No doubt that Harry Reid wants the Bundy family murdered. How dare these peons resist their betters!
For the record, y'all, that's Graham County, AZ. Folks at WND in a rush to get copy out?
The People have stood up against the all-powerful Reid, and the left agenda. That simply cannot be allowed to stand. It might encourage others to take a principled stand, and that could be dangerous to TPTB.
Besides, Rory Reid needs the influence all of that money can buy, for his Governors run. And isn’t THAT what is really important, after all?
Therefore, a visible example has to be made....
If this comes to pass, the Patriots in this country need to be planning a counter strategy... A “take no Prisoners” counter attack on the federal agencies involved...
If the feds think they can destroy Bundy thru other means, they may be surprised at the backlash.
Harry Reid has a home in Searchlight, Nevada...right there off the highway. You can see it as plain as day. Just sayin.
Its an election year.
For democrats the environmentalists always come first, they attend the cocktail parties and represent easy money. As opposed to the unwashed dependant class, which makes up the majority of the base.
When Obama was elected youll remember the first order of business was...(drum roll please)...Cap-n-Trade, which failed miserably.
The first order of business was NOT Obamacare, which proportedly benefited the great unwashed base of the democrat party.
Global warming has fallen flat. Car-n-Trade was dead on arrival. The democrats have failed miserably to appease the environmentalists who themselves need to to I turn raise money to keep thier own graft schemes going.
Of coarse its not over. Weigh the Bundys life, liberty and 150 year legacy against the odds that in the next decade somewhere in 150,000 acres (half the State of Delaware in area) a cow might crap on a hapless tortuise.
Tortuise wins every time. /sarc
“We cant have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it.”
what’s good for the goose....
Paraphrasing Obi-Wan Kenobi:
The [Feds] are easily startled, but they will soon be back, and in greater numbers.
here’s hoping every fedgov thug out there becomes worm food if they attack. i’ll even toss in bastard reid too.
“Its not over. We cant have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So its not over.
The last time I checked, it was the people not the government that has the final say into what’s a violation of the law and what’s not... (ever hear of a jury?)
This is going to escalate into CW2. I have no doubt. But, the heart of the west will prove too much for the feds.
We cant have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it.
...violating the law by not upholding the laws!
You can bet that Harry and the IRS are pouring over every line of his income tax returns for the last 20 years as they contemplate every possible reason to seize those cattle.
He just made a declaration. He needs to clarify it.
What do you mean by “Not over?” “What do you intend to do?” “Are you intending to back an armed attack by agents on the Bundys?”
As for the inference about “the military” doing an assessment of the strength of the cowboys group while scheming some kind of attack, that implies an ORDER from Obama to move say the 82nd Airborne in to Bunkerville like Eisenhower did in Little Rock.
My thought is that “this ain’t no Little Rock” and “Obama ain’t no Eisenhower”. Would the 82nd Airborne follow an order to OPEN FIRE on a few Americans because a few judges on the federal payroll, listening to the governments limitless lawyers over 2 decade, and up against Bundy’s probably unpaid lawyer, ruled for the government. Imagine that!
I am paying you so you damn well better rule for me! That’ the implied threat to these federal judges and the advancement ladder to an Appeals Court or the Supreme Court better not have any anti government rulings in it. It was a stacked deck and ole Cliven damn well knows it.
This will not end out well, but for who? There are millions of people who will stand and be counted, and they tend to shoot straight.
BTW has there been any comments from Congressional Republicans on this tyranny, I probably just haven’t seen any, but there should be plenty.