Posted on 02/27/2014 5:47:13 PM PST by Impala64ssa
BOSTON (AP) -- Boston Mayor Martin Walsh is threatening to boycott the St. Patrick's Day parade unless organizers allow a group of gay military veterans to march, joining New York's mayor in protesting parade policies on gay groups.
Walsh, the son of Irish immigrants, said Thursday he's been trying to broker a deal with the city's parade organizers to allow a gay veterans group sponsored by MassEquality to march in this year's parade. He said allowing gay groups to participate is long overdue.
"It's 2014 - it's far beyond the time where we should be even having this discussion because they're veterans who fought for this country just like any other veteran," Walsh said.
"I made a commitment during the campaign ... that I would fight for equality and that's what this is all about."
But parade planners appeared unwilling to budge.
Lead parade organizer Philip Wuschke Jr. said gay people are not prohibited from marching with other groups. But he said organizers do not want the parade to turn into a demonstration for a particular group.
"The theme of the parade is St. Patrick's Day. It is not a sexually oriented parade," he said. "All we want to do is have a happy parade. The parade is a day of celebration, not demonstration."
In New York, Mayor Bill de Blasio said he will skip the nation's largest St. Patrick's Day parade in Manhattan because participants are not allowed to carry signs or banners identifying themselves as gay.
"I will be participating in a number of other events to honor the Irish heritage of this city," de Blasio said during a press conference earlier this month. "But I simply disagree with the organizers of that parade."
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why do we have to inject homosexuality into every public event?
what does homosexuality have to do with St. Patrick’s Day?
Don’t they have enough fabulous opportunities for self expression and all that during the annual gay pride parades and events? Must they co-opt other events, and in this case, tell us that gays like St. Patrick’s Day too? Is this really necessary???
St Patricks Day is all about homosexuality. Always has been. It’s shocking that anyone would want to suddenly change the traditional approach and introduce something like the Irish, or bring any sort of Saint into the picture. Where do they come up with these ideas??? Let’s get the parade back to a celebration of fudge packing and just move on with our lives.
The St. Patrick Day organizers are foolishly trying to keep the parade focused on the Irish.
St. Patrick's Day, like all other events, is supposed to be all about promoting leftist causes. Why are the St. Patrick Day organizers being so insensitive?
The St. Patrick’s Day Parade has traditionally been a celebration of the Catholicism that sustained Irish immigrants as they became Americans. The parade is preceded by a mass celebrated by the Cardinal at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.The review stand sits on the steps of St. Patrick’s. It is not clear why homosexuals would want to intrude on a Catholic celebration when they have so distanced themselves from the values and beliefs of Catholicism. Would it be appropriate for a contingent of German army veterans to march in the Salute to Israel parade? It is appropriate that politicians such as DeBlasio and Walsh who take public positions such as pro abortion and pro gay marriage exclude themselves or are excluded. It would be hypocritical for them to march in a Catholic celebration. Also people of conscience should be forced to “march” with them in any manner.
“It’s 2014 - it’s far beyond the time where we should be even having this discussion because they’re veterans who fought for this country just like any other veteran”
So why separate themselves from any other veteran?
oh yes, boston mayor marty walsh. aside from the fact that as a former Massachusetts state senator his corruption is a given, the following is the logic he expects us to swallow.
as a senator, he voted against the death penalty and spoke out against it many times. but when asked his opinion on holders decision to apply the death penalty to the boston marathon bomber, he said,
“I am against the death penalty but support eric holders decision”
amazing. these are our leaders. two faced and corrupt, hoping only that there are enough welfare recipients and union members to vote for them.
they can march with their fellow veterans (if they can keep their d*cks in their pants)
Saint Patrick’s Day parades are for the Gaelics, not for the gay licks. Who cares if those two a**&$#@s are not going to be there?
Within five or ten years, the escalating antics of homosexuals are going to result in political benefits for those mayors who march in any parade from which explicit homosexual provocateurs have been excluded.
Because gays want to inject their lifestyle into EVERYTHING?
As someone who has been to the NYC parade a few times I’m happy to hear this. To me, the low point in the parade is when some dopey Italian/German/Jewish/Hispanic/Black mayor makes an ass out of himself walking up Fifth Avenue in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, wearing an Irish sweater his chief of staff purchased that morning.
All gay all the time
They can say it as many times as they want , because no one cares
God has disabused New York's Catholics of that notion.
This is very similar to the time her Thighness Hilary, was campaigning for US Senate in NY. While speaking to a Hasidic group in New Square, she rather condescendingly tried to woo them by saying she recently discovered Jewish ancestry in her family(Recently? I thought she was the world's smartest woman? What gives?) Just the other day, the Haughty John Kerry, who served in Vietnam, pulled the same HEY-gang-guess-what-I-got-Jewish-ancestry-in-my-family ploy while visiting Israel.
What’s the over/under for all-gay-all-the-time Passion Plays this upcoming Christmas Season?
These fairies make me want to puke.
Faggies rule, you thilly thavages!!!
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