Sooner or later, they’re going to have to be glassed.
Only question is: before or after they glass one of our cities?
If I were to be forced to place a bet, I’d bet on “after.”
With the goal of saving even one life being worth the effort, we now must do this.
It is time for Commonsense Muslim Reform.
All Muslims must register with the ATF-M. Any failure to register will result in a 10 year term in federal prison.
All Muslims must maintain 100,000 dollars of liability insurance.
All Muslims must pay a tax of 10 dollars per prayer to Mecca to help offset the cost of emergency operations that result from those prayers.
Muslims shall not be allowed to pass their religion to their children, family members or anyone else without first submitting to a universal background check.
Upon death, the Muslim shall surrender his religion as property of the federal government.
No mosque shall be permitted to have more then seven members. High capacity assault mosques are now outlawed.
No given city is allowed to have more than one mosque.
The families of the victims of these assault Muslims shall be flown around at taxpayer expense to participate in this debate, and they will be allowed to prevail.
America has spoken.
Senators and congresspersons, its time to show some guts.
We are not going to take no for an answer.
Well, now that we know these two individuals are islamic swine, not “right wingers” or tea party members, I demand that Michael Moore be deported. I hope you read this, you fat piece of shit.
It’s islamism, period.
It’s terrible that in wishing islamists destroyed that one must use discretion in not including the President Of The United States even though he is the islamist in Chief.
God help us.
Greenfield - as always - nails it.
A muzzie is a muzzie is a muzzie. It doesn’t matter where they come from; they know the US welcomes them here to spread their filthy designs to infest America just like the turd-world countries they leave behind.
Where there is a sizable Muslim majority or even sizable minority, there is conflict.
Let me put that another way, please, drewh: there may be one or two violent conflicts in the world that aren't Islamic-caused.
Police believe more may be involved!
"Police now believe that more people may be involved, according to NBC's Pete Williams. He said this afternoon that the city's lockdown status may be the result of police believing that the "marathon bombing is the work of more than just two people."
The ISSUE is immigration! ALL of them, including these two jihadi’s have come in LEGALLY!!! And now, the same facilitators want to bring in MORE!
Better learn WHO is behind this AMNESTY which will overwhelm us with more of the same!
Analyst on FoxNews said that the videos these guys posted on youtube showed that they were hard core Jihadists and not just Chechyan freedom advocates. The videos were of the Russians and Americans in Afghanistan, etc. They seemed to become involved in the Jihadi activities and interests about 3 years ago.
He also said that they were in the US because some family member [I didn’t catch which] was here on government-granted asylum, which made all family members eligible to travel to the US with the one granted asylum.
We do. We need to talk about what America can do to help the Russians in hunting down and killing every terrorist in Chechnya who wants to murder innocent Americans, every terrorist in Chechnya who wants to murder innocent Russians, and every other Chechen terrorist. We need to talk about what Russia/England/France/China/Germany can do to help us in hunting down and killing every terrorist in the world who wants to murder innocents anywhere. We need to talk - briefly - and then start treating all terrorists as enemies of civilization who are guilty of crimes against humanity.
Ummat al-Islamiyah is conducting a war against civilization.
The issue isn’t Islamic Terrorism, its ISLAM.
I never heard of a Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Lutheran, Hassidim, Catholic or Zoroastrian “Islamic” terrorist.
This is a cult of death and hate that feeds off fear, hate and ignorance.
And I want to know WHY the idiots in Washington- ALL of them, are letting Muslims into my COUntry in the FIRST place.
The issue is ISLAM. THAT is the fetid nest of all of this. THAT is what continually produces these pre-historic monsters. Destroy the nest, destroy the problem.
NOW can we call for the ‘control’ and banning of Muslims like some want to control and ban INANIMATE OBJECTS?
NOW can we stop looking at little old ladies and babies in strollers and look at MUSLIMS?
NOW can we check the universities these Muslims come to and CLEAN THEM OUT!
NOW do we check all medical students and doctors who are Muslim? Why not?
NOW can we face the enemy?
Or do we play with our cellphones and write countless attacks off as ‘isolated incidents’? Where is the OUTRAGE? Where is the anger? Why are so many just shrugging this off as the price we have to pay for freedom? NO! Freedom for US not the enemy. Blase gets us Beirut and lives with IED’s.
If guns are bad before they do anything- why aren’t Muslims?
I thin k in the long run....Putin will make a public statement. And I think he's gonna tell us we had info on these guys all along.
i thought the president said it was some one mad at tax day!
The chechen culture existed before wahabi came.
While this is essentially, true, the issue has become Chechnya, whether it is politically correct to say so or not. Radical Islamists flocked to Chechnya to help them fight against Russia, the Mujadeen in Chechnya morphed into Al Qaeda.
Take a look at this and tell me that Chechnya is not part of the problem:
The Smell of Paradise -
-An Islamic world tour is documented here by visits to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Qatar, to highlight events post 9/11, including footage taken a few years before.
The film above all endeavors to shed light on the process leading young men to the radical choice of self-sacrifice, becoming human bombs.
The directors of the film traveled for ten years throughout these countries under heavy Muslim influence, and met with clan leaders, mullahs, and other strict followers of the Koran.
The Smell of Paradise was shot in Chechnya, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Qatar and Afghanistan, in places that have become white spaces on the map of Western journalism.
It takes the viewer not only into a different world, but also to another time. The result is a unique glance into the land of the jihad, the mental and physical battle that drives the Islamic fundamentalist movement.