Incompetence of the media is not a conspiracy, it is business as normal.
News media telling you how to think about things.
(They are supposed to tell you what other people say and do and just leave it at that. They deny their bias, but it's pretty darn blatant.)
I consider Emilie Parker to be a 21st century version of Schrodinger’s Cat — is she alive? is she dead? The answer has to be: it depends.
Why is his age relevant to this story?
He is well respected on infowars..
Meaning he is a nut case truther. Please make sure everyone knows this.
in 9/11 Truth, Inner Consciousness and the Public Mind
he opines
“With opinion polls indicating at least half of the public distrusting the official account of September 11th, the foremost basis for the war on terror “
which is farcical.
I blame the media and its rush to be the first to report the news. If it wasn't for all the erroneous reporting, we wouldn't have all these whacked conspiracy theories.
He should have included pix of those children ‘murdered’ and were also at the “memorial” with obama.
I am sure the parents of the now buried children would differ.
We saw bloody students, shattered glass, sheet covered bodies, etc. at Columbine. Here at Sandy Hook we see nothing. Why is that?
Misinformation, no transparency, no official police reports.
The Board of Trustees of FAU should be meeting right now, determining how they hired an idiot and terminating his contract right then and there.
The guy crying over his daughter a few minutes after laughing and joking around and then getting into character leaves little doubt (although there is some doubt, admittedly) that he was an actor.
The name "Sandy" seems a little too convenient to me, after Hurricane Sandy. It looks like a marketing ploy to me.
There doesn't seem to be much information on the shooter. None of his neighbors it would appear even knew he existed, according to some MSM reports.
It follows a pattern of the crazed devil-worshiping gunman (Arizona, Colorado) shooting up a crowd with a fully automatic weapon, that seems a bit too consistent to be coincidental.
And qui bono? It comes at a suspiciously good time for the Obama administration.
False flag?
I don't know. I would say that at this point don't believe anything you hear from MSM about this (or anything else for that matter).
"[T]here is a growing awareness that the media coverage of the massacre of 26 children and adults [IS] intended primarily for public consumption to further larger political ends."
Without his outrageous claim his statement of fact never had a chance of ever appearing in any newspaper; with the outrageous claim.. behold! that fact has appeared in one of the tens of thousands of MSM articles. The newspaper employee slipped up. It won't happen again.
This is no more outrageous than the coverup of what really happened that is ongoing now and certainly no more outrageous than the knee-jerk reaction that what happened in Sandy Hook means that all guns are bad and all guns must be confiscated.
Outrageous claims? The libs have a lock on those.
This is the crux of the problem, the more the media practices intentional malpractice in the process of pushing a pointed liberal agenda the much more respected the conspiracy kooks will be among the populace....
I'm not saying that we shouldn't worry about the government's desire to disarm people. I'm saying those who are convinced this event was government-led for that purpose are loony.
I was being fed information from a SHES parent when this was going on.
I wanted to believe that that there were only minor injuries and that there were only a few fatalities (as first reported).
I was being told things were much worse.
The news reports were wrong. They may have been given bad information intentionally to prevent panic and allow for parents to be contacted, but they were wrong.
Here we go, the nutty living in denial folks at it.