Posted on 08/08/2012 10:04:44 AM PDT by US Navy Vet
Omaha high school students this fall will do something the school board has not allowed them to do since the mid-1990s: answer questions about sexual behavior on a federal survey.
Omaha Public Schools board members had previously worried about how the data would be used and noted that students from private high schools were not asked to participate in the survey.
Monday night, however, they unanimously dismissed those concerns in favor of letting organizations and the community learn more about students' behaviors.
We want the information, even if it is misused, said board member Sandra Jensen
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The students are going to lie.
Much ado about nothing. Anonymous survey. Kids post publicly pretty much everything they do sexually or what they like on their Facebook page anyway.
You can't make this stuff up, folks.
This^^^^every pimple faced nerdy male will say he banged the hot 10/10 cheerleaders and every girl will say she is not like the other girls and is pure as new fallen snow.
Oh, geez. I remember filling these out when I was in high school. We all had great fun with it. The first year, we went a little overboard and said things like we had group orgies several times a week. The next year, we toned it down so it’d sound more realistic and would *really* mess with them.
We did the same thing with the drug and alcohol surveys.
16-year-old boys never, ever, LIE about sex, do they? :-)
I'd ask why tax dollars are paying for this, as the info is completely worthless.
Moral Absolutes PING
It's to push an agenda using taxpayer dollars. They don't care if the results are genuine, they will use it to push the agenda regardless.
The question is no longer IF teens should be engaging in premarital sex, it is now WHEN.
Has condom distribution in schools reduced the number of STDs and teen pregnancies/abortions? Or have the numbers continued to climb through the decades?
The sex positive agenda advocates at SEICUS and elsewhere seek to see everyone sexually active at every age and without any moral judgments over sexual pairings of any kind (regardless of sex, age, relation, marital status, number, or species of partners).
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you just can’t make this stuff up today.
Does hse ever read what she states? It doens;t even make sense and why would she want this survey anyway especially based on lies?
What is it with homosexuals and sex lives? They actually think that special rights should be given to them because a guy engages in fecal matter sex or a woman pretends ot be a guy wearing a strap on.
sick and twisted and they wonder why more and mroe people have had enough of them. or why the majority think of them as perverted sick twisted freaks.
They did this once when I was in school. I didn’t go to Omaha (lived north of Fremont), but remember hearing about it.
Friends I knew at the time had a lot of fun making stuff up.
We want the information, even if it is misused,
Spoken like a true utopian. This is actually a pretty frightening statement!
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