China now produces more than America, and China imports a huge amount of THEIR products to America.
China sells America 440 billion. (last year).
China buys from America 122 billion. (again last year).
America we need jobs. Both the Dems and the GOP are selling out our country.
Bring back American jobs.
Gosh, so many more people around the world love us. So many new jobs created. The budget, so much more under control. Islam is now recognized for the first time as contributing heavily to the founding of our nation. Sharia law is now being considered in some areas of our nation. Children role play jihad in our schools. The Koran is read there now.
Is it any wonder why our nation is better off today under this national Imam.
Wow it’s a Welcome Back Carter rerun courtesy of Zero.
Again, Liberals continue to tell everyone how smart they are. They're a bunch of dolts who only lust for power and control over the lives of other Americans.
Over half of the small to medium sized companies that did subcontract work for military programs that cut during the sequester have went out of business and were liquidated
One only needs to drive by a business park or strip mall and see all the “space available” signs in the empty windows to realize this is true.
Who couldn’t have seen this coming? Wake ye sheep.
Cringing, you are delusional if you think these jobs are coming back, stories of businesses being put out of business guarantee that it won’t happen. Not to mention a work ethic on life support still held on to by older Americans, but unknown to the generations with cell phones who have texting ability.
We are in a trap that some of us helped build, very few of us I think. We have a government run by crooks so why should stolen elections surprise us?
If you have noticed lately that my posts are more pointed and blunt, there is a reason, I refuse to give any of these people the benefit of the doubt and am calling a spade a spade. Let the chips fall where they may. I don’t give a damn anymore.
It’s not too late to change, but we aren’t going to have any change in DC if we keep reelecting the same people. Most of the incumbents will not change and have no desire to change. Doubt me? We all know how bad Democrats are, but many Republican incumbents had their chance and failed during the W era. Think we’re going to turn this thing around with the likes of Senator Graham? Not bloody likely!
Vote ‘em out! That’s not going to be easy, because the political class (both parties) is like a plague. Every time someone like Graham gets reelected after sticking it to his constituents, he’s only further emboldened to do what he pleases. It’s almost sickening how he’s completely transformed himself now that it’s an election year, but we all know he’s simply McCain’s co-conspirator against all things conservative—and they are far from alone!
Private sector employees create tax money. Government employees spend tax money. Can’t balance the Federal budget? Have more private sector employees or fewer government employees.
Obama has replaced the invisible hand of capitalism with the iron fist of socialism.
The Brookings Institution
Part of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. /sarc
Obama is focused like a laser on economy equity right now, and that means more job destruction. Throw in a little global warming, illegal immigration, and environmental protectionism, and jobs must go.