If Obama is receiving mockery, it's the result of 5 years of dishing it out to his enemies.
I have no sympathy for him now.
Obama deserves mocking no matter what color he comes in. It is equal opportunity mocking. We mock Pelosi with him, and that idiot Reid. Yellow, red, and black or white, all God’s children deserve mocking when they are as foolish, boastful, dishonest and dictatorial as Obama. Perhaps Zogby can stuff his race card, and tell us what he likes about Obamacare that deserves fixing. It’s a lemon, like global warming, and we aren’t going to stop mocking Gore, a white boy, so we can help him make global warming work the way he wants it to.
Did anyone tell the democrats to offer fixes to the Iraq war when Bush was president? Was Harry “this war is lost” Reid cry that democrats should get behind Bush and support the war effort? Liberals are scumbags. They completely mess up and cry that the adults don’t ride to their rescue. Enjoy your petard dems.
I kept looking back for the “Semi-Serious News” modifier.
Zogby? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That vile anti-Semitic liar.
Obozo currently is NOT doing ANY of the above.
F that noise, it must be destroyed.
An interpreter of the political scene, Zogby had a brief stint as an aspiring politician himself in 1981, when he ran unsuccessfully for Mayor of Utica, New York. He describes himself as a Democrat, while his polling firm is “independent and nonpartisan”
President Barack Obama’s apology to Americans who are losing their healthcare coverage under Obamacare was “lame” and “it was little, and it was late,” veteran pollster John Zogby told Newsmax on Friday.
“Basically, it was a ‘gotcha’ moment,” he said in an exclusive interview. “He had said on several occasions, and he made it clear, that those with existing plans needn’t worry. Then, as the program rolled out, after the glitches, this was like a one-two punch and this was the second punch, which was that he had misrepresented.
“The apology was like, if I beat you up to a pulp, and then I say I’m sorry that you were beaten up to a pulp ,” Zogby laughed, adding, “Enough said.”
It can’t be fixed, Americans are not going to buy it!
The only support he needs is impeachment, conviction and prison!
Mocked? MOCKED? Obama ought to be brought up on charges of fraud with the intent of defrauding the country, and rot in jail along with Bernie Madofff. EAT CHEEZE (if you know what I mean) ZOGBY...
Mock, Mock, Mock!
Zog can shove his indignation!
Your guy obama is mocking the Constitution of the United States. He gets his way because he mocks Republicans with “elections have consequences.”
Yes, they do, but so does fraud.
Instead of doing what’s best for this country, he’s doing everything he possibly can to destroy us. He majors on the minors, and he covers up the majors. He plays, takes lots of “free” vacays, and rides around in shiny toys. Oh, and he eats lots of yummy ice cream.
Sorry, zog, but obama’s chickens are coming home... to roooost.
Hey Paul - I just put sugar in your gas tank and told you that it would increase mileage and reduce costs. Not to worry - I’ll “fix” it by sending you on a wild goose chase over the WWW for a while. Once you discover that I violated your warranty and made it impossible for you to get another one, I’ll say, “oops, my bad”, and you should then forgive all. Meanwhile, your car still doesn’t run, but don’t worry - I’m fixing it so those who come after you might not have to suffer the same indignity. Too bad that you had to suffer like that - I know I promised that i would make your car l;ast forever and run like a top, but I was unaware that the lies that I agreed to spout would come back to bite me in the ass like this. Just remember that the evil Republicans and warranty companies are to blame for this because they wouldn’t play along with my malfeasance. Now I’m counting on you to spout your usual crap about how i just need a leg up to make all right again - ignore the lies and the damage and make fun of those who don’t think I can be trusted. I’m counting on you Paul. Sorry again about the car, but I really had no idea....
Preach it to Obama, you little puke Zogby. Where the F have you been for the last five years???