I hope not, I want to find planet of the beef.
No! . . but I’ve got to go home soon!
They will invade the Earth any day now, make us into their slaves and impose single payer on us to get rid of the weak ones.
This question is the ultimate example of navel gazing.
The facts point to the theory of relativity being pretty sound. If there are 40 billions chances for live to evolve, then surely one if those civilizations would have figured out faster than light travel if it were possible. Without faster than light travel, there’s really no point in getting too uptight about it, since even if there is life we’ll never know about it.
Since the distance to the closest would be measured in millions of light years, it's the same thing as being alone in the universe.
This is a pretty special place, thousands of parameters being just right for us.
This is another example of wearing rose-colored glasses. They say that there are 40 billion chances for life on other planets, but if so, what are the chances that we are the most technologically advanced? 40 billion to 1. If a planet had life and was only 100 years more advanced than us, they would be able to contact us and communicate with us.
What a killjoy: destroying the hopes of all red-blooded men of finding the Planet of Wild Cheerleaders. . . (evil grin)
But for a REAL stretch, they should search for intelligent life inside the Beltway. . .
40 billion habitable planets is a very loose destination of habitable probably using only two components of the over 150 components of habitability of earth. I am not alone because I have God. The poor atheists must be quite lonely.
There certainly would if God created it there...
I soitanly hope so. Nyuk nyuk nyuk
Based on current evidence...Yes.
It's not a joke. Matter does evolve -- Evolution of Minerals (Scientific American).
Are We Alone in the Universe?
Yep. We are. Except for the God of Israel and a few billion angels.
Even if there were advanced civilizations out there, I don’t think they’d be visiting us as frequently as UFO reports indicate.
All evidence thus far points to our being “alone.” Everything else is speculation.
Once upon a time I hoped we were not alone, if only for the curiosity value.
Now I’m afraid there may be other planets where a majority of the global population are morons.