Can be... Yeah, sure. But the overwhelming majority of the time adding government bureaucracy and waste to any issue makes it worse.
How does he plan to do that when the Rats’ beloved amnesty will be taking jobs away from American workers?
A majority of Tea Partiers do support raising the minimum wage. They like to stand up for the little guy, she said.
There is still much work to be done. Support for raising the minimum wage is support for big government.
Democrats believe ‘this’, Democrats believe ‘that’.
The problem with the Democrats and the Republicans is that neither of the two parties listen to the citizens. Not the residents, not the Illegal Aliens... THE CITIZENS! And then they are surprised at how low our opinion is of them? But then in all candor their opinion of the citizens is a Lot lower in comparison. All we are is a cash cow to be milked and milked, forgetting that the cow has to be ‘freshened’ to be able to milk her later on.
And we are just about dried up and empty. Their attempts at ‘freshening’ just aren’t working this time. Can’t you feel it?
Our rich funders?
Like the chamber of commerce?
Again with the Koch brothers nonsense but not a word about George Soros, Bill Gates, nearly every money man in Hollywood and a thousand other left-wing fat cats who support Mr. Obama, the DNC and all the PACs, NGOs, think-tanks and foundations on the left. How tiresome.
Author is a left wing jerk. This reads like a press release from the Schumer office.
Government has been very, very good to Schumer and the other multi-millionaires that claim to be “public servants.” They are the Fat Cats now, with the five counties clustered around Washington D.C. the wealthiest in the USA.
No wonder he hates the TEA Party, made up of the Skinny Cats, who have caught on to the evils of “oppressive government” that the Founders warned about.
There is a problem with your narrative Chuckie.
Its the ‘wealthy’ GOPe who wants to work with you and the Dems, like on amnesty, and making Obamacare work.
Look where he's speaking this "address to conservatives."
It's not for conservatives, it's for fundraising. But the dopes will for it. Chuckie knows how to squeeze that lemon.
Cliff’s Notes of Schumer’s rant:
“Communism good. Freedom bad.”
The whole piece is just another Dem fever dream.
Hey Schmuckie....what right do you have to quash a faction of Americans who desire representation that reflects their core values and beliefs? Let all comers bring forward their platform and let the people decide. It really pi$$e$ me off they way the DemonRATS spend a majority of their time structuring the opposition party (between bouts of destroying the Country). It equally pi$$e$ me off the way the GOPe stands there with their thumbs up their keesters, whistling and staring at the ceiling while it’s going on. Stay in your own sandbox, Schmuckie.
I contend that if the Koch Bros. went away tomorrow the Tea Party would not be changed one whit.
Also, I must say that schumer is the single most despicable slimy piece of excrement evacuated by NYC into the public domain since the self-exposed implosion of boy weiner.
2% of the time FEDERAL government does good... 98% of the time it destroys everything it touches.
George Washington
During Bush v Gore I was holding a sign to traffic by LA’s Federal building that said, “DUTY HONOR COUNTRY”. I’ll never forget one particular brassy woman hollering form her car, “Who’s paying you?”
“Paying us?” I thought. “Paying us?”
I’m still shocked by it.
The same people who voted for Schumer voted for DeBlasio.
Schmuck is delusional (As usual)
As far as I can tell there are no “rich funders” of the Tea Party movement. Who the bleep would they fund anyway? There is no centralized Tea Party structure
(off topic but important to me at the moment. I get fundraising calls from TEA Party Express, TEA Party Patriots and I think one more organization that uses TEA Party in it’s name. Is there a thread that discusses which of these organizations are on the level and which are worthy of our support?)
Government is a force for good (as a previous poster said) only when it does what it is Authorized to do and nothing else. Over all, in this country today, government has become a nightmare and an enemy of all that is good.