Thank goodness it was random and not a hate crime.
Farrakhan and 0bama have been trying to foment race war. The perps were black, the victims were white. If it were reversed, Jesse Jackson and every other professional race baiter would be there trying to stir up riots.
Its always “random” when two black youths kill a white baby..but had it been the other way around, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would have demanded the suspects be charged with a hate crime
With great sadness am on this thread.
I doubt it would have made any difference if the child were black. The perps are animals plain and simple.
Black kids pick out and kill white baby.
Yea, “random” sums that up I guess.
Is there anyone, anywhere, that honestly believes that this wouldn’t be getting “HATE CRIME OF THE CENTURY” treatment if the races were reversed?
They just happened to be the first random white people these guys could find.
How stupid do these people think we are?
From the comments at the link;
“The mom just acts a little different from what I would expect; granted, I have never lost a child, nor have I witnessed a murder. It just seemed that the mother was just too eager to speak with the news...over and over again. She packed up and donated the child’s clothes the day after the murder. Hew own daughter stated that the mother asked the day after the killing “How long till I get the insurance check”.
The PD released the information because conspiracy nuts, including too many on these threads, believe the mother was involved.
Stipulating even that the mother was not Donna Reed or June Cleaver, and may in fact be pure white trash, does not lead to the automatic conclusion of several FReepers and others that she colluded with these two geniuses to have her child shot in the face.
The Chief of Police made some kind of odd comments:
“Doering still refused to answer the key question, whether West and the suspects know each other, saying it would harm the investigation. He would not say how long the suspects have known each other.”
Lang’s family has said Lang did not know Elkins.
Doering closed the news conference saying, “A truth will come to light at the proper time, just not now.”
Yep, the black professors of hip-hop music was just casually wandering around when a baby carriage tripped the trigger on their hood glock and kilt the white baby.
Tragic but understandable.