President Barack Obama’s apology to Americans who are losing their healthcare coverage under Obamacare was “lame” and “it was little, and it was late,” veteran pollster John Zogby told Newsmax on Friday.
“Basically, it was a ‘gotcha’ moment,” he said in an exclusive interview. “He had said on several occasions, and he made it clear, that those with existing plans needn’t worry. Then, as the program rolled out, after the glitches, this was like a one-two punch and this was the second punch, which was that he had misrepresented.
“The apology was like, if I beat you up to a pulp, and then I say I’m sorry that you were beaten up to a pulp ,” Zogby laughed, adding, “Enough said.”
Must have multiple personalities tailored to the news outlet. I noticed Newsmax used him as their pollster, he had Mc Coughup over Cooch by 10+ the day after Quinnipiac had it <5%.