3rd world executive branch bump for later....
Clinton aide Josh Steiner said he lied to his diary, and now we have the Obama administration saying they lied to their visitor log.
As usual, the Obozo BULL$HIT machine is working just fine.
Just one more proof of the incompetence of the Obama administration.
you know how bad things are when they would rather have you think they are a bunch of incompetent fools than tell the truth
Amazing how easily this administration lies. And few in the media even lift a finger calling them out on the lies.
So the log bog is more of a suggestion book. Why keep log books if they are not in fact logs. That is sort of the whole freaking point of a log!
“Just call me unreliable!”
Yeah, that’s the ticket! The dog ate my homework.
Pray for America to Wake Up
Lemme guess, “Shulman” is the code name form for his Man’s Country buddies’ sign ins?
.... Oh .... I get it!!! The logic of Barck Obama's Brain is thinking of the wise old ancient Muslim Proverb that he was taught as a kid .... it goes something like this ..... "ONCE is an accident, TWICE is a coincidence, THRICE is a pattern, 157 times is inconclusive."
.... Ahhhhh ... the wisdom of the ancients ...... Makes perfect sense to me!
I haven’t seen my mother 157 times in 4 years. This is the smoking gun. Proves that 0bama was planning part of the IRS assault on conservatives to win re-election. This is far less noteworthy than lying under oath or “plumbers” getting into the opponent’s files.
Why is the Obama Administration constantly reminding me of the OJ Trial? OJ discredited the DNA evidence then the gloves didn’t fit. Now when the WH logs suggest Obama is running a secret police war on political opponents through the handmaiden IRS, he quickly denounces his own “transparent” logbooks as highly unreliable records....very convenient. But it could only mean Comrade Schulman was there more than 157 times and they didn’t record it.
Obama is always knocking down evidence of his mismanagement and then dissembling about the facts.
IRS - attack on political opponents
Fox’s James Rosen - horrendous attack on the First Amendment
Obamacare disaster as job destroyer ‘ not costing taxpayers one dime....’
Fast and Furious
Stuxnet revelations - that Holder wont look at for some reason.
Romney as murderer - Millions spent on a despicable lie he knew nothing about..
Rev Wright - racist psycho for 20 years - ‘didn’t inhale’ defense
Rezsko as criminal paymaster - “boneheaded”
Complete zero academic background
Claimed foreign birth to sell books, then it went away.
Obama - making America like the Soviet Union!
Option B: These people are unbelievably incompetent liars.
How many times was his wife on the WH log....
How many times was his wife on the WH log....
Certainly not visits by persons like Jeremiah Wright or Bill Ayers or members of the Muslim Brotherhood...
It sounds like Jodi Arias, that Clinton aide who reportedly ‘lied to her diary’. Written records may or may not reveal what has happened