1 posted on
08/21/2014 12:20:24 PM PDT by
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To: jimbo123
Just another act of lawlessness by the Marxist moose-slime
2 posted on
08/21/2014 12:21:58 PM PDT by
("Evil succeeds when good men do nothing" - Edmund Burke)
To: jimbo123
Give them their 30 lashes with a wet noodle. . . . .
3 posted on
08/21/2014 12:22:11 PM PDT by
(We don't have News media anymore. They all are propagandist. Yes, even FOX.)
To: jimbo123
John Boehner will get right on it and Eric Holder will send a special prosecuter.
To: jimbo123
Obama is the first black, so kiss his golfing @ss would be the probably reply by the White/Black House.
5 posted on
08/21/2014 12:23:05 PM PDT by
A CA Guy
( God Bless America, God Bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
To: jimbo123
...the Pentagon violated...
Didn’t Osama take credit for that call?
6 posted on
08/21/2014 12:23:13 PM PDT by
(You can lead a human to knowledge but you can't make him think)
To: jimbo123
I’m sure he will be swiftly removed from office.
7 posted on
08/21/2014 12:23:58 PM PDT by
Georgia Girl 2
(The only purpose o f a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should never have dropped.)
To: jimbo123
Haven’t read the article but with headline they are misinforming ... see role of CIC (commander in chief) ap, abc, all new outlets and blame the one with whom blame lays, please. Each knows if this had happened under Bush the headline would have read CIC Violated Law With Bergdahl Swap
8 posted on
08/21/2014 12:24:09 PM PDT by
(Scrutinize our government and Secure the Blessing of Freedom and Justice)
To: jimbo123
Oooooh! So what is this criminal in congress going to be prosecuted and jailed for? And, who’s going to do it?
9 posted on
08/21/2014 12:24:24 PM PDT by
( (free speech is only good until someone else doesn't like it)
To: jimbo123
11 posted on
08/21/2014 12:25:49 PM PDT by
(You can lead a human to knowledge but you can't make him think)
To: jimbo123
Oh, please! As if they care. Most lawless Administration in my lifetime. Makes Nixon’s look like nothing.
12 posted on
08/21/2014 12:26:07 PM PDT by
To: jimbo123
13 posted on
08/21/2014 12:27:58 PM PDT by
(Constitutional protection for all not ju st selectively for Democrats.)
To: jimbo123
nonpartisan Government Accountability Office says the Defense Department's failure okay arrest the Defense Department moslem.
14 posted on
08/21/2014 12:28:21 PM PDT by
(Scrutinize our government and Secure the Blessing of Freedom and Justice)
To: jimbo123
Is the Pentagon penetrated by treasonous agents?..
-OR- are the Chiefs of Staff.. treasonous agents..
-OR- BOTH?..
15 posted on
08/21/2014 12:28:29 PM PDT by
(This propaganda has been edited to include some fully orbed hyperbole..)
To: jimbo123
But the “good news” is that there is no “controlling legal authority” so no one gets charged or goes to prison.
/sarc, just in case.
16 posted on
08/21/2014 12:29:52 PM PDT by
Little Ray
(How did I end up in this hand-basket, and why is it getting so hot?)
To: jimbo123
We know. This is a banana republic now. Quit harping on “the law.”
18 posted on
08/21/2014 12:33:52 PM PDT by
("No man left behind" means something different to 0bama.)
To: jimbo123
The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office says the Defense Department's failure to notify Funny how the "nonpartisan" GAO seems to be blaming the DOD instead of Obama, or at least the Obama Administration.
To: jimbo123
So where are the indictments, warrants, arrests?
To: jimbo123
From the article:
Last month, a bitterly divided House Armed Services Committee voted to condemn Obama for the swap. The Republican-led panel backed a nonbinding resolution that disapproves of the exchange and faults Obama for failing to notify Congress 30 days in advance of the swap, as required by law. The bipartisan resolution raised national security concerns about the transfer of the five Taliban, who had been held at the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for more than a decade, and the "repercussions of negotiating with terrorists." The measure also expresses relief that Bergdahl has returned safely to the United States.
The full House is expected to consider the measure in the fall, just a few weeks before the midterm elections.
In other words,
absolutely NOTHING will be done to anybody.
21 posted on
08/21/2014 12:34:57 PM PDT by
(It's a shame nobama truly doesn't care about any of this. Our country, our future, he doesn't care.)
To: jimbo123
Yes, but they got away with it.
22 posted on
08/21/2014 12:35:16 PM PDT by
I want the USA back
(Media: completely irresponsible. Complicit in the destruction of this country.)
To: Nachum
23 posted on
08/21/2014 12:35:38 PM PDT by
(It's a shame nobama truly doesn't care about any of this. Our country, our future, he doesn't care.)
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