1 posted on
07/15/2013 10:27:16 AM PDT by
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To: ColdOne
Oh my ass! Who in the hell believes this?
2 posted on
07/15/2013 10:27:46 AM PDT by
To: ColdOne
And I believe it.
3 posted on
07/15/2013 10:28:04 AM PDT by
(China and Russia are playing chess while Obamas's playing 52 card pick-up.)
To: ColdOne
The President who has his hands on nothing, and seemingly leads nothing. The culture of irresponsibility loves this guy for a reason.
4 posted on
07/15/2013 10:28:41 AM PDT by
To: ColdOne
Which means exactly that Obama (or Jarrett) has already personally given the order to go ahead.
5 posted on
07/15/2013 10:29:04 AM PDT by
(Inside of every Liberal beats the heart of a fascist yearning to reveal their true nature.)
To: ColdOne
He already did. Geez...The Martins were at the Whitehouse and before Congress....Pleeeez...This whole thing makes you want to puke.
To: ColdOne
Oh oh—lips moving once again.
8 posted on
07/15/2013 10:29:39 AM PDT by
( (free speech is only good until someone else doesn't like it)
To: ColdOne
Cuz Brother Eric knows what to do! SeewhatI’msayin’?
9 posted on
07/15/2013 10:29:40 AM PDT by
(I'll raise $2million for Sarah Palin's next run. What'll you do?)
To: ColdOne
The POTUS won’t get involved because he doesn’t want to add another loss to his record.
10 posted on
07/15/2013 10:29:56 AM PDT by
(The only crimes that are 100% preventable are crimes committed by illegal aliens)
To: ColdOne
Just how deep can bullshit get? Is there a limit?
11 posted on
07/15/2013 10:30:07 AM PDT by
(white Caucasian)
To: ColdOne
already been involved. lying statement unnecessary.
12 posted on
07/15/2013 10:30:23 AM PDT by
Secret Agent Man
(Gone Galt; Not averse to Going Bronson.)
To: ColdOne
Gotta read between the lines here...
0’ has ALREADY directed holder to bring charges, that is, to make sure there is ‘A’-nother jury. And one which will convict.
So, holder has his marching orders, given sometime before this statement.
13 posted on
07/15/2013 10:30:36 AM PDT by
(When people fear government there is tyranny; when government fears people there is liberty)
To: ColdOne
To: ColdOne
He’s 100% confident Holder knows what the desired course of action is.
15 posted on
07/15/2013 10:32:11 AM PDT by
Paine in the Neck
(Is John's moustache long enough YET?)
To: ColdOne
That’s because the lying turkey has already given his orders to his butt boy Holder.
16 posted on
07/15/2013 10:32:19 AM PDT by
("I am so old that I can remember when most of the people promoting race hate were white." T. Sowell)
To: ColdOne
"The process will be handled in the way it should be.." Then why does the NAACP and Black Panthers have so much power with this Marxist, Mooslim, Kenyan, Steaming Pantload?
Uyghur, PLEASE!
18 posted on
07/15/2013 10:32:41 AM PDT by
(I was trained by the US << This Tagline Censored by FR >> ain't that irOnic?)
To: ColdOne
This half cracker ass is full of it and the entire world knows it. Holder is a racist and would have been more aggressive if Z was a full cracker ass.
Screw this crap and lets get back to what's really important, Benghazi, IRS, NSA.
20 posted on
07/15/2013 10:33:12 AM PDT by
(Stay Thirsty My Friends)
To: ColdOne
Yeah, and the check is in the mail, and Obamacare will lower your costs......
21 posted on
07/15/2013 10:34:01 AM PDT by
Red Badger
(Want to be surprised? Google your own name......Want to have fun? Google your friend's names........)
To: ColdOne
His only real interest in the whole business is whether it will help him win more support and donors.
The main point seems to be that he no longer thinks Trayvon is a political asset. He’s already played that card for what it was worth, and at this stage it can only cause trouble for him.
I’m hoping that Holder the Mobster will see it the same way.
22 posted on
07/15/2013 10:34:04 AM PDT by
(Marcus Tullius)
To: ColdOne
Ooops, too late.
If anyone believes ANYTHING that comes out of 0bama's mouth or that of his admin., is simply a moron.
23 posted on
07/15/2013 10:34:18 AM PDT by
M Kehoe
To: ColdOne; sickoflibs
Limbaugh Theorem strikes again.
24 posted on
07/15/2013 10:34:27 AM PDT by
(Cruz-Paul 2016)
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