The Rainbow - Fire in Water - Promise & Warning
The Rainbow symbolizes All Nations in One Race. It doesn't contain pink or lavender; they don't symbolize any nations.
The Rainbow is the Sun's Fire in Earth's Water. It is God's Promise that the next time He scours the Earth of its filth, He won't use Water, and it is God's Warning of Fire's Purgative Power.
The Historic Sodom & Gomorrah
That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun. - Ecclesiastes 1:9
The Charles Manson Family, in which every member must be systematically sexually abused, in the exercise called "Getting Scared".
And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. - Genesis 19:5
Every man, woman and child in the Two Cities were systematically sexually abused, breaking down their fundamental human dignity, making them capable, of anything
It really is getting time for zero tolerance of these deviates.
If they really like boinking children so much, just let them join Islam, move to one of those third world muslim countries, and live their lives of idiocy.
So, we have normalized homosexuality. Now we are moving on to other behaviors, and will normalize them.
The big difference, which I hope stops this trend, is that pedophilia involves underage children who are not giving consent to anything. Homosexuality, for whatever we think of it, involves consenting adults.
Not this normal male. This clown ever gets in close proximity of me and states this BS, violence may ensue.
Excellent analysis on your part. Thanks.
Whenever we read of this bs, the people pleading for the right to abuse children are probably hired by elite predators of childern.
Westminster paedophile ring claims: ‘20 top figures involved’ ^ | 8 Jul 2014 | the week
Posted on 7/8/2014 7:16:03 AM by Berlin_Freeper
At least 20 prominent figures are believed to be among a “powerful elite” of paedophiles who abused children for “decades”, according to a former child protection manager.
Police were said to be investigating more than ten current and former politicians over alleged child abuse, but Peter McKelvie told BBC Newsnight: “I would say we are looking at upwards of 20 and a much larger number of people who have known about it and done nothing about it.”
Perverts assume that all others are in someway perverted as well. This is because the pervert believes himself to be normal. I would suggest that anyone who states that perversion is normal is, himself, perverted.
Pedophiles are the sickest of people. And there are far more than you would think. Just look at all the stories about how the police lure in perverts looking to have sex with children.
This day long symposium will facilitate the exchange of ideas among researchers, scholars, mental health practitioners, and minor-attracted persons who have an interest in critical issues surrounding the entry for pedophilia in the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association.
In plain English, this is a symposium whose goal is to facilitate the removal of Pedophilia from the American Psychiatric Societies official list of Mental Disorders (DSM). B4U-ACT has already coined a bland, innocuous, and inoffensive term to make the idea of child-sex more palatable: minor-attracted persons. This phrase sounds almost pleasant, distinctly unlike those nasty and soon-to-be-politically-incorrect words like pedophile and child molester. (How does pedophobic grab you?) Not surprisingly, the featured speaker is Dr. Fred Berlin of Johns Hopkins University, a colleague of Dr. John Money. Child advocate, Dr. Judith Reisman disclosed that the conference is part of a strategy to condition people into accepting pedophiles: The first thing they do is to get the public to divest from thinking of what the offender does criminally, to thinking of his emotional state to empathize and sympathize You dont change the nation in one fell swoop, you have to change it by conditioning.
Although first published nearly two decades ago, a special issue of The Journal of Homosexuality called Male Intergenerational Intimacy edited by three prestigious scholars (all PhDs) gives us a taste of what is to come:
In contemporary Western society, intimate sexual relations between men and boys are considered as immoral regardless of the emotional contexts in which they occur [not according to Joel Marks and Peter Singer!] the current social climate makes it rather difficult to look at these relationships in an objective way man-boy relationships are not uncommon. As in homosexuality, man-boy sexuality occurs and not seldom in a context in which both partners consent in these relationships a diversity of feelings are or can be expressed: affection, attachment, desire, domination and submission men who feel attracted to boys have to legitimize their feelings toward themselves as well as towards society.
All we are missing now is a scholarly scientific study which informs us that we have finally isolated a man-child attraction gene! An old German expression comes to mind: So fangt es immer an- It always starts in the same way. What also comes to mind are the lyrics of an old protest song from the 60s: And you tell me over and over again my friend, you dont believe were on the eve of destruction?
-From: Pedophilia Is Next On the Slippery Slope
Even though words like sinful and evil come naturally to the tongue as say a description of child molesting. They do not describe any actual properties of anything. There are no literal sins in the world because there is no literal God nothing is literally right or wrong because there is no Morality yet we human beings can still discover plenty of completely naturally explainable resources for motivating certain preferences. Thus enough of us are sufficiently averse to the molestation of children and would likely continue to be ( An Amoral Manifesto Part I )
The next major objective of the “gay agenda” will be to reduce the age of consent for man/boy sex. First to 16, then younger. They will also work to reduce penalties for man/boy sex.
with all the psych studies they’ve done regarding the impact of abuse on children, the APA should be sued for changing homosexuality to “normal” and never be allowed to make pedophilia “normal.”
I can see the purge of studies coming soon.,parental corporal punishment of children is wrong,but sexually assaulting children is normal? Sheesh.
In Obamastan, they're put on postage stamps.
This is a true statement. Other 'interests' that come naturally are theft, adultery, murder, envy, etc. Society wants to excuse or bless these interest because they are 'normal' or at least control them with strong willed morality. What's needed is for the 'normal' to crucified and a new life created.
Find them all. Kill them all. End of story.
Like abortion, gay marriage, borders and drugs we can probably expect some libertarians to be on the wrong side again