of self.
These stafferspolitical functionaries like Harold Ickes and George Stephanopoulosserve as the flak-catchers and “bimbo eruption”controllers who clean up his personal messes and shape his image for gullible publics. But they are also the idealists who design his message. And in the end, they enable him to politically succeed.
It is Primary Colors’ insight into the minds of these missionaries that is revealing. They see Clinton clearly as a flawed and often repellent human being. They see him as a lecher, a liar and a man who would destroy an innocent person in order to advance his own career. (This is, in fact, the climactic drama of the text). Yet through all the sordidness and lying, the personal ruthlessness and disorder, the idealistic missionaries faithfully follow and serve the leader.
They do it not because they are themselves corrupted through material rewards. The prospect of fame is not even what drives them. Think only of Harold Ickes, personally betrayed and brutally cast aside by Clinton, who nonetheless refused to turn on him, even after the betrayal. Instead, Ickes kept his own counsel and protected Clinton, biding his time and waiting for Hillary. Then joined her staff to manage her Senate campaign.
The idealistic missionaries in this true tale bite their tongues and betray their principles, rather than betray him. They do so because in Bill Clinton they see a necessary vehicle of their noble ambition and uplifting dreams. He, too, cares about social justice, about poor people and blacks (or so he makes them believe). They will serve him and lie for him and destroy for him, because he is the vessel of their hope.
Because Bill Clinton “cares,” he is the vital connection to the power they need to accomplish the redemption. Because the keys to the state are within Clinton’s grasp, he becomes in their eyes the only prospect for advancing the progressive cause. Therefore, they will sacrifice anything and everythingprinciple, friends, countryto make him succeed.
But Bill Clinton is not like those who worship him, corrupting himself and others for a higher cause. Unlike them, he betrays principles because he has none. He will even betray his country, but without the slightest need to betray it for something elsefor an idea, a party, or a cause.* He is a narcissist who sacrifices principle for power because his vision is so filled with himself that he cannot tell the difference.
But the idealists who serve himthe Stephanopoulos’s, the Ickes’s, the feminists, the progressives and Hillary Clintoncan tell the difference. Their cynicism flows from the very perception they have of right and wrong. They do it for higher ends. They do it for the progressive faith. They do it because they see themselves as having the power to redeem the world from evil. It is that terrifyingly exalted ambition that fuels their spiritual arrogance and justifies their sordid and, if necessary, criminal means.
And that is why they hate conservatives. They hate you because you are killers of their dream. Because you are defenders of a Constitution that thwarts their cause. They hate you because your “reactionary” commitment to individual rights, to a single standard and to a neutral and limited state obstructs their progressive designs. They hate you because you are believers in property and its rights as the cornerstones of prosperity and human freedom; because you do not see the market economy as a mere instrument for acquiring personal wealth and political war chests, to be overcome in the end by bureaucratic schemes.
Conservatives who think progressives are misinformed idealists will forever be blind-sided by the malice of the leftby the cynicism of those who pride themselves on principle, by the viciousness of those who champion sensitivity, by the intolerance of those who call themselves liberal, and by the ruthless disregard for the well-being of the downtrodden by those who preen themselves as social saints.
Conservatives are caught by surprise because they see progressives as merely misguided, when in fact they are fundamentally misdirected. They are the messianists of a religious faith. But it is a false faith and a self-serving religion. Since the redeemed future that justifies their existence and rationalizes their hypocrisy can never be realized, what really motivates progressives is a modern idolatry: their limitless passion for the continuance of Them.”
This race obsessed and mentally twisted woman is an Asst professor at a major university who TEACHES young people. Want to bet WHAT she is teaching her students about race, gender, and America?
I just heard a black woman and member of the house judiciary committee essentially say that Brown was executed on the spot instead of given a trial for stealing cigarillos. This was in response to a question on black criminality.
There is a significant percentage of blacks in high places that are race obsessed and cannot see that these types of incidents are entirely the result of their own actions.
Ms. Cooper is a hater just like bell hooks. That’s all.
No they don't. I see no evidence that black lives matter to Black Americans. Young Black Males murder, assault, rape, attack other Black Americans at a shockingly high rate. I hear no words of protest. I see no demonstrations against this.
I do hear condemnations of anyone, particularly White Americans, who bring this up as a problem. Discussion is shut down. Concerned White Americans are denounced as racists.
The only action we see is an attack on the symptoms. Too many Black Males are becoming involved with the court system, so don't turn in criminal Blacks over to the courts. This is in part what happened with Trayvon Martin. We have affirmative action is school discipline, so disruptive Black Males get punished less, because to punish them according to their individual behavior is racist.
White Americans are rarely to be seen in these situations. We have elected, government and school officials typically going along with the demands of the LEFTISTS Black Americans. Conservative Whites and Tea Party types are no where to be seen in any of these actions, but through the magic of racism, their alleged racism is at fault for all the problems.
None of this is going to lead to an improved situation for Black Americans and the dirty secret is that is exactly what the LEFTISTS (Black + White) want. This is what the Democrat Party wants. They want a segregated, separate, discreet victim class that they can then control and direct to vote the correct way. And we are heading into the times, where the Black Americans will be used as a violent vanguard to attack our society. They think this is the way to success for the Revolution.
Black lives don't matter, they are used as cannon fodder to advance the LEFTIST agenda of revolution. That's it.
My skin is white. My country is America. I believe in God. I believe in the moral and ethical structure that is the basis of life. Until the past six years, I was proud of the extraordinary structure of the United States government and the adherence to the founding principles, even though I often disagreed with its leaders.
After six years of this administration, I’m now supposed feel guilty about my white skin, I’m supposed to hate my country, God is not supposed to exist, and laws and common sense are supposed to be handed over to a segment who neither respect or even understand the need for them.
I don’t recall ever feeling such a deep anger and sadness that these destructive, vindictive, and idiotic actions are the result of an attempt to “get even” with whitey. And they are encouraged by destructive, vindictive, and idiotic so-called leaders of the community, with the encouragement and protection of destructive, vindictive, and idiotic leaders of the country.
I pray this lawlessness and moral decay and ignorance can be overcome.
If Ms. Cooper was not black she would be nobody. I read her bio, it’s all about her skin color. “black, black, black, black...”
I have news for her, we are all the same color inside. All the organs and bits and pieces are just alike. Trust me Ms. Cooper, I’ve seen it first hand.
Hey Ms. Cooper. here is the list of homicides in Chicago for this year, can you see a pattern? Can you write about this you dumb ass? Yea, I see your education. Big deal!
Americans killing Americans of any color pisses me off but really Ms. Cooper! Pay attention!
One cannot hold in high esteem a race that prides itself in thuggery and crime. Has the world at large finally seen the day when America throws it’s self into the pit of failure. This today is not our culture or our heritage. Let’s hope it is re-written positively. Our Children and their children and those of the future deserve better than this crap hole that has been manufactured by revisionist and politicians that only seek the demise of the American Dream! It’s time to stand up America.
Folks, this right here is what is going wrong with American society...grievance studies.
Needs to be eliminated from any and all curriculums nationwide as it's only purpose is to dumb down even further, those who have no useful skills other than bleating idiotic, inciteful, hateful rhetoric...
The Dems are ingenious: they have taken advantage of low black IQ, and have fed the blacks lies and propaganda, such that many blacks live on internalized plantations. This fool is a prime example.
Yes, I would tend to agree with him, and their side has a huge head start on the wipe out game. With few exceptions, the majority on our side have not awakened to the fact yet. I don't know how much stock you put in the Book of Revelation, but I heard that the wars and rumors of wars, in many instances, tended to be racial wars of extermination. I don't know how true it is, but it sounds logical to me.
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